This section has been prepared by Barbara Bulat of the Jagiellonian University Library (Biblioteka Jagiellonska), Kraków, Poland.
“Names of Polish women, some written in the annals of Literature, others in the history of our nation, whose glory has spread throughout the world. Their memory should be dear and holy to us, for their glory is a part of the nation’s glory, their valiant deeds and social distinction are the pride of this land where we also live, and their learned works are our and our descendants’ inheritance.”
Jan Sowinski, 1821
The following list of guides, bibliographies, biographies and commentaries relating to Polish women is a selection of the more important works, including the ones most often cited. As with searching for the literature on any subject, one should not neglect to consult the current Polish national bibliography: “Przewodnik Bibliograficzny” and “Bibliografia Zawartosci Czasopism,” as well as the subject and regional bibliographies.
All the items were described de visu and call numbers of the Jagiellonian Library stacks and the call numbers of the reference collection of Oddzial Informacji Naukowej of the Jagiellonian.
Guides, Encyclopedias, General Works
Kronika kobiet. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo “Kronika.”
Marian B. Michalik, 1993, 640 p.
OCLC Accession Number: 49931249
The goal of “Kronika kobiet” is presenting the history of the world (until 1992 inclusively) from the women’s point of view and focusing on women’s activities. “Kronika” contains: 176 chronologies, approx. 2500 brief entries on women’s history, about 1800 subject entries, 15 review articles discussing various periods in women’s history, approx. 1650 illustrations, as well as a supplement with a detailed personal index. The Polish edition of “Kronika kobiet” is a translation of a German publication enriched by inclusion of materials relating to Poland and Polish women.
Kopalinski, Wladyslaw: Encyklopedia “drugiej plci.”
Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza Rytm, 1995, 711 p.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: Czytelnia Glowna A 276
The encyclopedia is composed of 4 parts: part 1 contains biographies of women from different historical periods and countries, women who contributed to the civilization, particularly in the areas of culture, art, science and literature. Part 2 shows figures from myths, legends, epic poems, drama, novel, opera, the Bible. Part 3 is a selection of opinions on women found in literature, journalism, and proverbs, ranging from antiquity until the present day. The entries of part 3 are arranged in alphabetically arranged subject entries. Part 4 contains information related to women’s issues from a variety of areas and epochs, such as women’s institutions, position within the family and society, anatomical problems, physiology, sex, dress and fashion, etc.
Wrochno, Krystyna: Kobiety w Polsce.
Warszawa: “Interpress,” 1969, 98 p.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 650860 I
This slim volume provides information on the subject of women in the Polish People’s Republic. It discusses the position of women in education, presents problems connected with professional development and advancement, characterizes legal and societal emancipation of women in family and public life. The national and international involvement of Polish women in women’s movement is also discussed. Bibliographical information is included in the text and in the footnotes.
Women’s Organizations
Organizacje kobiece w Polsce. [in:] Almanach Kalendarz Zwiazku Pracy Obywatelskiej Kobiet: rok 1932.
Warszawa, 1932, pp. 217-229.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 203764 II
The section provides information on 46 women’s organizations in Poland in the 1930’s.
Informator o organizacjach i inicjatywach kobiecych w Polsce. – Wyd. 4.
Warszawa: Fundacja Centrum Promocji Kobiet, 2000. – 503 p.
OIN Call Number: A 390
The guide, with parallel texts in Polish and English contains information on women’s organizations in Poland. For each organization, wherever possible, the following information is provided: address, phone, fax, email, name of person in charge, status of the organization, year of inception, territorial reach, number of members and/or employees, description of activity, internal structure, program, actions undertaken, achievements, forms of work, cooperation with domestic and foreign institutions, forms of financing. The organizations are grouped as follows: informal federations, clubs, etc.; fund-raising organizations; foundations; religious organizations; union and party organizations; research centers; other organizations which are in involved in women’s causes, besides other activity. The work includes indexes of names, organizations and institutions, subjects. The previous editions of the guide appeared in: 1993, 1995, and 1997.
Women in Statistics
Kobieta w Polsce: dane statystyczne.
Warszawa: Glowny Urzad Statystyczny, 1968, 209 p.
Jagiellonian Call Number: 852401 II, 643828 II
The work contains statistical information reflecting the changes in the social status of women in Poland in the years 1950-1967. Table of contents: Introduction; Basic demographic data, Women in education; Women in the national economy; Women in the family; Socio-economic conditions of women; Women in social and cultural life; Women in other countries; Supplement.
Kobieta w Polsce.
Warszawa: Glowny Urzad Statystyczny, 1975, 154 p.
Jagiellonian Call Number: 733531 II
This second GUS publication devoted to Polish women contains basic statistical information showing the changes that took place in the situation of women in the years 1960-1974. Table of contents: Introduction; Demographic data; Women in education; Professional activity of women; Woman in the family; Some data on the socio-economic status of women; Women in the political, social, and cultural life of Poland, International comparisons; Supplement: National awards presented to women in the years 1949-1955 and 1964-1974; Titles and print runs of books by selected Polish women authors (1944-1974, 1974); Polish women-medal winners of the Olympic Games (1928-1972); Polish women-sports world champions (1931-1974) and European champions (1938-1975); Sports world records set by Polish women (1925-1974).
Kobieta w Polsce.
Warszawa: Glowny Urzad Statystyczny, 1985, 116 p.
Jagiellonian Call Number: 876977 II
This publication is the third in the GUS series devoted to women. The first appeared in 1968 and contained statistical data for years 1950-1966, the second one, published in 1975, contained information for the years 1960-1974, the third shows the changes in the social situation of women in the years 1975-1983.
Table of contents: Introduction; Demographic data; Women in education; Professional activity of women; Woman and the family; Some data on the socio-economic position of women; Women in the political, social, and cultural life of Poland; International comparisons; Supplement: National awards presented to women in the years 1976-1984; Titles and print runs of books by selected Polish women authors; Polish women – medal winners in the Olympic Games; Polish women – winners of world and European championships.
Dzietnosc kobiet w Polsce/ [Jan Paradysz]: Narodowy Spis Powszechny
Warszawa: Glowny Urzad Statystyczny, 1992 (Materialy i Opracowania Statystyczne NSP ’88)
Jagiellonian Call Number: B64726 III
The publication contains a discussion of the results of studies conducted along with the National Census of 1988, on the numbers of children born to Polish women,. The work used also results of similar studies undertaken during the National Census of 1970. A supplemental bibliography of 130 entries, describing the Polish and foreign publications on the fertility of women is included on pages 120-125.
Bienkowska, Teresa: Miedzynarodowy Rok Kobiet.
Poradnik Bibliotekarza R. 27: 1975 nr 4/6 p. 81-109.
Jagiellonian Call Number: 405332 II 1975
The work is an annotated selection of books published after 1960 on the subject of women (in various historical periods). The material (about 140 entries) is divided into the following sections: Selection of literary sketches on women; Women in combat; Women yesterday and today; Women’s memoirs; Working women in the Polish People’s Republic; Women’s organizations; Materials on women’s artistic performances; Social and patriotic women – activists; Famous women of different countries.
Torbin, Matylda: O kobietach dawnych i niepospolitych: wybor literatury za lata 1960-1976.
Wroclaw: Wojewodzka i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. T. Mikulskiego, 1977, 17 p. ( Materialy metodyczne dla bibliotekarzy)
Jagiellonian Call Number: A 75357 I
“This bibliographic compilation contains items on the subject of women who made significant contributions to Polish and world’s cultures. Not included are works of fiction, brochures (with a few exceptions), and periodical articles. The selected works are arranged thematically, and alphabetically by author’s name within each subject.” (Introduction, p.1). The table of contents is as follows: Participation of women in science and culture; Heroism and participation of women in the wars of liberation; Participation of women in the social and political life; Women in power and at royal court. The publication contains 171 entries. The personal name index aids in using the book.
Wegierek, Monika: Przeglad wazniejszych polskich publikacji feminologicznych po roku 1980.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny. R. 40, nr. ½, (1995), pp. 417-449
also in English:
Wegierek, Monika: Review of the most significant Polish women’s studies publications after 1980/ Transl. by Katarzyna Jaskolska-Wegierek.
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny. R. 40, nr ½, (1995), pp. 451-485.
Jagiellonian Call Number: 415977 II 40
The article discusses Polish achievements in the field of Women’s Studies. Included are selected monographs (both by single and collective authors) published in Poland in the years 1980-1995. “Chosen were only such items which are either cited often in other works, or contribute something significant to our knowledge on women’s issues, or are examples of Polish approaches to the subject matter examined also by researchers in other countries” [p. 449].
Women’s History
Guides to Literature on Women’s History
Wawrzykowska-Wierciochowa, Dionizja: Stan badan nad dziejami kobiety polskiej.
Kultura i spoleczenstwo t. 7: 1963 nr 1, p. 97-110.
Jagiellonian Call Number: 416443 II 1963
The guide discusses the state of research on Polish women. The text and footnotes provide a large volume of bibliographic information concerning the social and political history of Polish women.
