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Resources for Sociology in Poland

This guide to research on Polish sociology is by no means comprehensive. It does highlight most of the major sources and search platforms. However, due to the long history and sheer size of this field, which continues to develop, an exhaustive treatment is not possible within the confines of this format. This guide could not have been created without the extensive help from Barbara Bułat, Senior Reference Librarian of the Jagiellonian Library, Kraków. Many of the print sources cited and described in the guide, albeit important to reflecting the totality of the image of Polish sociological research, are rare in US and West European libraries. Without Ms. Bułat’s invaluable assistance, the overview of the available sources would not be nearly as complete.

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Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

Encyklopedja nauk społecznych : (ekonomja polityczna, socjologja, statystyka, hygiena, pedagogika społeczna).

  • Z. 1 / pod kier. kom. red., który tworzą: A. Bȩdkowski [et al.]. – Warszawa : skł. gł. Administracja “Głosu”, 1902-1903. – 48 p. ; 25 cm. OCLC Accession Number: 839084437
  • Z. 2 / pod kier. kom. red., który tworzą: A. Bȩdkowski [et al.]. – Warszawa : skł. gł. Administracja “Głosu”, 1902-1903. – pp. 49-96 ; 25 cm. OCLC Accession Number: 839136402
  • Z. 3 / pod kier. kom. red., który tworzą: A. Bȩdkowski [et al.]. – Warszawa : skł. gł. Administracja “Głosu”, 1902-1903. – pp. 97-144 ; 25 cm. OCLC Accession Number: 839136410

The publication appeared in parts (zeszyty). It was not completed.  Only 3 parts appeared.  They contain entries ‘Abolicjonizm’‘Antropologia’.


Encyklopedia socjologii.

  • T. 1, A-J / [kom. red.: Zbigniew Bokszański et al. ; red. nauk.: Andrzej Kojder et al.]. – Warszawa : Oficyna Naukowa, 1998. – 375 p.; 28 cm OCLC Accession Number: 749196742
  • T. 2, K-N / [kom. red.: Zbigniew Bokszański et al.; red. nauk.: Henryk Domański et al.]. – Warszawa : Oficyna Naukowa, 1999. – 355 p.; 28 cm. OCLC Accession Number: 749196765
  • T. 3, O-R / [kom. red.: Zbigniew Bokszański et al.; red. nauk.: Henryk Domański et al.]. – Warszawa : Oficyna Naukowa, 2000. – 361 p.; 28 cm. OCLC Accession Number: 749196773
  • T. 4, S-Ż / kom. red.: Zbigniew Bokszański [et al. ; red. nauk.: Kazimierz W. Frieske et al.]. – Warszawa : Oficyna Naukowa, 2002. – 376, [2] p. ; 28 cm. OCLC Accession Number: 749556497
  • suplement / kom. red. Zbigniew Bokszański [et al. ; red. nauk. Hieronim Kubiak et al.]. – Warszawa : Oficyna Naukowa, 2005. – 459, [1] p. : portraits ; 29 cm. OCLC Accession Number: 69345637
  • indeksy / kom. red. Zbigniew Bokszański [et al.]. – Warszawa : Oficyna Naukowa, 2007. – 215 s.; 28 cm. OCLC Accession Number: 749834125

According to the compilers, this “… encyclopedia is designed as a compendium of sociological issues being examined worldwide, with a particular emphasis of the problems most prominent in the Polish sociological milieu. The work is addressed to sociologists, representatives of other social sciences, teachers, professional and non- professional organizers of social life, journalists and – what is no less important – to the students of sociology and other social sciences. The encyclopedia is also directed at members of professions where sociology finds practical applications.”

The authors decided that by putting emphasis on contemporary issues, this encyclopedia will not reject attempts at presenting and interpreting more important intellectual trends of the past.  The work also aims to present the most prominent sociologists and their work heritage in a series of biographical entries.  Included are those sociologists who have made significant contributions to the discipline on a global scale. It was decided that these entries will have emphasis on a particular issue.  Thus the entry essays vary in length, and in attempt at a synthesis of a particular issue according to the views of the person who is the subject of the entry.

The entries are focused on the following subject areas: history of sociology, sociology and allied disciplines, epistemological and methodological issues of sociology, large-scale theories of society and culture, theoretical categories of sociological analysis, socio-economic doctrines, ideological trends and social movements, application of sociology in practice.  These sections are the thematic foundation of the encyclopedia, the focus point for selecting entries.  Formally, the encyclopedia has an alphabetical arrangement.  Moreover, this encyclopedia reflects theoretical trends which were developed in Poland, as well as theoretical concepts not widely examined by Polish sociologists, but having a strong influence on sociological studies abroad.


