This section was created by Barbara Bułat, Senior Reference Librarian, Jagiellonian Library, Krakόw.
One of the more challenging tasks facing a researcher can be obtaining biographical information on lesser-known political figures. This guide is an attempt to provide a list of sources that will aid in locating such information. Due to the breadth of the subject this section does not lay claim to exhaust all the possible avenues of research. Additional items will be added at a later date.
While writing this section a very useful guide to the sources on the Polish government of the 19th and 20th centuries (up to 1945) was consulted:
Vademecum do badań nad historią XIX i XX wieku
Ireneusz Ihnatowicz, Andrzej Biernat. – Wyd. 2 popr. i uzup. Warszawa: Wydaw. Naukowe PWN, 2003.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 943.804 ih5v
Of particular interest is the sub-section “Polska” within the section “Władze państwowe” (pp. 457-541).
Information on political figures in Polish territories during the periods of occupation by the partitioning powers may be found in the lists relating to Austria, Germany, Prussia, and Russia.
Lists of persons belonging to the particular branches of Polish government of the 19th and 20th century (up to 1945) can be found in [IHNATOWICZ] ….. In addition to a list of Polish heads of state, this source includes lists of persons holding office in the military command, persons holding office in regional institutions (at the voivoidship level), etc. For information regarding political figures in Polish territories during the periods of independence (including national uprisings), see pp. 457-541 („Władze państwowe- Polska”). Information on political figures in Polish territories during the periods of occupation by the partitioning powers may be found in the lists relating to Austria, Germany, Prussia, and Russia. This page is divided into the following sections: Head of State, Government, and Parliament.
Head of State
Wykaz 2000 osób sprawujących władzę w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej / [red. Filip Frydrykiewicz, Norbert Gajlewicz]
Warszawa : Presspublica, 1998. – 268 p. ; 24 cm. – Contains index.
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1171
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Polish Reference (Slavic) 943.80922 w975 (1997 edition)
This work is a guide to the structure of government, important public and economic institutions, courts (as of May 1998). It contains over 2,000 names and several hundred short biographic entries. The contents is divided into 16 chapters: The President, The Parliament, The Government, Central Institutions, Courts, Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich (Civil Rights Office), Banks, Insurance Companies, Stock Exchange, Economic Organizations, Voivodship Institutions, Political Parties, Selected Social Organizations, Media, and Labor Unions.
Prezydenci Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na uchodźstwie 1939-1990 / oprac. Andrzej Krzysztof Kunert
Warszawa : Rada Ochrony Pamięci Walk i Męczeństwa, 2002. – 36 p. : facs., photos, ports. ; 24 cm.
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1183
OCLC: 52397357
The book presents the following presidents of the Polish Republic in exile :
- Władysław Raczkiewicz (1939-1947)
- AugustaZaleski (1947-1972)
- Stanisław Ostrowski (1972-1979)
- Edwarda Raczyński (1979-1986)
- Kazimierz Sabbat (1986-1989)
- Ryszard Kaczorowski (1989-1990)
Prezydenci Polski
Andrzej Ajnenkiel, Andrzej Drzycimski, Janina Paradowska ; pod red. nauk. A. Ajnenkiela. – Warszawa : Wydaw. Sejmowe, 1990. – 197, [5] p., [16] p. tabl. : photos, portraits. ; 24 cm.
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1182
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 351.00313092 aj68p (1991 edition)
The work presents the history of the office of the president, in particular the lives of Polish presidents, beginning with Naczelnik Państwa – Józef Piłsudski, through the presidents of Independent Poland (Polska Niepodległa), and then the period of presidents in exile, beginning with Władysław Raczkiewicz. The office of the President constituted one of the most important attributes of Polish sovereignity. […] Bolesław Bierut in the years 1947-1952 held the title of Przewodniczący Krajowej Rady Narodowej. Based on the Soviet model, the 1952 constitution of the Polish People’s Republic (PRL) abolished the office of the President. It was reinstated as a result of the Round Table = Okrągły Stόł negotiations [1989] [Wstęp, p. 5]. At that time Wojciech Jaruzelski became President, elected by the joint chambers of Sejm and Senate. The final part of the book talks of the first president elected by general election, Lech Wałęsa. It also documents the election campaign which preceded his election.