Bylina, Stanislaw; Urban, Waclaw: Kobiety staropolskie: osiagniecia historigrafczne i problemy badawcze.
Kieleckie Studia Historyczne 1991, t. 9, p. 133-148.
Jagiellonian Call Number: 420525 I 9
The article discusses Polish research works on Polish women of XV-XVIII centuries, general works on Polish women, works on Polish women in the Middle Ages, and biographical materials on women of XVI-XVIII centuries. Bibliographical information is included in the text, as well as in the footnotes.
Titkow, Anna; Zander, Leonie: Frauen unter Druck [in:] Die Frau in der polnischen Gegenwartskultur/ hrsg. Von Walter Koschmal.
Köln: Böhlau Vlg., cop. 1996 pp. 31-67.
Jagiellonian library Call Number: B 138270 II
The article discusses Polish and foreign works on the role of women in Poland in the 19th and 20th centuries. Also, on pp. 64-67 under the heading “Literatur”, one finds a bibliographic list of approximately 60 mostly Polish items on the subject.
Women in Various Historical Periods
Wojcicki, Kazimierz Wladyslaw: Niewiasty polskie: zaryz historyczny.
Warszawa 1845, 311 p.
Jagiellonian Call Number: 65667 I
“In this work we provide historical sketches about Polish women from the XVI century until the times of Stanislaus Augustus [XVIII century] . The materials we used for this purpose can be found by the reader in the footnotes. Working on this subject, until know almost untouched, I wanted, at least in part, to fill the void, which could be perceived in the big picture of the family life of our ancestors. For who will doubt, even for a moment, what a great, important and beautiful half of the nation are our women.” (Introduction, p. XXXIX).
Chometowski, Wladyslaw: Stanowisko praktyczne dawnych niewiast.
Warszawa 1872, 72 p.
Jagiellonian Call Number: 3261 II
“We aimed at providing only a few sketches from the past, which we compiled from printed and handwritten sources, in order to present the actual situation of women in the XVI, XVII and XVIII centuries.” (p. 1). The work gives interesting insight into everyday lives of Polish noblewomen in the period covered.
Charewiczowa, Lucja: Kobieta w dawnej Polsce: do okresu rozbiorow/poslowiem opatrzyla Jadwiga Suchmiel.
Poznan: Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Nauk, 2002, 153 p. (Mala Biblioteka PTPN; t. 6).
Jagiellonian Call Number: B 250122 I
This is one of the first monographs dedicated to the history of Polish women in the period preceding the Third Partition, i.e. up to 1795. The first edition of the work was published in Lviv in 1938 and to this day has not lost any of its research and informational value. The author presents various aspects of women’s life, mostly regarding noblewomen and townswomen. Described are women’s upbringing, position in marriage, occupations, writing. On pages 122-127 the work provides a selected bibliography of 75 mostly Polish items on the subject.
Wawrzykowska-Wierciochowa, Dionizja: Rycerki i samarytanki.
[Warszawa]: Wydaw. Min. Obrony Narodowej, [1988]. – 270, [2] p., [24] p. , tables, portraits, drawings.
Jagiellonian Call Number: B 15084 I
The book presents the participation of Polish women in the fight with foreign invasions from the times of the Piast dynast unitl mid 19th century. A bibliography of 146 items can be found on pp. 267-271. Unfortunately, the work does not provide indexes.
Targosz, Karolina: Sawantki w Polsce XVII wieku: aspiracje intelektualne kobiet ze srodowisk dworskich/ Komitet Historii Nauki i Techniki PAN.
Warszawa: Wydaw. Retro-Art, 1997, (Rozprawy z Dziejow Nauki i Techniki; t. 6) 534 p., illustrations.
This is the first Polish work on the intellectual pursuits of Polish noblewomen of the 17th century. The sources for the book include manuscripts and printed works of the time. The author reconstructed the women’s milieu at the courts of two queens: Ludwika Maria Gonzaga, and Maria Kazimiera Sobieska. Also presented are women of other social spheres. The work presents intellectual awakening taking place among the women of the period: the study of foreign languages, readings in literature and science, beginnings of women’s writing, their interest in medicine, patronage of astronomy, and participation in scientific discoveries. Bibliographic information is contained in the text and in the footnotes. A list of 40 selected sources in chronological arrangement can be found on pp. 477-482.
Rudzki, Edward: Damy polskie XVIII wieku.
Warszawa: Wydaw. Veni, 1997, 424 s. ; ill.
Jagiellonian Call Number: BJ: B 138225 II
The book presents several portraits of 18th century women who played an important role in the political, cultural or social life of Poland. Although the work has a popular character it is based on original sources and scholarly literature. The list of materials used, comprised of some 260 Polish sources, is shown on pages 398-405.
Kuklo, Cezary: Kobieta samotna w spoleczenstwie miejskim u schylku Rzeczypospolitej szlacheckiej: stadium demograficzno-spoleczne.
Bialystok: Wydaw. Uniwersytetu w Bialymstoku, 1998, 267 p.
Jagiellonian Call Number: B 158807 II
This monograph is an attempt to show the situation of single women: unmarried, widowed, abandoned or divorced, in the city milieu of the 1790’s (the final years of the so called “Rzeczpospolita szlachecka”). In the subchapter “Wspolczesna orientacja oraz dorobek nauki obcej i polskiej” (p. 18-35) the author discusses foreign and Polish works on the history of women. The work provides a list of manuscript and printed sources.
Konopka, Stanislaw: Polska bibliografia lekarska dziewietnastego wieku: (1801-1900). T. 4: J- Krakow
Warszawa: Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich, 1977
Jagiellonian Call Number: 813711 II, 548405 II.
On pages 412-416 the work provides bibliographic descriptions of 19th century publications on women. The subjects include women’s anatomy, emancipation, physiology, gymnastics, hygiene, professional work, psychology, education, social issues, women-pharmacists, women-physicians.
Wawrzykowska-Wierciochowa, Dionizja: Z dziejow kobiety wiejskiej: szkice historyczne 1861-1945.
Warszawa: Ludowa Spoldzielnia Wydawnicza, 1961, 325 p.
Jagiellonian Call Number: 813711 II, 548405 II
This monograph discusses the situation of Polish village women from the 1660s until 1945. The historical sketches comprising the book discuss the role of women in peasant movements (ruch ludowy) and in women’s professional and economic organizations. Bibliographic notes are contained in footnotes. The work includes a name index.
Kalwa, Dobrochna: Kobieta aktywna w Polsce miedzywojennej: dylematy srodowisk kobiecych.
Krakow: Towarzystwo Wydawnicze “Historia Iagellonica”, 2001
Jagiellonian Call Number: B276551 II
The book aims to reconstruct the social roles fulfilled by women in Poland in the years 1918-1939, and to analyze the influence of these roles on the broadly-defined activities of women in the public and private spheres. The footnotes to the introduction (pp. 5-24) contain numerous bibliographic entries of Polish works on women, particularly on women’s history. Works used in researching the book are listed on pages 161-178. It lists archival collections, periodicals (38 items), printed sources (112 items), memoir literature (43 items), feature films (9 items), scholarly works (284 items).
Women in Polish Uprisings, Revolutionary Movements and in WWII
Wawrzykowska-Wierciochowa, Dionizja: Nie po kwiatach los je prowadzil: kobiety polskie w ruchu rewolucyjnym.
Warszawa: Iskry, 1987, 338 p.
Jagiellonian Call Number: B6363 II
“[This book is] a panorama of the lives of women who were active socially in the very interesting period from the end of the 18th century to the 1918, when the emancipation movement went hand in hand with the social, revolutionary, and freedom struggles” (from the note on jacket). The work is rich in bibliographic information, the selected bibliography on pp. 310-319 contains 230 items. The work includes a name index, which applies also to the bibliography.
Baranska, Anna: Kobiety w powstaniu listopadowym 1830-1831.
Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1998 (Zrodla i monografie/ TN KUL; 168)
OIN Call Number: J 2232
“The book is dedicated to the patriotic activities of women in the years 1830-1831 on the territory of Krolestwo Polskie. Due to the type and content of the preserved source materials, the work focuses on Warsaw. The monograph has an analytical character. It contains the classification and the typology of women’s activities. The approach to the treatment of the participation of Polish women in independence movement has a comprehensive character. Besides various practical efforts supporting the uprising, such as nursing , care of orphans and the needy, fundraising, etc., the work also presents the efforts towards shaping public opinion and a whole spectrum of emotional involvement” [from the note on the cover]. A bibliography consisting of some 280 items, listing manuscripts, printed works, memoirs, newspaper titles, poetry collections, etc. is included on pp. 341-353.
Kozlowski, Eligiusz: Bibliografia Powstania Styczniowego.
Warszawa: Wydaw. Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, 1964
OIN Call Number: J 2272
The subchapter “Kobiety i mlodziez w powstaniu” (Women and youth in the uprising) lists on pp. 472-473 the works on the subject published up to 1961.