Słownik socjologiczny / Krzysztof Olechnicki, Paweł Załęcki. – Toruń : Graffiti BC, 1997. – 262, [1] p. ; 21 cm.

OCLC Accession Number: 37455910

When selecting the entries, the compilers considered the importance and their own assessment of the frequency of usage of particular terms.  Of great help was the analysis of the more important sociological terms, as well as various foreign textbooks and dictionaries.  This dictionary includes important concepts and names of sociology classics, beginning with Auguste Comte, (the exception are entries devoted in a chronological order to preceding figures: Plato, Aristotle, and Machiavelli.


Słownik społeczny : praca zbiorowa / pod red. Bogdana Szlachty ; zespół autorski Janusz Balicki [et al.]. – Kraków : Wydaw. WAM, cop. 2004. – XX, [2], 1714 p. : charts. ; 24 cm.

OCLC Accession Number: 60550479

The dictionary contains approximately 130 entries devoted to the main issues of the broadly understood social sciences: philosophy of politics, sociology, law, economics, social ethics, Catholic social science, as well as the methodologies of social sciences, management, social psychology, and pedagogy.  The entries are not typical encyclopedic ones, they are not brief ‘informational’ articles, but rather broad, signed essays, which contain historical background, with a focus, however, on presenting key points of current discussions in the field . The entries have been written by leading Polish scholars living in Poland and abroad, representing various academic milieus.


Słownik pojęć socjologicznych dla ekonomistów / Maksymilian Pacholski, Andrzej Słaboń. – Kraków : Akademia Ekonomiczna, 1994. – 70 p. ; 20 cm.

OCLC Accession Number: 749490585

This dictionary is intended for economists, which means that besides presenting concepts and issues typical for general sociology, the authors tried to pay particular attention to the relationship between the economic and social spheres.  This is reflected both in the selection of additional entries, as well as in the presented examples. As a rule the compilers did not include concepts which are explained in general sociology textbooks. The dictionary, however, in some cases provides a broader, more complete treatment of some of these concepts. This work does not present terms related to methods and techniques of sociological research.  It also does not contain information on the life and work of the sociological luminaries. This lack, at least partly, is made up for the persons’ index which concludes the dictionary.


 Słownik pojęć socjologicznych / Maksymilian Pacholski, Andrzej Słaboń. – Wyd. 3 popr. i uzup. – Kraków : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego, 2010. – 276 p. ; 24 cm.

OCLC Accession Number: 750748912

This dictionary is addressed to a broad audience, and its main goal is introducing sociology to persons interested in that discipline. The authors aimed at explaining above all the meaning of terms most often encountered in sociological publications, those which have a special meaning within the area of sociology, or those which play a key role in the conceptual apparatus of sociology. It is thus a dictionary of sociological terms, many of which are also used in the parallel disciplines of the humanities. In the cases where the terms have different meanings in different areas, the authors tried to reflect these differences in the entries. Additional meanings of terms within sociology or social sciences have not been included. The dictionary focuses on contemporary terms.  In some cases the etymology of terms was provided to clarify them better. In many cases the corresponding terms in foreign languages are included.  The entries vary in their structure.  Some simply explain the meaning of the term.  Others try to present the main issues, questions, and differences of opinion associated with the particular term.  At the end of the work the entries are listed by subject, thus allowing the dictionary to be used as a sociology textbook.


Słownik pojęć filozoficzno-socjologicznych : słownik pojęć filozoficzno-socjologicznych, wyrazów obcych i wyrażeń powszechnie stosowanych / Adam Jan Karpiński. – Gdańsk : Wydawnictwo Gdańskiej Wyższej Szkoły Administracji, 2005.

OCLC Accession Number: 500012426

The work has a typical dictionary arrangement, and contains sociological, and perhaps mostly philosophical. Concepts which were viewed as more important by the author have been treated very broadly.


Leksykon socjologii moralności : podstawy, teorie, badania, perspektywy / pod redakcją Janusza Mariańskiego. – Kraków : Nomos, 2015. – 975 p. ; 25 cm.

