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Lithuanian Periodical Resources

Lietuvos TSR Spauda. Valstybine Suvestine Bibliografija/Pechat Litovskoi SSR: Gosudarstvennaia Svodnaia Bibliografiia. Vilnius: Valstybine Politines ir Mokslines Literaturos Leidykla, 1962-1982.

T. 1. 1940-1955: in 2 books Book 1-books and brochures; Book 2-periodicals, avtoreferaty, music, art and maps

T. 2 1956-1965: in 2 books. Book 1-books and brochures; Book 2-periodicals, avtoreferaty, music, art and maps

U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Slavic–Baltic Reference 015.475 L6252

As mentioned in the National Bibliography of Lithuania guide, this is an excellent bibliography where the entries include not just the bibliographic information describing each item. Book 2 of this series pertains to the topic of periodicals. In true Soviet style, the entries are thorough and informative. There are entries in Lithuanian, Russian, German and Polish. Entries for the newspapers published in Lithuania include years and numbering along with other information about the publication, including information about the editors. Entries for journals are similarly organized; information described includes name changes and press location. Several indexes at the end of the book aid in using this bibliography. There is an index of names and titles, and both include letters from the Lithuanian and Russian alphabet.

Lietuvos Bibliografija Serija C. Lietuviškų periodinių leidinių publikacijos. Kaunas, 1991-

Publications of Lithuanian Periodicals

U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Slavic–Baltic Reference 016.05792 L625 [1891; 1894; 1904:2; 1905: 1-2; 1914:1]

The National Library of Lithuania publishes this work in collaboration with other library institutions in Lithuania. The various volumes cover the years 1891-1918; as illustrated above, U of I holds a handful of these years. This bibliography includes publications from newspapers and magazines. It also includes bibliographic records for reviews and illustrations, an element of the bibliography that could be quite useful in research. The periodical publication have been described up to the main standards of international bibliography. For example, articles and other records without an author, or records with pseudonyms, have been indexed under their titles. Pseudonyms are included in the annotations, which the preface says are as thorough as possible, but they seem a little short. The subjects included in this bibliography are organized according to the international decimal classification system. It is unclear whether the National Library continues to publish this series of retrospective periodical bibliographies. Most likely they have switched to an online format for other years. Nevertheless, these volumes for 1891-1918 are helpful for bibliographic verification of a citation or in browsing for records that are pertinent to the subject one is studying or the time period within Lithuania.

Lietuviškų Periodinių Leidinių Bibliografija 1832-1982. Kaunas, 1991.

U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Slavic–Baltic Reference 016.0599192 T152l

Lietuviškų Periodinių Leidinių Bibliografija 1983-1993: su 1832-1982 metų bibliografijos papildymu . Kaunas, 1994.

U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Slavic–Baltic Reference 016.0578 T152l

Second image from Tamosiunas bibliography

Tamošiūnas, Julius.

These bibliographies give an unusual twist to what we think of in a periodical bibliography. Printed on glossy paper, the bibliographies are filled with short annotations of all Lithuanian periodicals and newspapers along will snapshots of the title pages.  There are several ways that a patron can use this bibliography, thanks to its organization. There is an alphabetical table of contents at the beginning of both bibliographies. The entries are numbered in sequence and page numbers appear as well. This corresponds to the layout of the main part of the bibliography. An index is also provided in the back. But the most interesting, and potentially quite useful, aspect is the chronological index that also appears in the back. Much like a timeline, the chronological index shows which periodicals were published in each year. To clarify, names of periodicals will be repeated in each year they were published. The chronological index would be a good source for browsing and to verify the publication dates for a periodical. Finally, the bibliography contains an index of editors of all of the periodicals included in the bibliography.

The 1983-1993 edition of the bibliography is a supplement to the first edition. Not only does it continue in time after 1982 but its also covers older materials that the first edition missed. It is organized the same way. In the chronological index it is obvious that more than 10 years are covered in the bibliography, as periodicals are listed from 1893 through 1993.