Malecki, Jerzy: Paszkowska, Wanda: Kobieta polska w II wojnie swiatowej: materialy bibliograficzne.
Warszawa: Centralna Biblioteka Wojskowa. Wojskowy Instytut Historyczny, 1973, 156 p.
OIN Call Number: J 2460
This is a partially annotated bibliography including Polish monographs and journals for the period of August 1939 – May 1973. The work focuses on the participation of women in the war: assisting soldiers and partisans, participating in underground organizations. The subject of underground education, prison camp memoirs was treated in less detail since there already exist bibliographies on the subject: Wanda Kiedrzynska, “Materialy do bibliografii hitlerowskich obozow koncentracyjnych: literatura miedzynarodowa 1934-1962, Warszawa 1964”; Jerzy Lutkowski, “Bibliografia obozu koncentracyjnego Oswiecim-Brzezinka. Cz. 1-5. Warszawa, 1968-1970.” The bibliography encompasses 1875 entries and is arranged in seven sections. The work provides indexes of persons and of geographical names.
Czarnecka, Regina: Archiwa wojska jako zrodlo wiedzy o sluzbie wojennej kobiet
[in:] Sluzba Polek na frontach II wojny swiatowej: materially sesji popularnonaukowej w Toruniu w dniach 16-17 listopada 1996 roku/ pod red. Elzbiety Zawackiej. Cz. 3: Komunikaty i glosy.
Torun: Fundacja “Archiwum Pomorskie Armii Krajowej,” 1999, pp. 271-283.
OIN Call Number: J 2461
“[…] The bibliography is an attempt to document the entirety of materials on women in military service in the years 1939-1945. It registers about 2500 publications, both Polish and foreign, for the years 1939-1945, published in Poland and abroad. The bibliography lists monographs and periodical articles. The bulk of the work is contained within four sections. Bibliographic descriptions within each section are arranged alphabetically [by name of author]. The exception is the section on biographies, where the arrangement is by the subject of biography. The bibliography is supplemented by the index of: authors, co-authors, editors and reviewers, as well as periodicals used” (p. 6).
Mackowska, Maria: Pomocnicza sluzba kobiet w Polskich Silach Zbrojnych w okresie 2 wojny swiatowej.
London: Veritas Foundation Publication Centre, [1990].
Jagiellonian Call Number: B 33915 II rara
The book focuses on the auxiliary service of women in the Polish Armed Forces during WW II. The bibliography, on pp. 121-144, is divided into the following sections: Archival Sources, Printed Sources (memoirs, military orders, government documents), General Works (only those discussed in the book), Supplemental Literature (materials used in writing of the book, peripherally related to its subject). The bibliography lists Polish and foreign items, approx. 550 in all.
Brzozowska, Ewa; Cenian, Wieslawa; Uryga, Kamila: 1 Samodzielny Batalion Kobiecy im. Emilii Plater: zestawienie bibliograficzne / Wojewodzka Biblioteka Publiczna w Jeleniej Gorze.
Jelenia Gora: WBP, 1987. – [1], 27 p.: err.
Jagiellonian Call Number: B 18897 II
The bibliography lists works dealing with the history of the Emilia Plater Women’s Battalion (formed in 1943). Included are Polish language monographs (including fiction), fragments of books, and periodical articles published in the years 1945-1984 (approx. 154 items).
Cebo, Lechoslaw: Wiezniarki w obozie hitlerowskim w Oswiecimiu-Brzezince.
Katowice: Uniwersytet Slaski, 1984 (Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Slaskiego w Katowicach; nr 526)
Jagiellonian Call Number: 420737 II 526
The book presents issues connected with the extermination of women prisoners and the role of forced labor in that process. A bibliography is provided on pp. 133-140 – “Zrodla i literatura” (archival and printed sources – 46 entries, general works – 91 entries).
Dziewulska-Losiowa, Aniela: Konwoj strzela bez uprzedzenia: Polki w wiezieniach i lagrach sowieckich (1944-1956)/ Towarzystwo Literackie im. Adama Mickiewicza. Oddzial Bialostocki. – Bialystok: TLAM. OB : Zaklad Teorii i Antropologii Literatury w Instytucie Filologii Polskiej.
Filia Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 1994. – 300, [2] p. : facs, phot, map, portr. – (Biblioteka Pamieci i Mysli ; 9. Non Omnis Moriar).
Jagiellonian Call Number: B 101009 II
The work presents the fate of Polish women in Soviet prisons and concentration camps in the years 1944-1956. The first part provides “A list of Polish women arrested by the NKVD from July 1944 until December 1955.” Most of these arrests were for the membership in Armia Krajowa (AK) or for support given to it, on the territories of the Vilnius and Nowogrod voivodships. The list includes personal data and bios of the women, address before the arrest and after release, as well as the sources of information used in compiling the entry. The rest of the book is taken up by reminiscences of the women prisoners.
Women and Law
Podbierowa, Eugenia: Pozycja kobiet w dokumentach prawa miedzynarodowego.
Poznan: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. A. Mickiewicza, 1975 (Nauki Polityczne/ Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza, Instytut Nauk Politycznych; 2).
Jagiellonian Call Number: 723887 II
The work consists of five parts: Equal rights for women (and the legal status of women’s participation in the work of the League of Nations and the United Nations); Protection of women’s rights in international documents and in laws of different nations, Political rights of women, Economic and social rights of women, Cultural rights of women. The bibliography, contained on pp. 187-198, lists the sources used in researching the book: United Nations documents (78 items in French and English), International law documents (approx. 30 entries, published in “Dziennik Ustaw”), Monographs and articles (80, mostly Polish, items).
Boruta, Irena: Rownosc kobiet i mezczyzn w pracy w swietle prawa Wspolnoty Europejskiej: implikacje dla Polski.
Lodz: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1996.
Jagiellonian Call Number: B 146922 II
The work is dedicated to the legal regulations adopted by the EU in the area of women’s equality and the implication of these regulations for Polish law. The bibliography contained on pages 182-189 includes 240 Polish and foreign entries. Also, on pp. 6-7 there is a list of the European Court of Justice, and on pp. 8-9 a list of normative acts of the European Union regarding equal rights for women.
Women’s Education
Karbowiak, Antoni: Bibliografia pedagogiczna.
Lwow; Warszawa: Nakl. Ksiaznicy Polskiej Tow. Nauczycieli Szkol Wyzszych, 1920.
OIN Call Number: G 351
The section on pp. 178-184, “Wychowanie kobiet”, lists publications for the years 1901-1910.
Bibliografia dziejow oswiaty i wychowania w Galicji 1772-1918/ pod red. Andrzeja Meissnera i Stefana Mozdzenia.
Rzeszow: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, 1992.
OIN Call Number: G 404
On pp. 74-79 the work provides bibliographic information on publications devoted to women’s schools in Galicia for the years 1772-1918. Listed are general works as well as ones focusing on particular schools. Included are items published until 1990.
Mozdzen, Stefan I.: Bibliografia historii wychowania za lata 1918-1939.
Wroclaw: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 1978.
OIN Call Number: G405
Bibliographic information on works on the subject of women’s schools is given on pp. 136-137. Listed are Polish items published between 1918-1939 and treating the period until 1918.
Wychowanie i nauczanie: przewodnik do wydawnictw pedagogicznych i dydaktycznych.
Cz. 1: S.A. Ksiaznica-Atlas T.N.S.W./ oprac. Jan Piatek i Kazimierz Sosnicki.
Lwow: Ksiaznica Atlas, 1932.
Cz. 2: Obejmujaca wydawnictwa ksiegarn: M. Arct, Gebethner i Wolff, Ksiegarnia sw. Wojciecha, Nasza Ksiegarnia oraz ciag dalszy wydawnictw Ksiaznicy-Atlas/ oprac. Kazimierz Sosnicki.
Lwow: Warszawa; Poznan.
OIN Call Number: G 352
In volume I on pp. 180-181 we find a list of publications on schools for girls (publications of Ksiaznica-Atlas); in volume 2 on pp. 234-235 there is a list of works on the upbringing of women (publications of: M. Arct, Gebethner i Wolff, Ksiegarnia Wojciecha, Nasza Ksiegarnia, Ksiaznica-Atlas).
Hulewicz, Jan: Sprawa wyzszego ksztalcenia kobiet w Polsce w wieku XIX.
Krakow: Nakladem PAU, 1939 (Archiwum do dziejow Oswiaty i Szkolnictwa w Polsce/ PAU; nr.5), 274 p.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: Czytelnia Glowna K 53 t.5
The book chronicles the history of Polish women’s struggle for higher education, as well as the ideological debates in the literature and the press on the subject of the scope of women’s education. Bibliographical notes are contained in the footnotes. The work provides indexes of persons and towns.
Mrozowska, Kamilla: Kobiety polskie w nauce i oswiacie. [in:] Kobiety polskie: praca zbiorowa.
Warszawa: Ksiazka i wiedza, 1986, p. 236-271.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 885360 I
The article reviews the issue of the access of Polish women to education throughout the history. There is a brief bibliography of 35 items on pp. 270-271.