Government (ministries) = Rząd (ministerstwa)
Ministrowie Polski Niepodległej : 1918-1945 / pod red. Marka Baumgarta, Henryka Walczaka i Adama Wątora
Szczecin : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2001. – 483 p. ; 24 cm. – Bibliography on p. 473-483.
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1185 d
OCLC: 237493711
The work contains over 200 biographical entries of all Polish ministers for the years 1918-1945 (including Delegaci Rządu na Kraj). The authors focused on the activities of the ministers during the time they held office. The rest of the biography, before taking and after leaving the office, has been kept to a minimum. On pp. 11-48 we find the list of ministers of the governments of independent Poland from November 1918 until July 1945.
Ministrowie oświaty Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej : okres rządów parlamentarnych (1918-1926) / Ewa Brodacka-Adamowicz ; Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
Siedlce : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczo-Humanistycznego, 2010. – 368 p. : ill., err. ; 24 cm. – (Monografie ; nr 118). – Bibliography. p. [323]-330. – Index.
On p. 4 of cover: “First volume of the planned work encompassing the work of all the ministers and vice-ministers of the Second Republic.”
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1185 e
OCLC: 750492573
“The goal […] of this work is highlighting the ministers, vice-ministers and the directors of the Ministry of Religion and Public Education (kierownicy Ministerstwa Wyznań Religijnych i Oświecenia Publicznego =WRiOP), showing their work on the background of the issues of the Second Republic (Druga Rzeczpospolita) in the years 1918-1926, from the time of regaining independence until the May coup d’état. […] The work of the ministers, vice-ministers and the directors of WRiOP has been discussed according to the chronology of the successive cabinets. […] All persons leading the department of education have been included, regardless of the length of time during which they actively carried out their duties. “ [Wstęp, p. 6,7]
Słownik biograficzny polskiej służby zagranicznej : 1918-1945 = A biographical dictionary of the Polish foreign service. / przygot. i oprac. Krzysztof Smolana
[przekł. Zbigniew Szymański]. Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych. Archiwum.
Warszawa : Archiwum Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych-.(Biblioteka Polskiej Dyplomacji). – Includes bibliographical references.
Parallel text in Polish and English. Vol. 1:. 2007. – 136 p.; vol. 2:. 2009. – 106 p.; vol. 3:. 2010. – 142 p. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1185 k1
OCLC: 749688998
“The first volume of this dictionary […] contains the biographical sketches of [59] holders of various positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA). […] The extent of the presentation is as wide as possible, the intention being to include all those working for the Ministry, top-down and bottom-up, including janitors, guards and drivers.. […] The entries in this biographical dictionary consist of several parts. The heading provides major biographical data about the time and place of birth and death, parentage and education. The subsequent presentation includes information, whenever available, about the occupational career prior to service with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the course of that service, and also a person’s subsequent vicissitudes. Then come the facts on the closest family plus publications and medals (if any). The entry ends with the sources, divided into archives and publications, including monographs. Photographs are added whenever possible – but, sadly, not always. No information is supplied on nationality and religious affiliation, given that members of the Polish foreign service were usually of Polish nationality and Roman Catholic faith. Only other denominations and nationalities are indicated.” [vol. 1, Preface, p. 15-17]
Vol. 1, p. 21-25 – list of Ministers of Foreign Affairs
Vol. 2 : “… provides biographical notes for the [29] senior Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials.” [Vol. 2, Preface, p. 13]
Vol. 3 : “… contains 55 biographical entries of staff members of the Polish foreign service – there is only a single minister, but accompanied by a strong contingent of Members of Parliament, Ambassadors and Department Heads.” [Vol. 3, Preface, p. 13]
Ministrowie spraw zagranicznych II Rzeczypospolitej : praca zbiorowa / pod red. Janusza Pajewskiego. – Szczecin : Polskie Pismo i Książka, 1992. – 204 s. : err. ; 21 cm.
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1185 k2
OCLC: 243792986
The book contains biographical entries on the following ministers of foreign affairs of the Second Republic: Leon Wasilewski, Ignacy Paderewski, Stanisław Patek, Eustachy Sapieha, Konstanty Skirmunt, Gabriel Narutowicz, Marian Seyda, Roman Dmowski, Maurycy Zamoyski, Aleksander Skrzyński, August Zaleski, Józef Beck.
The Parliament
Additional information on representatives and senators from the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century can be found in Vademecum do badań nad historią XIX i XX wieku , 2nd ed., by Ireneusz Ihnatowicz and Andrzej Biernat (Warszawa, 2003).