OCLC Accession Number: 932242550

This lexicon contains several hundred entries.  In the subject entries the emphasis is on terms from the area of the sociology of morality.  These can be divided into a few groups:

  1. Defining the basic subject of sociological research, such as morality, values, norms and moral judgments, etc.,
  2. Key categories used to interpret moral phenomena, such as moral absolutism, human dignity, etc.
  3. Sociological theories of morality and methodological premises
  4. Social life and morality, and the various associated phenomena
  5. Relationship between morality and various areas of social life

The personal entries are devoted the most prominent western sociologists, with a particular emphasis on the classics of the sociology of morality and those who continue their work, as well as Polish sociologists of morality holding a degree of doktor habilitowany.


Słownik biograficzny socjologii polskiej. 

OCLC Accession Number: 49305944

  • 1, A-H / Włodzimierz Wincławski ; Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. – Warszawa : Wydaw. Naukowe PWN, 2001. –
  • 2, I-M / Włodzimierz Wincławski ; Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. – Toruń : Wydaw. Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2004. – XXIX, 385 p. ; 25 cm.
  • 3, N-St / Włodzimierz Wincławski ; Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. – Toruń : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2007. – XXIX, [1], 381 pages; 25 cm.

The second volume of the dictionary contains 225 biographies of Polish sociologists and persons whose research or organizational activity were significant for the development of the discipline. The third volume of the dictionary includes 202 entries for deceased Polish sociologists and persons whose research or organizational activity contributed to the discipline. The entries provide information about the biographies and academic careers of several generations of Polish sociologists, on the shaping of the sociological thought in Poland, and its ties to the research done abroad. It also outlines the development of Polish sociological institutions.  The subject bibliography, as well as archival information included in the entries, make the dictionary a guide to publications and archives.


Leksykon socjologii religii : praca zbiorowa / pod red. nauk. Marii Libiszowskiej-Żółtkowskiej i Janusza Mariańskiego. – Warszawa : “Verbinum”, 2004. – XIV, 497 s. ; 25 cm.

OCLC Accession Number: 749440613

The Lexicon is the first in Poland and the world to provide definitions of terms and subjects from the area of the sociology of religion.  It is a summation of a rich accumulation of research and interpretative theories.  The entries have been authored by 60 scholars, mainly sociologists, and a few psychologists, education specialists, theologians and historians of religion. The lexicon contains 325 entries. In the subject-themed entries the main emphasis is on purely on the sociology of religion, while religious studies are treated in a secondary manner. The personal entries present bio-bibliographical data on Western authors, with a particular emphasis on of the classics of sociology of religion, and contemporaries who continue their work.  Polish authors included are those with post-doctoral degrees (doktor habilitowany). The bibliographic notes added to the subject entries document the state of the art of the Polish and world knowledge in the area of the sociology of religion.

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Subject Bibliographies

Prace Badawcze i Publikacje z Zakresu Socjologii w Polsce / Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk ; oprac. zespół pod kierunkiem Wiesławy Kocyba-Kamińskiej. – Wrocław : Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, 1971-1977.

U of I Library Call Number: 016.301 P881

  • 1969 [wyd. 1971]
  • 1970 [wyd. 1972]
  • 1971 [wyd. 1973]
  • 1972 [wyd. 1975]
  • 1973 [wyd. 1975]
  • 1974/1975 [wyd. 1977]

The publication is comprised of monographs, reviews, journal articles and newspaper articles, as well as information on works being currently conducted. The main source of information are responses to a questionnaire, which was mailed out to units conducting research in the area of sociology and associated fields of study.

The material in this yearly publication has been divided into the following sections:

  1. Zagadnienia ogólne = General issues
  2. Metodologia badań naukowych = Research methodology

III. Ogólna teoria społęczeństwa = General theory of society

  1. Socjologia struktur społecznych = Sociology of social structures

V.Socjologia rodziny = Sociology of family

  1. Socjologia miasta = Sociology of towns

VII. Socjologia wsi = Sociology of villages

VIII. Problemy rejonów uprzemysławianych = Problems of regions undergoing industrialization

  1. Socjologia medycyny = Sociology of medicine
  2. Patologia społeczna i resocjalizacja = Social pathology and resocialization
  3. Socjologia pracy = Sociology of work

XII. Socjologia wychowania = Sociology of upbringing children

XIII. Socjologia kultury = Sociology of culture

XIV. Socjologia religii = Sociology of religion

  1. Socjologia wojska = Sociology of the military

XVI. Socjologia stosunków politycznych = Sociology of politics

Some of the sections are further subdivided into subsections.  The number of sections was growing with each consecutive year.  Some of the items listed is accompanied by annotations.  The publications are supplemented by: name index of the authors of listed works, list of institutions whose work has been noted, subject index.