Walka kobiet o dopuszczenie na Uniwersytet Jagiellonski [in:] Lipska, Helena; Tatarowicz Kazimiera; Bibliografia pismiennictwa do dziejow Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego.
Krakow: UJ, 1967, pp. 190-191.
OIN Call Number: E 1413
The work provides a list of sources and commentaries on the struggle of women for entry to the Jagiellonian University – 17 items published up to 1964.
Perkowska, Urszula: Studentki Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego w latach 1894-1939: w stulecie immatrykulacji pierwszych studentek.
Krakow: “Secesja,” 1994 (Biblioteka Krakowska; nr 132)
OIN Call Number: E 1425
The monograph is dedicated to women students of the Jagiellonian University of the years 1894-1939. Presented are: the organization and development of university programs including women (stages of women entering the university, types of students, statistics, age of women). Also discussed are the socio-economic, ethnic and religious background of women students. An annex provides a list of women students killed in the years 1939-1945. Bibliographical information is contained in the footnotes. The work includes a persons index.
Suchmiel, Jadwiga: Kariery zawodowe lekarek ze stopniem doktora wyksztalconych w Uniwersytecie Jagiellonskim, podlegajacych pod Krakowska Izbe Lekarska do r. 1939: w stulecie immatrykulacji studentek medycyny.
Czestochowa: Wydaw. Wyzszej Szkoly Pedagogicznej, 1998, 222 p.
OIN Call Number: E 1428
The book presents the professional careers of women MDs educated at the Jagiellonian University. Discussed are their places of employment, salaries, retirement benefits, ability to participate in the activities of various professional organizations, their contributions to professional literature, inclusion in editorial boards of professional publications, Decorations received, their image in public opinion. The work covers the period from the second half of the 19th century until 1939. The Introduction discusses the research on the access of women to the medical profession. On pages 185-202 bibliographical notes are included, citing archival sources, periodicals and research works (approx. 133 items).
Suchmiel, Jadwiga: Zydowki ze stopniem doktora wszech nauk lekarskich oraz doktora filozofii w Uniwersytecie Jagiellonskim do czasow II Rzeczypospolitej.
Czestochowa: Wydawnictwo Wyzszej Szkoly Pedagogicznej, 1997, 38 p.
OIN Call Number: E 1427
The book discusses the situation of Jewish women PhD students at the medical and philosophy departments of the Jagiellonian University up to 1917.
Suchmiel, Jadwiga: Udzial kobiet w nauce do 1939 roku na Uniwersytecie Jagiellonskim.
Czestochowa: Wydawnictwo Wyzszej Szkoly Pedagogicznej, 1994, 292 p.
The work is divided into the following sections: Women’s attempts to gain entrance to the Jagiellonian University, Doctorates granted to women at the Jagiellonian University, PhDs in medicine and philosophy granted to women in the years 1900-1917; The beginnings of employment of women as faculty at the Jagiellonian University, ‘Upper doctorate’ (habilitacja) degrees conferred on women at the Jagiellonian University up to 1939, PhD degrees in law, agronomy, medicine, pharmacology, and philosophy, granted to women at the Jagiellonian University in the years 1918-1939.
The book is rich in biographical and bibliographical material. A special index lists all the women who gained the doctoral title at the Jagiellonian University up to 1939. The index is arranged alphabetically by name, included in the entry are: name, year of conferring of the degree, field of study, topic of dissertation, advisor’s name). The book is supplemented by a bibliography, a list of sources used, and a name index.
Suchmiel, Jadwiga: Dzialalnosc naukowa kobiet w Uniwersytecie we Lwowie do roku 1939.
Czestochowa: Wydawnictwo WSP, 2000, 368 p.
The book is comprised of the following sections: The Lviv University during the Galicia period; Lviv as a center of initiatives supporting the educational aspirations of women; The beginnings of women classes at the Medical and Philosophical departments of the Lviv University, General characteristics of the doctorates gained by women at the Lviv University in the years 1903-1939; Women PhDs and lecturers at the Lviv University in the Galicia period, Doctorates and ‘higher doctorates’ (habilitacja) of women at the Jan Kazimierz University in the years 1918/19-1939; Conclusion – Educational policy at the Lviv University and its effectiveness. The book offers a wealth of biographical and bibliographical information. An alphabetical list provided gives the names of all the women who received a PhD diploma at the Lviv University up to 1939. The list provides the women’s names, place and date of birth, field of study, year of obtaining the diploma, subject of doctoral dissertation, name of adviser. There is also a bibliography of sources used and a name index.
Kempa, Grazyna: Edukacja dziewczat i kobiet slaskich: (od konca XIX wieku do wybuchu II wojny swiatowej).
Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, 1996, 194 p. (Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Slaskiego w Katowicach; 1609).
Jagiellonian Call Number: 420737 II 1609
This monograph discusses the upbringing and education of girls and women in the Silesia region from the end of the 19th century until 1939. The bibliography on pages 179-189 includes Polish publications on the upbringing and work of Polish women, with the particular emphasis on Silesia. The bibliography contains archival materials, research works, reports, statistical publications, periodicals, etc.
Women’s Periodicals
Zaleska, Zofia: Czasopisma kobiece w Polsce: (materially do historii czasopism): rok 1918-1937.
Warszawa 1939, 263 p.
OIN Call Number: D 942
The work presents information on over 200 Polish women’s periodicals which appeared in 1818-1937. The data were gathered from surviving copies of the periodicals, reviews, and information from persons involved in publication of the periodicals. The 19th century periodicals are discussed chronologically, the 20th century ones are listed by subject: women’s liberation movement, political organizations, socio-economic issues, literature and sociology, civil defense and physical education. Further, listed are: periodicals of Catholic organizations, women’s schools, women alumni organizations, as well as publications for peasant women, city women, mothers, as well as fashion journals, knitting and sowing, home economics, healthcare, periodicals for maids, and calendars and almanacs. Columns for women in periodicals are also included in the list. The book is supplemented with lists: a chronological one, list of places of publication, and an alphabetical list of titles of periodicals. The bibliography provided at the end of the work includes books and articles on women’s press and women journalists, as well as works on the women’s movement and the development of the women’s press.
Grekowicz, Michalina: Polskie czasopismiennictwo kobiece w dobie obecnej. [in:] Almanach Kalendarz Zwiazku Pracy Obywatelskiej Kobiet: rok 1932.
Warszawa, 1932
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 203764 II
On pp. 170-174 one finds a brief discussion of women’s periodicals of the 1930s.
Ukrainski periodychni vydannia dlia zhinok v Halychyni (1855-1939 gg.): anotovanyi kataloh/ [uklad. V.A. Peredyrii], NAN Ukrainy, Lvivska Naukova Biblioteka im. V. Stefanyka, Naukovo-Doslidnyi Tsentr Periodyky. Lviv, 1996. 190 [2] p.
OIN Call Number: D 1006
The first part of the book consists of an annotated catalog of Ukrainian periodicals for women in Galicia in the period 1853-1939, in the collection of the Stefanyk Lviv Research Library. The catalog lists 22 titles, in chronological order by the year of first issue. The annotations include information on the origins of the periodical, its staff and topics discussed, as well as a list of sources used in creating the entry. The second part of the work consists of reprints of selected articles from the periodicals described in part I. The book provides bios of journalists, publishers, and social activists, connected with the periodicals. There is also a selected bibliography and alphabetical indexes of personal names and periodical titles.
Sokol, Zofia: Prasa kobieca w Polsce w latach 1945-1995.
Rzeszow: Wydawnictwo Wyzszej Szkoly Pedagogicznej, 1998. 459 p.
OIN Call Number: W 765
Note on cover: “The book includes a description of the half-century period of Polish press in Poland: from the end of WW II until the end of 1995. It deals with the period of Polish People’s Republic, the transformation of press in 1990, and five years of development of periodicals in the 3rd Polish Republic, against the background of the development of the women’s movement, state’s policy towards women and their social situation in particular periods of the post-war history of Poland.” On pp. 369-422 we find a list of women’s periodicals published in the years 1945-1995, which registers 345 titles. The annotations are supplemented by a bibliography of publications on the subject of a given periodical. Pages 439-459 list about 400 works which were the basis for the monograph. Included are Polish and foreign works on journalism studies, with a particular emphasis on women’s press. The monograph includes also a list of publishers of women’s journals for 1945-1995 and a list of editors and assistant editors.
Works on Individual Periodicals
Wieland, Hanna. Dwutygodnik dla Kobiet: pismo beletrystyczne i naukowe, 1881-1885.
Poznan: Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, 1998. (Spis Zawartosci Pracy Wielkopolskiej, z. 10) (Prace Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu, nr. 22). 58 p.
OIN Call Number: D1325
This annotated bibliography lists the contents of “Dwutygodnik dla Kobiet,” which came out in the years 1881-1885. The book is divided into sections, with each section arranged chronologically by the date of publication of particular issues. The bibliography, listing 501 items, is supplemented by a subject and author indexes.