Online Sources

Lithuanian login screenshot

 Bibliografinė Lietuvos periodinės spaudos straipsnių bazė

 Bibliographic articles database


Since Lithuania achieved its independence right when the computer and internet boom began, it is not surprising that many of their library  and bibliographic sources are available online. This includes information about articles and Lithuanian periodicals. On the Lithuanian national  library website, there are several useful links for bibliographic information on periodicals. The Bibliographic articles database has 768,087 records and is linked above. When accessing the website from the National Library’s list of links, a screen appears to login (see image at left); the library has provided access to patrons as guests. You must click “Toliau” to enter the database search page. There are many fields in which to conduct the search. Notice that the scope of this source is 1992-2002. This particular articles database ceased to be updated in 2003, when the periodicals information was added to the National Bibliographic Data Bank of the National Library of Lithuania, which is described below. Therefore, for more recent articles and periodicals this is not the database to use, but if the patron is looking for bibliographic information from Lithuania’s independence to 2002, the Bibliografinė Lietuvos periodinės spaudos straipsnių bazė will definitely help.

Search interface

Patrons with knowledge of Lithuanian will find the search page very easy to use. However, since the articles database includes bibliographic information of articles written in languages other than Lithuanian, like English and German, the page may seem a little daunting for patrons with limited or no knowledge of Lithuanian. Unfortunately, there is no English version of the search page. But, by getting to know the basics of the search page, any patron can successfully use this database. Note that the fields marked with an asterisk cannot be filled manually; they must be chosen from a list provided by the database.

The first two fields on the page are probably the most important. The first one is for the article author’s full name. The second is for words included in the article; this is different from the keyword search on this page, which is under Reikšminiai žodžiai. One of the more effective tools on this search page is the dictionary of periodicals: Leidinio pavadinimas. By clicking Pasirinkti a window will popup with a search bar for title and ISSN. When you fill in a the title search, a list will be generated and you can click on the appropriate periodical title you are looking for. This is a helpful tool when you have an exact citation and want to verify it or at least know the periodical that you need. Again, the database only covers 1992-2002. The database is a little slow- there is a definite lag time between hitting the search button and getting the results. It is hard to say what kinds of periodicals the bibliography has a record for; there are many literature and historical journals, some scientific journals, but it is not as comprehensive. It is worth using for verification and browsing through specific journals.


Nacionalinės bibliografijos duomenų bankas

National Bibliographic Data Bank


The Data Bank houses many databases as described in our National Bibliography of Lithuania guide under the online resources section. Within the NBDB, there are two databases that deal specifically with periodicals and articles.

Image of Article Search tab location

As a continuation of the above-mentioned bibliographic articles database, the NBDB offers bibliographic information for articles from the year 2003 to the present. The search interface is provided by LIBIS and is available in English by clicking the little British flag in the top right-hand corner of the screen. But the default “Simple” search does not include articles- for that the patron must click the tab that says “Articles Search” or “Straipsnių paieška” if the patron is using the site in Lithuanian. The search is the same in every aspect except in choice of languages. The Lithuanian version of the search has a much longer list of languages than the English site. Keep that in mind when having trouble searching in the English interface.

Much like the Bibliographic articles database, the journal or “in publications” field must be filled using the button next to the box; you cannot type anything in the box even if you tried. The articles search on the NBDB offers many fields to fill in or leave blank. The “author.group” and “about person” fields also have the option of being automatically filled by the database’s dictionary. This is a helpful feature if one is not sure of the spelling of an author’s name. Furthermore, by using the “about person” field the patron can find articles that discuss a person’s work, not only their own writing. There is also a lag time between search and results – patience is a must.

LIETUVOS BIBLIOGRAFIJA, SERIJA B, Periodiniai leidiniai lietuvių kalba, 1823-1940

Lithuanian Bibliography. Series B. Periodicals in Lithuanian, 1823-1940.

This bibliography is accessed through the National Bibliography Data Bank webpage. On the right-hand side of the screen, there is a blue box that lists some of the other catalogs and databases available in the NBDB- the Series B of periodicals is one of the databases listed in this box. Obviously, the scope of this database is much wider and goes further back in time, compared to the other two online sources described above. The bibliography includes articles of many different times, including manuscripts. Conducting a search, however, is difficult. This particular database is a little temperamental. There is something wrong with the database’s search function. The only way (as of September 2012) to conduct a search is to leave all the fields blank, and then click the search button. By doing that, all contents of the database are included in the results. This is quite an irritating problem, but the results are fairly easy to browse. The results list is organized alphabetically by title, but the list can be rearranged by author or date of publication.

Another option is to search by holding library, using the last field on the search page. Again, the field cannot be manually entered. The button next to the search box opens another window that allows you to search for the name of a library. This is helpful for those traveling to Lithuania and would like to know what materials are available where. The libraries included on the list, however, are not only in Lithuania, so it might be helpful to a scholar anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, you cannot search multiple libraries at a time.