Socjologia w Polsce : publikacje zwarte i ciągłe / Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii ; oprac. zespół pod kierunkiem Wiesławy Kocyby-Kamińskiej.- Warszawa : Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN, 1978-1979.

OCLC Accession Number: 749537294

  • 1976 [wyd. 1978]
  • 1977 [wyd. 1979]

This edition contains information on monographic publications and journal articles.  Each item, besides an abstract, and in the case of collective works listing the name of the editor and the authors, contains also the call number and abbreviated name of the library holding the item.

The contents of the guide [for year 1977] is an annotated list of works in the field of sociology (or from the intersections of sociology and other disciplines), which appeared in 1977 as monographs or journal articles. Also included are works not meant for publication, and accessible only in the academic units which had prepared them.  Information on the contents of the listed works is provided either by tables of contents, or abstracts which have been created for that purpose. The authors decided not to provide the call numbers of Warsaw libraries holding the works.   As for works which were never published, in each case there is information on where they are stored.  News about the latter were gathered from the questionnaires which were sent to Ośrodek Dokumentacji i Informacji Naukowej IFiS [Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii] PAN through the sociology units of the Polish Academy of Sciences working in tandem with them, universities, and various institutes affiliated with various institutions and consortia. The registered works are arranged alphabetically.  Access is facilitated by the subject index, as well as the alphabetical index of authors and a list of periodicals consulted.


Publikacje Socjologiczne w Polsce w … Roku / Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii ; oprac. zespół: Kazimierz B. Mardoń (kierownik). – Wrocław : Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, 1985-1987.

U of I Library Call Number:  016.301 SO132

  • w 1978 Roku. [wyd. 1985]
  • w 1979 Roku [wyd. 1987]

The goal of the bibliography was the listing of the most important publications, that is books, chapters in collective monographs, articles in scholarly and popular-science journal, which are the heritage of Polish sociology in 1978.  The authors limited themselves to listing publications which came out in Poland, regardless of the language of publication. The bibliographic descriptions and annotations were done de visu.  Annotations were prepared when the table of contents did not reflect the profile of the publication.   Annotations were not used when it was decided the title presents the contents well. The first part, which is divided into 42 parts, there are numbered notes, contains bibliographic descriptions including the abstract. Chapters which have been signed by authors in collective works have been treated as separate, and their bibliographic descriptions have been accompanied by a cross-reference to the collective work where they appear.  The second part of the bibliography is comprised of indexes: author, subject,  list of periodicals, and a list of abbreviations.

The issue 1979 has the same structure.


Bibliografia publikacji z zakresu badań nad strukturą społeczną w Polsce : wydawnictwa zwarte i ciągłe 1918-1972 : opracowanie zbiorowe / pod red. Romana Fršckowskiego i Jana Malanowskiego. – Warszawa : Wyd. Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1976. – [2], XI, [1], 172 s. ; 21 cm.

U of I Library Call Number: 016.3055 C33B

The bibliography contains a list of publications by Polish authors published in Poland in the years 1918-1972, which present the main output of sociological science research in the area of the structure of Polish society. It encompasses monographs and periodicals.

The work is divided into the following sections:

  • Aktywność społeczna = Social activity
  • Czas wolny i wypoczynek = Free time and leisure
  • Kultura = Culture
  • Patologia społeczna = Social pathology
  • Położenie materialne = Standard of living
  • Praca = Work
  • Rodzina = Family
  • Ruchliwośc społeczna = Social mobility
  • Status prawny = Legal status
  • Wykształcenie = Education
  • Zdrowie = Health

The work contains an alphabetical index.  It lists 1,308 items.


Bibliografia socjologii wsi polskiej 1918-1965 : wybór / Lili Maria Szwengrub ; Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Zakład Socjologii Wsi. – Wrocław [etc.] : Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich – Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 1967. – 194, [1] s. ; 24 cm.

U of I Library Call Number: 016.3091438 SZ83B

This bibliography includes publications from the area of the sociology of Polish village and Polish peasant émigré communities, which are contained in bibliographies and scholarly periodicals.  It also includes articles and communiqués published in scholarly journals or journals dealing with rural themes. The bibliography does not encompass items related to non-Polish ethnic groups, nor those on rural sociology written abroad. It is limited exclusively to sociological works on Polish villages and on Polish rural communities residing abroad.