Zawalska, Maria: “Swit” Marii Konopnickiej: zarys monograficzny tygodnika dla kobiet.
Wroclaw: Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich, 1978. 224 p.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 769880 II
The monograph discusses the history of a women’s weekly which appeared in the years 1884-1887. The contents of the work: Women’s periodicals and the origins and program of “Swit”; bibliographic description of “Swit”; Editors and collaborators; Publisher, wages, censorship; A description of the “Swit” profile; The periodical’s reception in the light of letters to the editor and contemporary press articles; Maria Konopnicka’s contributions to “Swit.” The notes to the text contain bibliographical entries. The book provides a personal name index.
Women’s Issues, Emancipation, Feminism
Walewska, Cecylia: Bibliografia prac w jezyku polskim z dziedziny ruchu kobiecego [in:] Cecylia Walewska, W walce o rowne prawa.
Warszawa, 1930.
[also in:] Na strazy praw kobiety: pamietnik Klubu Politycznego Kobiet Postepowych/ Sylwia Bujak-Boguska (ed.).
Warszawa, 1930. pp. 163-167.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 202527 II
The work lists about 60 items and 10 translations of books and article reprints published in the years 1535-1930 and devoted to women’s issues.
Podkowiak, Anna: Kobiety wczoraj i dzis.
Warszawa: Biblioteka Narodowa, 1975. (Poradniki Bibliograficzne/ BN. Instytut Bibliograficzny). 80 p.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 731749 II
The guide was prepared to commemorate the International Women’s Year. It lists books on women’s issues published after 1945. Included are works which approach the subject in a comprehensive fashion, presenting social issues against the historical background. The 82 entries are discussed in the following sections: Women’s history, Women in the fight for national independence and social equality (the November Uprising, the January Uprising, the Revolution of 1905, the Revolution of 1917, the Silesian Uprisings, WW I, WW II), Situation of women in the Polish People’s Republic (general works, work, family), Polish women of distinction. All the descriptions contain brief abstracts. The book contains indexes of authors and titles.
Chyra-Rolicz, Zofia: Zwiazki ruchu emancypacji kobiet ze spoldzielczoscia na ziemiach polskich przed 1939 r.
Warszawa: Spoldzielczy Instytut Badawczy, 1993.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: A 204861 III
The work explores the connection between the emancipation movement with cooperative enterprises in Poland before 1939. The introduction discusses the research on the Polish women’s movement and the sources serving as the basis for the work, such as archival materials of various women’s organizations, articles from the press, women’s movement and cooperative movement periodicals, memoirs of women’s movement activists. Detailed lists of the sources used for the book are found on pp. 470-484, comprising about 300 Polish and foreign items. The annex, on p. 453, lists women active in cooperatives and women’s organization in the Bialystok, Krakow, Lublin, Lwow, Luck, and Wilno in the years 1937-1938.
Stegmann, Natali: Die Töchter der geschlagenen Helden: “Frauenfrage,” Feminismus und Frauenbewegung in Polen 1863-1919.
Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz Vlg., 2000 (Quellen und Studien/ Deutsches Historisches Institut Warschau; Bd. 11)
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 201543 II
This work presents the process of emancipation of women in Poland after the partitions: from the fall of the January Uprising until the gaining of voting rights in the restored Polish state. In writing the book the author used periodical articles, brochures and monographs published by the women’s movement and the liberal intelligentsia, biographical and autobiographical works, scholarly works of different type. The list of some 500 Polish and foreign sources, under the heading “Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis,” are listed on pp. 245-269.
Women’s Work, Protection of Women’s Work Rights
Jonczyk, Jan: Ochrona pracy kobiet i mlodocianych w polskim przemysle w latach 1918-1939.
Warszawa: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1961.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 539398 II
The work discusses the protection of the work rights of women and adolescents in the Polish industry (with Upper Silesia not included) in the years 1918-1939. Contents: the work of women and adolescents in industry; The development of laws protecting the work rights of women and adolescents; Work time and leisure time; Protection of health and life; Protection of motherhood; Education of adolescents and their work rights. On pp. 337-347 we find a list of some 230 sources. A name index is included.
Bibliografia ekonomicznych i spolecznych zagadnien pracy.
Pismiennictwo polskie za lata…
OIN Call Number: K 2701
In the section “Zatrudnienie” (Employment) we find a section “Praca kobiet” (Women’s work). The subsections discuss: general issues, women’s work in different branches of industry and in various professions, professional work and homemaking.
Wygladala, Ewa: Problemy pracy kobiet w Polsce i w swiecie: 1979-1993: ( literatura polska i obca w wyborze).
Warszawa: GBPiZS, 1994, 182 p. (Bibliogafie/ Glowna Biblioteka Pracy i Zabezpieczenia Spolecznego; [46])
OIN Call Number: K 2711
The bibliography includes selected Polish and foreign literature for the years 1979-1993, on the subject of women’s work. Included are monographs, journal articles, and legislation. As the basis for the bibliography the author consulted the collections and publications of Glowna Biblioteka Pracy i Zabezpieczenia Spolecznego. The material (807 entries) is divided into two parts: Problems of women’s work in Poland, Problems of women’s work in the world. Within these parts there is further division into thematic sections. Some of the entries are annotated. The bibliography includes indexes: alphabetical and geographical.
Wygladala, Ewa: Rownouprawnienie i praca zawodowa kobiet w Polsce i w swiecie: 1994-1997: (literatura polska i obca w wyborze)/ Glowna Biblioteka Pracy i Zabezpieczenia Spolecznego.
Warszawa: GBPiZS, 1998. – 148 p. (Bibliografie/ Glowna Biblioteka Pracy i Zabezpieczenia Spolecznego)
OIN Call Number: K 2712
This bibliography list selected Polish and foreign literature for the years 1994-1997, relating to equal rights for women and women’s work in Poland and abroad. Registered are monographs, journal articles, legislative acts, PhD dissertations and post doctoral research. In compiling the bibliography the authors used the collections and publications of Glowna Biblioteka Pracy i Zabezpieczenia Spolecznego. The material (464 items) is divided into two parts, dealing with Polish, and foreign issues of women’s work and equal rights. Each of the parts is divided into thematic sections. Some of the entries are annotated. The bibliography includes a geographical and alphabetical indexes.
Dach, Zofia: Praca zawodowa kobiet w Polsce w latach 1950-1972 i jej aspekty ekonomiczno-spoleczne.
Warszawa: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1976
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 752330 II
The work discusses women’s work in Poland in the years 1950-1972. The most important bibliographic works used in the work are listed on pp. 277-284 (110 monographs, 50 articles, 25 statistical sources).
Dach, Zofia: Aktywnosc zawodowa kobiet w krajach socjalistycznych.
Krakow: Akademia Ekonomiczna, 1980 (Zeszyty Naukowe/ Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie. Seria specjalna: Monografie; nr 45)
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 411173 II 45
The work compares the professional activity and the profile of women’s employment and education in the communist bloc countries of Eastern Europe. The author discusses the factors that influence the differences between the situation of women in the workplace in different countries. On pp. 221-247 the author provides a bibliography registering the more important works used in researching the book: monographs, articles, and statistical source materials. The bibliography contains some 340 Polish and foreign works.
Sokolowska, Magdalena: Kobieta pracujaca: socjomedyczna charakterystyka pracy kobiet.
Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna, 1963, 229 p.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 581547 I
On pp. 196-207 we find a list of selected medical, sociological, and economic publications. Listed are some 184 Polish and foreign items.
Szuman, Alicja: Aktywnosc zawodowa matek a funkcje spoleczne rodziny w cyklu jej rozwoju.
Poznan: Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej, 1995 (Zeszyty Naukowe/ Akademia Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu. Seria 2: Prace Habilitacyjne; z. 140)
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: A 400937 II 140
This work discusses the influence of the employment of mothers on the social functions of the family. The work is based on a 1989 nationwide survey of 2753 Polish mothers (both employed and unemployed). The work provides a bibliography of 251 Polish and foreign works (213-222).
Women in Sport
Sykut, Maria: Sport kobiecy: Bibliografia z lat 1957-1967.
Warszawa: Instytut Naukowy Kultury Fizycznej. Zaklad Sportu, 1968, 199 p.
OIN Call Number: S 101
This is an annotated bibliography of Polish and foreign works on women’s sport. Included are books, periodical articles, and college theses completed in the departments of kinesiology (in Poland). The 337 entries are divided into 7 thematic sections: History of women’s sport, Psychological problems, Medical problems, Sports training (Physical ability, Teaching methodology, Training methods), Results and history of women’s sports achievements, Mass sports activity of women, Rules and regulation of women’s sports. The bibliography is accompanied by indexes of authors and sports disciplines.
Sport kobiet: bibliografia za lata 1968-1977/ [oprac. Elzbieta Kania pod red. Anny Skalowskiej-Wrzeszcz].
Warszawa: Osrodek Informacji Naukowej Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego, 1978, 137 p.
OIN Call Number: S 101
From the introduction, “On the occasion of selecting year 1978 a Year of Women’s Sport, the most valuable scientific and professional publications on the subject for the years 1968-1977 were compiled. [.] The information is provided in the form of bibliographic entries and annotations characterizing the contents of the work. In the end of the bibliography there is a subject index. [.].” The bibliography includes Polish and foreign books and periodical articles. The material, 734 entries, is arranged alphabetically by author’s name.
Kobieta, sport, zdrowie/ pod red. nauk. Antoniego K. Gajewskiego.
Warszawa: Polskie Stowarzyszenie Sportu Kobiet, 1998
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 247577 II
On pp. 204-230 we find a list of mostly Polish sources on women in sports used in the work (some 700 items).
Women Authors
Sowinski, Jan: O uczonych Polkach.
Warszawa; Krzemieniec: N. Glücksberg, 1821, 195 p.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 5228 I
HathiTrust full-text:
The book lists the works of 40 Polish women authors, both Sowinski’s contemporaries and those from earlier periods. Biographical information is provided for some authors, and in some cases brief discussion of the work is included.
Estreicher, Karol: [Autorki] [w:] Estreicher, Karol: Bibliografia polska XIX stuleci. T. 1.
Krakow, 1872, pp. 48-52.
Estreicher, Karol: Autorki polskie: (dopelnienie spisu) [w:] Estreicher, Karol: Bibliografia polska XIX stulecia. T. 6: Dopelnienia.
Krakow, 1881 p. 24.
OIN Call Number: D 184
Also: Estreicher, Karol: [Autorki Polki] [in:] Estreicher, Karol: Bibliografia polska XIX stulecia. Wyd. 2. T. 1
Krakow 1959, p. 233-237
OIN Call Number: D185.
The above citations refer to an alphabetical list of Polish women writers, beginning with earliest records, which was reprinted from a separate work by Estreicher on Polish women authors. Fragments of this work were published in a periodical “Niewiasta” 1862. The list includes name and/or pseudonym, the period when the author lived sometimes indicated by dates of birth and death, sometimes only a single year, in other cases only the century is indicated. Also give are the language in which the author wrote, abbreviation of journal titles where works were published. The earliest date provided is year 1502 (Elzbieta Austriacka), the latest is 1978 (in the addendum).
Borkowska, Grazyna: Czerminska, Malgorzata; Phillips, Ursula: Pisarki polskie od sredniowiecza do wspolczesnosci: przewodnik.
Gdansk: Wydawnictwo slowo/obraz terytoria, 2000, 216 p.
OIN Call Number: H 1491 c
The authors write about the work: “Our Guide presents a panorama of Polish women authors spanning nine centuries, from the Middle Ages until the end of the XX century [.]. We focused mostly on presenting education, although we also formulate interpretative suggestions and general conclusions. [.] We used both a lexicon formula and the format of a literary criticism work, presenting the writers in a chronological order and including them in a continuous narration, presenting the basic elements of the historical background of various periods. We took into consideration the attitudes of the authors to women’s issues, however we put the strongest emphasis on the works of each author, unfortunately, out of necessity, in a brief fashion. The alphabetical list of names will aid in finding the authors within the historical chronology, and basic bibliographical information will help in further research.” (p.4).
Charewiczowa, Lucja: Stanowisko kobiet polskich w popularyzatorskiej i naukowej pracy historycznej.
Lwow, 1933, 28 p. [Reprint from: Kwartalnik Historyczny, R. 47 t. 2 z. 1]
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 366655 II
The article discusses the role of Polish women in publishing historical research, both in popular and specialist literature. Bibliographical notes are contained within the text and in the footnotes.
Konopka, Hanna: Rola i miejsce kobiet w historiografii i popularyzacji historii w Polsce do roku 1939. [in:] Bialostockie teki historyczne/ [red. Mieczyslaw Wrzosek]. T. 2
Bialystok: Dzial Wydawnictw Filii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego w Bialymstoku, 1996, pp. 81-99.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 402106 I 2
The work discusses the role of women in popularizing history and their contribution to the development of historical research in Poland, particularly in the area of historical didactics, until 1939. Bibliographical information is included in the footnotes.
Jakubowska, Barbara: Kobiety w historiografii polskiej do 1939 r.: (komunikat). [in:] Srodowiska historyczne II Rzeczypospolitej. Cz. 2: materialy konferencji naukowych w Cedzynie i Bialymstoku w 1986 i 1987/ pod red. Jerzego Maternickiego; Centralny Osrodek Metodyczny Studiow Nauk Politycznych.
Warszawa COM SNP, 1987, p. 334-347.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 6597 II 2
The communiqué lists names of Polish women, which from the XVIIIth century until 1939 authored popular historical works, historical textbooks, and specialist historical publications.
Materialy do bibliografii pismiennictwa kobiet polskich: (do r. 1929): nauki matematyczno-przyrodnicze i nauki stosowane/ pod red. Marii Loriowej.
Lwow: Nakladem Oddzialu Lwowskiego Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Kobiet z Wyzszym Wyksztalceniem, 1934, 274 p.
OIN Call Number: N 203
The book lists research publications from the field of mathematics and natural sciences published up to 1929, which were authored or co-authored by Polish women. The list was prepared based on periodicals and bibliographies. The material is divided into the following sections: mathematics (57 items); astronomy (22 items); meteorology (47 items); physics (149 items); chemistry (210 items); geology, crystallography, mineralogy, paleontology, petrography (83 items), geography, regional studies, travel (326 items), anthropology, ethnography, ethnology (413 items); botany (423 items); zoology (495 items); medicine including physical education and veterinary medicine (1746 items); farming (400 items); technology and industry (81 items); miscellanea (94 items). Items within each section are listed alphabetically by the name of author. The book provides a list of journal titles abbreviations and a name index.
Kosmowska, Irena; Mikuszyc, Dorota; Szycowna, Aniela: Kobieta polska jako autorka pedagogiczna: bibliografia ksiazek z dziedziny wychowania, podrecznikow i literatury dla mlodziezy, poprzedzona wstepem historycznym.
Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sekcji podagogiczno oswiatowej projektowanej Wystawy pracy kobiety polskiej, 1912. – 72 p.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 362732 II
The bibliography lists books on pedagogy, authored by Polish women in the years 1812-1912. The material is divided into 3 groups: monographs and brochures on pedagogy, child psychology and school hygiene; textbooks and teaching aids; books for children and youth. Within each section the entries are arranged alphabetically by author’s name.
Sociology of Women
Szanter, Stanislaw: Socjologia kobiety/ Z przedmowa Jana St. Bystronia.
Warszawa: Wydawnictwo B. Kadziela, 1948, 452 p.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 259786 III
Bibliographical information is contained in footnotes, also on pp. 421-434 one finds a bibliographical supplement of some 400 items listing Polish and foreign works from the following fields: general sociology, women’s movement, feminism, biology and gynecology, history of culture, pedagogy, economics, psychology, eugenics, and anthropology.
Tryfan, Barbara: Kobiety w rolniczych rejonach swiata/ Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa).
Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1979
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 798656 II
This work is an attempt of presenting the issues of women living in the agricultural regions of the world, with a particular emphasis on their professional and family roles. The materials presented refer mostly to the first half of the 1970s. Chapter 1 presents the state of research on rural women: in the communist countries of Eastern Europe, in the European democracies, in countries outside of Europe, and in Poland. On pp. 207-211 we find a bibliography including approx. 140 Polish and foreign works.
Tryfan, Barbara: Kwestia kobieca na wsi/ Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa.
Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1987
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 8682 II
The first part of the work discusses the results of research conducted from 1984 to 1985 on the social and professional situation of Polish women living in rural areas. The second part presents the results of a comparative study of women in different rural areas of Europe, focusing on the societal changes taking place in the years 1976-1982. The bibliography on pp. 250-253 lists 108 Polish and foreign works.
Tryfan, Barbara: Pozycja spoleczna kobiety wiejskiej: stadium badawcze na przykladzie rejonu plockiego.
Warszawa: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1968
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 648219 II
The book presents the issues of the position of rural women in the family and in the society in the 1960s. The bibliography on pp. 335-345 lists materials on the selected problems of rural families and the specific issues of industrial regions, with most of the items pertaining to women’s issues. The bibliography covers: Polish materials until 1939 (29 items), Polish materials post-1945 (138 items), foreign materials (71 items).
Czyzyk, Teresa: Kobieta w rodzinie chlopsko-robotniczej.
Bydgoszcz: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, 1990
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 58847 II
The monograph discusses the role of women in peasant/worker families (rodziny robotniczo-chlopskie) in Poland in the years 1976-1983. On pp. 145-151 one finds a bibliography of some 220 Polish works.
Wieruszewski, Roman: Rownosc kobiet i mezczyzn w Polsce Ludowej.
Poznan: Wydawnictwo Poznanskie, 1975.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 730879 I
The work is dedicated to equal rights of women in the Polish People’s Republic. Table of contents: Historical aspects of the problem of equality of men and women; Equal rights of women in Polish law; Problems of women’s education; Women in the workplace; Women in managerial positions; Social effects of equal rights of women; Women’s movement in the Polish People’s Republic. A selected list of 70 items used in researching the work is given on pp. 227-231.