The bibliography is comprised of two parts:

  • Part 1 1918-1939
  • Part 2 1945-1965

In both parts the material is divided into the following sections:

  1. General works.
  2. Socio-economic issues of agriculture.   Population issues.
  3. Social structure of the village. Social mobility.
  4. Farming as a profession (education and agricultural knowledge, attitude towards the profession, social position, views of farmers, professionalization of farmer’s work)
  5. Village family (family, women’s issues, home economics / consumption, youth and youth upbringing)
  6. Village society (local institutions, cooperation, socio-cultural changes)
  7. Information, communiqués, reports.

The work is supplemented by author and subject indexes, separate for each part.


Problematyka społeczna wsi w piśmiennictwie polskim 1901-1988 : bibliografia / Józef Styk. – Lublin : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 1992. – 590, [2] s. ; 24 cm.

OCLC Accession Number: 28351879

The work lists monographs and articles from periodicals which appear no less frequently than each month.  The material is divided into 54 sections.  Within each section the material is arranged alphabetically by name of author.  The work is supplemented by name and geographical indexes.  The work registers 11, 000 items.


Informator o Publikacjach Pracowników Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii / Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii. – Warszawa : Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii, 1974-[1989].

OCLC Accession Number: 932173293

Annual — 1973-1979

Irregular — 1980/1981-

Includes indexes.

Last issue published: 1985/1987 [published 1989].

  • 1973 [pub. 1974]
  • 1974 [pub. 1975]
  • 1975 [pub. 1976]
  • 1976 [pub. 1977]
  • 1977 [pub. 1978]
  • 1978 [pub. 1979]
  • 1979 [pub. 1980]
  • 1980/1981 [pub. 1982]
  • 1982/1983 [pub. 1984]
  • 1984 [pub. 1986]
  • 1985/1987 [wyd. 1989]

This bibliographic compilation of the work of the associates of Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN contains information on the works published in 1984, presented in two sections.  Philosophical works (part I) and sociological works (part II). The work contains information on monographs and articles in Polish periodicals, as well as foreign ones, and in collective publications.  Information on journals and serial publications of the Institute are also included in this source. The bibliographic descriptions of most of the works include abstracts provided by the authors.  The collected material has been arranged alphabetically.  The bibliography contains 259 items in the philosophical section, and 155 items in the sociological section.  Each section is followed by indexes: alphabetical listing of authors’, editors, and reviewers, as well as a subject index.

The next compilation of the work of the associates of the Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN contains information on the works published in the years 1985-1987. It contains information on monographs, articles from Polish and foreign journals, as well as collective works.  Listed also are reviews, translations, and editorial works. The compiled materials are arranged alphabetically, and within the works of a single author the arrangement is chronological.

The work lists 1134 items, contains a list of indexed periodicals and their abbreviations, as well as an author index.



Metodologia badań socjologicznych : bibliografia adnotowana książek za lata 1945-1999 / Krystyna Lutyńska. – Warszawa : Wydaw. IFiS PAN, 2000. – 139, [1] s. ; 21 cm.

OCLC Accession Number: 122973787

Published in 2000, this source reflects only monographs (by individual authors and collective works), as well as these volumes or issues of sociological periodicals (or their parts), which are entirely devoted to methodology.  This bibliography also lists works of foreign authors translated into Polish, and Polish sociological works published in English. It is comprised of five sections and contains 212 items.

The sections:

  1. Methodology textbooks and other general and multi-topic works.
  2. Main methodology topics.
  3. Methods of survey research.
  4. Methods of non-survey research.
  5. Techniques of quantity analysis.

The work contains indexes of authors and editors, as well as a list of abbreviation for publications and institutions.


Metodologia badań socjologicznych. Cz. 2, Bibliografia artykułów metodologicznych w wybranych czasopismach oraz książkach za lata 1945-2000 / Krystyna Lutyńska. – Warszawa : Wydaw. IFiS PAN, 2002. – 153, [3] s. ; 21 cm.

OCLC Accession Number: 749496260

Published in 2002,  this bibliographic guide lists articles from periodicals and collective works on methodology.  Included are works published in Poland in the years 1945-2000, written by Polish and foreign authors in Polish, and by Polish authors in English.  In the case of periodicals the author used sociological publications, as well as some others in the humanities and social sciences. The bibliography registers only articles.  Reviews and reports (e.g. from conferences, on the work of research institutions, research initiatives, etc.) are not included.  Neither are reminiscences written in memoriam, bibliographies and polemics. As far as the books, these are methodological collected works, and selected sociological collected works, which may contain sociology-themed articles.  Articles have been selected from a total of 50 books.  The bibliography does not contain textbooks, monographs and various selection of texts which have a textbook-like character.  All of these publications were listed and annotated, however, in the previous volume of the bibliography, which was devoted solely to monographs.