Biographical Dictionaries
Slownik uczestniczek walki o niepodleglosc Polski 1939-1945: polegle i zmarle w okresie okupacji niemieckiej.
Warszawa: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1988. – 616 p.
OIN Call Number: J 249
The dictionary has 4430 entries and 510 short biographical notes presented in the form of tables. The selection of bios was guided by a criterion of participation in combat action against the Nazis and/or participating in activities for which the occupying forces meted out the death penalty. These included, among others: service in the Polish Army, service in the partisan units, participation in underground teaching, giving assistance to persons sought by the Nazis, giving aid to Jews, assisting escaped POWs, certain activities in pre-war Poland, etc. Also included are bios of female medical staff mobilized in 1939, political prisoners, women foreigners who died serving in Polish military units, or were executed for participation in the Polish underground. The use of the dictionary is aided by supplemental materials provided at the end of the volume. These include: additional information concerning the main women’s organizations and underground military cells, additional information on the Nazi prisons and camps, an outline of the administrative division of Poland in 1939, an index of pseudonyms, and an index of geographical names.
Bury, Joanna: Slownik biograficzny kobiet w ruchu oporu wojewodztwa przemyskiego 1939-1944. T. 1. Przemysl: Swiatowy Zwiazek Zolnierzy Armii Krajowej. Zarzad Oddzialu w Przemyslu: Zwiazek Kombatantow Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i Bylych Wiezniow Politycznych.
Zarzad Wojewodzki w Przemyslu, 1998. – 258 p.
OIN Call Number: J 2460 c
Volume 1 contains bios of women who participated in the civil defense of Przemysl in August-September 1939 (13 entries); fought in the units of: the Home Army (Armia Krajowa) (101 bios), Bataliony Chlopskie (63 bios), Polish Army 1939-1945 (26 bios); who were prisoners of Nazi camps (15 bios); who were deported (5 bios). All of the above women hailed from the Przemysl region or fought/were active in that region. The biographical entries were based on materials of the Archiwum Akt Zarzadu Wojewodzkiego Zwiazku Kombatantow Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i Bylych Wiezniow Politycznych w Przemyslu, and Archiwum Akt Swiatowego Zwiazku Zolnierzy Armii Krajowej (Oddzial w Przemyslu).
Collections of Biographical Sketches
Slawne Polki.
Warszawa: Towarzystwo Lacznosci z Polonia Zagraniczna “Polonia”, 1975, 101p.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 724629 III, B 69176 III
The work presents 49 bios of famous Polish women from different historical periods.
Krol, Stefan: 101 [Sto jeden] kobiet polskich: slad w historii.
Warszawa: “Ksiazka i Wiedza”, 1988. – 542, [2]s. : faks., portr.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 17951 II
The work is comprised of 101 biograms of Polish women, who lived between the 15th and 20th century. The criteria for the selection of the women included in the work were as follows: pioneering character of their activity in the areas of work, science, art, social and political life; unique contribution to Polish culture; great deed which has become a symbol of patriotism and social involvement.
Rudzki, Edward: Polskie krolowe.
Wyd. 2. – Warszawa: “Novum”, 1990.
T. 1 Zony Piastow i Jagiellonow. – 1990. – 301, [3] s. : fot., portr.
T. 2 Zony krolow elekcyjnych. – 1990. – 389, [3] s. : faks., fot., portr. Wyd. 1: 1985-1987
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 47817 II
The work presents the biographies of 26 Polish queens, who ascended the throne after the so-called separation into fiefdoms (rozbicie dzielnicowe). This is a work aimed at a more general leader, nevertheless it does provide a bibliography (t. 1: p. 297-302, 233 items; t. 2: p. 345-350, 269 items. A name index is found at the end of volume 2.
Kuchowicz, Zbigniew: Wizerunki niepospolitych niewiast staropolskich XVI-XVIII w.
Lodz: Wydaw. Lodzkie, 1972 [i wyd nast.], 462 p.
Jagiellonian Library Call Numbers: 690216 I, 688763 II, wyd. 2 (Lodz 1974): 706775 I
“[The book] is a collection of sketches written for a broad audience. It is an attempt to present to the reader women from Polish history who stand out for a variety of reasons. An attempt to remind some of them to the reader as well as to point out how multifaceted and, for the most part, active was their role in shaping the sociological processes. I present here a gallery of women of different backgrounds, varying intelligence, subscribing to different ethical norms. They also differed from each other with their talents and interests.”[from the Introduction, p. 8-9].
The work is a type of a biographical dictionary, encompassing persons of different social classes: three members of royal families, eight noblewomen, two townswomen, two frontier women (“wilczyce kresowe”), one adventurer of peasant background, two poets, and one physician. The bibliographic notes are contained in footnotes and on pages 448-457 (a selection of more important works, 153 in total).
Kobiety wielkopolskie w dzialalnosci narodowej, spolecznej i wyzwolenczej (1788-1919).
[Poznan]: Miejska biblioteka Publiczna im. E. Raczynskiego, [1975].
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 742304 II
The work presents 13 biographies of women from the Wielkopolska region. The entries include lists of literature used.
Kochanowska, Eugenia: Zony slawnych mezow. – Wyd. 2.
Warszawa: Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 1989, 260 p.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 35073 I
The monograph is comprised of 34 biographical sketches of women-wives of luminaries of Polish culture, art, and science of the 19th and 20th century. This is a work aimed at a broad audience. It does, however, provide a list of 96 literature items (pp. 257-259).
Artystki polskie: katalog wystawy/ [red. nauk. Katalogu Agnieszka Morawinska; aut. Ryszard Bobrow et al.]; Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie.
Warszawa: MN, 1991. – 283, [1] s. : il. (w tym kolor.), portr.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: A 199675 III
This is a richly illustrated catalog of an exhibition which took place in the National Museum in Warsaw in 1991, which presented the artistic achievements of Polish women. The main part of the catalog is comprised of about 200 biographies of women of different walks of life who in different historical periods (mostly 19-th and 20-th centuries) who were active in the arts. Each entry, besides biographical data, includes a bibliography of the most important items relevant to the artist and a description of selected artifacts.
The catalog does not include all Polish women artists. The selection of names was limited, among other reasons, by degree of preservation of their works and their accessibility. To provide a fuller documentation of the creativity of women in the area of the arts, the work provides two addendums: a list of art schools which educated women before they were allowed entry to the Akademia Sztuk Pieknych, and a list of exhibitions presenting only women’s works. The latter include exhibitions organized up to 1939 organized in Poland, as well as foreign ones in which Polish women participated as a group. On pp. 70-71 we find a general bibliography in a chronological arrangement, which includes textbook-type works and publications dedicated to the artistic output of women.
Danielewicz, Gabriela: Koprowska, Maria; Walicka, Miroslawa: Polki w Wolnym Miescie Gdansku/ wstepem poprzedzil Jozef Borzyszkowski.
Gdansk: Wydawnictwo Morskie, 1985. – 202 [2] s., [24] s. Tabl : fot., portr.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 875908 I
This is a collection of biographical sketches, based on memuars, presenting women of different social classes, hailing from Gdansk from the end of the 19th century to the mid 20th century. The work contains a name index.
Cergowska, Genowefa: Matki partyzantow. – [Wyd. 2].
Warszawa: Ludowa Spoldzielnia Wydawnicza, 1982. – 306, [5] s., [32] s. Tabl. : il. Portr.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 826513 I
The book presents biographical sketches of the mothers of partisans whose children fought in the ranks of Bataliony Chlopskie and Ludowy Zwiazek Kobiet. The work includes over twenty entries for women from all the regions of Poland. On pp. 305-307 we find a list of materials and literature used in preparing the entries.
Keyha, Andrzej. Kobiety bytomskie na szlakach II wojny swiatowej [oprac. i wstep Andrzej Keyha] ; Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna i Zarzad Miejski Ligi Kobiet w Bytomiu.
Bytom: MBP, 1980. – 12 s.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 799211 II
The work presents biographies of 18 women connected to Bytom who fought in WW II.
Pawlak, Anna: Miniatury czyli filigranowe portrety wielkich dam polskiego sportu: Polskie Olimpijki z lat 1924-1994.
Warszawa: Polskie Stowarzyszenie Sportu Kobiet, 1995, 91 s.
OIN Call Number: S 57
The work presents a list of 363 short biographies of Polish women who participated in the Olympic Games in the years 1924-1994. The entries include: the discipline of sport practiced, year and place of the Olympic Games, the most important sports achievements at the Olympic Games; world, European and Polish championships. Listed are also all the titles, sports and state medals, the span of the sports career, name of the sports club represented at the Olympics, height and weight during the Games, date and place of birth (and death where applicable), education and profession, marital status, address, description of social involvement, hobby. There is a list of literature used to create the entries on p. 86.