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Online resources/catalogs/indexing databases

Insytut Filozofii i Socjologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk — Institute of Philosophy and Sociology Polish Academy of Sciences


The center, established in 1992, “offers services for other research institutions on advice, training, methodological supervision of research and research audit.” Its website provides useful information into the current initiatives of Polish sociological studies.


Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne—Polish Sociological Society


The society’s page, which is unfortunately available only in Polish, provides, among others, information on the conferences and other sociology-related events.  In the section “Dokumenty” the site provides numerous full-text articles and conference presentations, as well as other sources related to sociological research in Poland.


Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Krakowie – Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Pedagogical University in Kraków


The full list of the work of the associates of the institute is available via the database created by the Main Library of the university.

The following link connects to the institute page which includes the description of the bibliography project: http://www.ifis.up.krakow.pl/o-instytucie/publikacje/bibliografia/

Clicking on the link provided in the above leads to a searchable interface of the bibliography: http://bgbase.up.krakow.pl/biblio/bibliografia/index.php?base=bib

The Institute is a home to several institutions including: The Polish Society of Ethics, The Polish Karl Jaspers Society and The Søren Kierkegaard Center.


Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego – The Sociology Institute of the University of Warsaw


The page provides, among others, information on the current research and events organized by the institute.


Studia Socjologiczne

A major sociological journal.  Its online page: http://www.studiasocjologiczne.pl/

This page leads to an archive of summaries going back to 1961: http://www.studiasocjologiczne.pl/p,199,archiwum.html


Polish Sociological Review


The Journal of the Polish Sociological Association. First published in 1961 as The Polish Psychological Bulletin. This quarterly, peer-reviewed and internationally abstracted journal, publishes contribution from diverse areas of sociology with focus on social theory, social structure, social change, cultre and politics in global perspective. It also highlights publications of Polish and foreign  sociologists. The website contains summaries of articles; many are available in full text.




Argument is an open access online journal published twice a year.  All articles are double blind-refereed. It publishes contributions from Polish and international scholars presenting their original research in philosophy as well as interdisciplinary and comparative studies. The archive of the journal provides links to the tables of contents and full text of several recent issues.


Studia Sociologica


The editorial board describes the journal as follows: The broad scope and variety of topics relating to the phenomena, processes and trends emerging in the new socio-cultural European area enable us to envisage long-lasting research and publishing plans. It makes us use English as a tool for communication between thinkers and researchers from various countries and research institutions and to monitor their efforts through an international advisory board. Hence, ‘Studia Sociologica’ has become an international journal involving analyses and research papers written by academics from various institutions.”


Studia Socjologiczno-PolityczneSeria Nowa


The title of the journal harkens back to the Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne, published 1957-1968.  The Seria Nowa – New Series addition points to a new, broader approach, no longer strictly bound to the Marxist theory.


List of databases on the homepage of the Jagiellonian University Library (Kraków)


The following is a general list, but the databases are applicable to sociological research.

  • Ogólnodostępne bazy i informatory polskie—Freely-accessible Polish databases and guides
  • Polska bibliografia narodowa – Polish national bibliography
  • Bibliografie bibliografii – Bibliographies of bibliography
  • Bibliografie zawartości poszczególnych czasopism – Biblographies of periodical contents
  • Polskie informatory w Internecie – Polish guides on the internet
  • Bazy biograficzno-bibliograficzne – Bio-bibliographical databases
  • Bibliografie regionalne – Regional bibliographies
  • Bibliografie publikacji pracowników instytucji naukowych w Polsce – Bibliographies of publications of Polish scholars (employees of scholarly institutions)
  • Bibliografie dziedzinowe, bazy i serwisy tematyczne – Subject bibliographies, subject databases and internet service points
  • Katalogi centralne – Central catalogs


Databases maintained by the Polish National Library (Warsaw)

National Bibliography and specialized bibliographies; bibliological bibliographies

Searching in the above databases is possible via: author, title, series, title word, subject heading, general subject, title of collected work, periodical title. Several types of compound searches are accessible via the button.

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