Guides, Encyclopedias, General Works
Polish women in the 90s: the report by the Women’s Rights Center/ ed. Urszula Nowakowska.
Warsaw: Women’s Rights Center, 2000, 270 s.
sygnatura BJ: B 227284 II
“The […] report on the changing situation of Polish women in the 1990s concerns a range of areas, including education, family, the labor market, and public life. The report deals also with violence directed against women, with women’s place in the media and the ways in which the media represent women, with the government’s policies towards women, and with the difficult question of women’s health care and their reproductive rights. The report focuses on legal regulations, legislative changes, and the actual daily practice.” (Introduction, s. 4)
Statistics on Women
Kobieta w Polsce.
Warszawa: Glowny Urzad Statystyczny, 1990
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 79591 II
From the Introduction, p. 1: “[…] This work encompasses the more important statistical information relating to the social and professional situation of women in Poland. [.]. Presented are, above all, those issues which cold be illustrated on the basis of the results of censuses of the years 1978 and 1988, as well as some current research of the Central Statistical Bureau — GUS. The issues presented refer mostly to the demographic structure of the society and the family, the level of professional activity of women, their education, pay rates, involvement in health care and in the political and social life.”
Wybrana bibliografia monograficznych i zbiorowych opracowan dotyczacych problemow kobiet w historii, literaturze i polityce. [W:] Publiczna przestrzen kobiet: obrazy dawne i nowe/ pod red. Elzbiety Pakszys i Wlodzimierza Hellera.
Poznan: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. A. Mickiewicza, 1999 (Humanistyka i plec; 3), p. 325-331.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 206356 II
The work is a selected bibliography of monographs related to the problems of women in the areas of history, literature and politics. Included are Polish and foreign works, published from the 1970s (approx. 120 items).
Women’s History
Guides to the literature on women’s history:
Winiarz, Adam: The Women Question in the Kingdom of Poland During the Nineteenth Century: A Bibliographical Essay. [in:] Women in Polish society/ ed. by Rudolf Jaworski and Bianka Pietrow-Ennker.
Boulder: East European Monographs, 1992 (East European Monographs; No 344) s. 177-219.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 137735 II
The work is “[.] a detailed bibliographical essay [.] on the women’s question in the Kingdom of Poland, [which] not only documents the extent to which the subject found its way into contemporary journalism but also summarizes once again the relevant Polish scholarship” (Preface, p. X). The work includes in the footnotes bibliographical information on some 200 items.
Rowne prawa i nierowne szanse: kobiety w Polsce miedzywojennej: zbior szkicow/ pod red. Anny Zarnowskiej i Andrzeja Szwarca: Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Warszawa: Wydawnictwo DiG, 2000.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 209807 II
The monograph is a collection of articles on women in Poland in the years 1918-1939 and their situation: in politics, society, family, in the cultural milieu. Bibliographic information is contained in the following parts:
Sierakowska, Katarzyna. Przeglad pismiennictwa poswieconego dziejom kobiet w Polsce miedzywojennej. – p. 9-21. This article discusses Polish works on women in Poland in the years 1918-1939. The bibliographic information is given in the footnotes.
Zamojska, Dorota. Bibliografia polskiej literatury dotyczacej dziejow kobiet w Polsce miedzywojennej (wybor) – p. 301-322.
The bibliography covers works on women in the years 1918-1939, which are cited in the articles included in the collection, while the general works quoted in the footnotes were omitted. Out of the rich memoir literature from the interwar period the author selected the most outstanding ones, written by famous people or containing material of particular interest from the point of view of gender studies. As for research works, the selection was made on the basis of their value and their being representative of a particular research field. This bibliography can serve as an introductory guide to the literature on the subject of women in interwar Poland. The bibliography is arranged alphabetically. It includes Polish monographs and articles from periodicals and article collections (approx. 350 items).
Women in Different Historical Periods
Borkowska, Malgorzata. Zycie codzienne polskich klasztorow zenskich w XVII-XVIII wieku.
Warszawa: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1996.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 132410 II
This book brings to life for the reader the colorful and complex everyday life, material and spiritual culture of the nuns and residents of the Polish cloisters of the 17th and 18th centuries. The work is based on solid research of sources, a list of which can be found in a bibliography on pp. 338-348. The sources include: archival materials (monastery collections, other church archives, state archives and libraries), printed sources (chronicles, laws, biographies, research works, etc., totaling about 142 items).
Czajecka, Boguslawa. “Z domu w szeroki swiat.”: droga kobiet do niezaleznosci w zaborze austriackim w latach 1890-1914.
Krakow: Universitas, 1990.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 57747 II
The book presents the situation of women in Galicia in the years 1890-1914, focusing on women’s attempts at independence in the areas of education, employment, and political rights. Included are biographical information on the activists of the feminist movement, politicians’ views, opinions of scientists, educators, and journalists. On pp. 244-253 we find a bibliography of the materials used, such as: manuscripts, printed sources, memoirs, selected research works, totaling some 190 items.
Women’s Education
Kempa, Grazyna: Poglady na ksztalcenie i prace zawodowa kobiet w polskiej publicystyce w okresie od konca XIX wieku do czterdziestych lat XX wieku. [in:] Wybrane problemy polskiej oswiaty i pedagogiki: (w latach 1918-1992): materialy z konferencji naukowej “Mysl pedagogiczna i psychologiczna w Polsce Odrodzonej”, Czestochowa, 5-6 czerwca 1992/ red. nauk. Zenon Jasinski, Jerzy Mizgalski.
Czestochowa: Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna, 1992. pp. 169-17.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 83100 II
The work discusses opinions on the education and professional work of women in the Polish press from the end of the 19th century until the 1940s. The bibliographic information is found in the footnotes.
Emancipation, Feminism
Malinowska, Ewa: Feminizm europejski, demokracja parytetowa a polski ruch kobiet: socjologiczna analiza walki o rownouprawnienie plci.
Lodz: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Lodzkiego, 2000.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 244261 II
“The goal of the book is to characterize the direction and the substance of the process of the changes of the European feminist movement from the 1960s [.] until mid 1990s [.] and showing, against this background, the process of forming of the contemporary Polish women’s movement and its concept of fighting for the equal treatment of the sexes.” (p. 8). On pp. 220-228 we find a bibliography including Polish and foreign works; monographs and articles (some 240 in all).
Women’s Work, Protection of Women’s Work Rights
Wygladala, Ewa: Zatrudnienie kobiet w Polsce: (Literatura polska za lata 1970-1978 w wyborze)/ oprac. Pod kier. Malgorzaty Klossowskiej.
Warszawa: Glowna Biblioteka Pracy i Zabezpieczenia Spolecznego, 1979, 57 p.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: 789785 II
The bibliography includes a selection of Polish literature for the years 1970-1978, regarding the employment of women in Poland, registers monographs and articles. The entirety of the material (393 items) is grouped in seven sections. The bibliography is partially annotated. Its accessibility is enhanced by an alphabetical index and a list of abbreviations of journal titles.
Women Authors
Wierzbicka, Maria: Jakubowska, Barbara : Autorki i dziela – kobiety w polskiej nauce historycznej w dwudziestoleciu miedzywojennym. [in:] Kobieta i kultura: kobiety wsrod tworcow kultury intelektualnej i artystycznej w dobie rozbiorow i w niepodleglym panstwie polskim: zbior studiow/ pod red. Anny Zarnowskiej i Andrzeja Szwarca. T. 4
Warszawa: Wydawnictwo DiG, 1996, pp. 75-88.
This sketch discusses the contribution of Polish women authors in the area of history in the years 1918-1939. Bibliographical information is included in the footnotes.
Sociology of Women
Literatura [in:] Co znaczy byc kobieta w Polsce/ pod red. Anny Titkow i Henryka Domanskiego.
Warszawa: Polska akademia Nauk. Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii, 1995, pp. 282-296.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 104440 II
The bibliography includes Polish and foreign works, published after 1945, on the social roles of women in Poland (approx. 250 items).
Siemienska, Renata: Nie moga, nie chca czy nie potrafia?: o postawach i uczestnictwie politycznym kobiet w Polsce. Warszawa: Wydaw. Naukowe “Scholar”, 2000.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 216906 II
“[…] The work presents the attitudes towards the participation of women in politics, their political representation, their interest in elections, they way Poles voted in different elections, factors which affect political preferences, with particular emphasis of the role of gender [.]. The work analyzes the results of post-election research, conducted by the author after all the elections to the Polish Parliament, starting with 1991, also elections to regional governments in 1994 and 1998, as well as the presidential elections in 1995.” (Introduction, p. 7). On pp. 135-141 we find a bibliography which lists about 112 Polish and foreign works.
Biographies: Collections of Biographies and Biographical Sketches
Pietrzkiewicz, Wanda: Znane i nieznane kobiety Podkarpacia: informator biobiliograficzny. Krosno: Wojewodzka Biblioteka Publiczna, 1995, 31 p.
Jagiellonian Library Call Number: B 128184 II
The work presents 24 bios of women connected with the Krosno area in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Each entry is accompanied by a brief bibliography.