Parlamentarzyści polscy (ARS10) = Polish parliamentarians [A database of the Biblioteka Sejmowa = The Parliament Library]
After opening the page, select the above database and then click on “Wyszukiwanie” (Search) or “Indeksy” (Indexes) in the menu at the top.
In the part concerning the Second Republic (1918-1945) the database ARS10 contains very rich material. It is created on the basis of materials collected since 1993 in Biblioteka Sejmowa (Archiwum Sejmu) = Parliamentary Library (Parliamentary Archiwe) for the purposes of publishing the consecutive volumes of the biographical dictionary Posłowie i Senatorowie Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej 1919-1939 (Representatioves and Senators of the Polish Republic 1919-1939) published by the Wydawnictwo Sejmowe.
In the part regarding the IV-VI terms of the Sejm of the Third Republic (1989 -) the database ARS10 contains basic information such as: name and membership in caucuses ( kluby poselskie ). More information on the representatives serving currently can be found at the Polish Sejm homepage:
Additionally the ARS10 database provides portraits and bios of selected Speakers of the House (marszałkowie sejmu) from various historical periods:
- Parliaments of the First Republic (1493-1795)
- Parliaments on Polish territories during the partition era (1795-1918)
- Parliaments of the Second Republic (1918-1945)
- The parliament of the period 1947-1952 (Sejm Ustawodawczy) and the parliaments of the Polish People’s Republic (1952-1989)
- Parliaments of Rzeczpospolita Polska (1991-)
Marszałkowie sejmów I Rzeczypospolitej / wstęp Henryk Olszewski ; oprac. biogramów i wybór il. Wojciech Sieradzki ; współpr. Jarosław Kotowicz i Jolanta Walukiewicz- Wolfram.
Warszawa : Wydaw. Sejmowe, 1993. – 122, [2] p. : portr. (some col.) ; 24 cm. – Bibliogr. p. 28-[29]. – Includes index. – Summary in English.
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1189
OCLC: 37213694
The publication opens with a preface titled, Marszałek – urząd i jego piastuni (Marszałek- the office and its holders), written by Henryk Olszewski. He writes, „In this brief introduction I will attempt to explain the functions of the Marszałek, his role in the functioning of the Sejm, the manner of his election, an finally – who were the men holding this office and who they became after completing this mission [in the First Republic].” [p.7]. The main body of the book contains biographical information, including portraits, of 46 persons holding the post of Marszałek during the time of the First Republic, 16th-18th centuries.
Senatorowie, posłowie i deputowani Księstwa Warszawskiego i Królestwa Polskiego / Małgorzata Karpińska.
Warszawa : Wydaw. Sejmowe, 2002. – 109, [3] p. : ill., photos., portraits. (some col.), err. ; 24 cm.
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1189 d
OCLC: 52209452
The publication begins with a chapter titled The Sejms of the Duchy of Warsaw and the Polish Kingdom and their makeup (Sejmy Księstwa Warszawskiego i Królestwa Polskiego oraz ich skład). The main body of the book contains the list „Senators, representatives, and elected officials of the sejms of the Duchy of Warsaw and the Kingdom of Poland 1807-1831” (Senatorowie, posłowie i deputowani sejmów Księstwa Warszawskiego i Królestwa Polskiego 1807-1831). It includes over 600 persons for whom the authors provided name, dates of birth and death (if possible to establish), function fulfilled in the Sejm and years of service, and the name of the electoral district. For 101, portraits were also provided.
Posłowie i senatorowie Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej 1919-1939 : słownik biograficzny / oprac. aut. Małgorzata Smogorzewska ; red. nauk. Andrzej Krzysztof Kunert.
Warszawa : Wydaw. Sejmowe.
V. 1: A-D. – 1998. – 495 p. – Bibliogr. p. 14-26 OCLC: 174475623
V. 2: E-J. – 2000. – 357 p. – Bibliogr. p. 11-24 OCLC: 645789542
V. 3: K-Ł. – 2005. – 438 p. – Bibliogr. p. 16-33 OCLC: 645006842
V. 4: M-P. – 2009. – 476 p. – Bibliogr. p. 17-36 OCLC: 750897021
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1190
“This work is the first of the five volumes of the biographical dictionary discussing the fates of over two thousand persons serving in the Polish parliament in the years 1919-1939. Its goal is to present personal data of all the parliamentarians and verifying or completing the information published earlier in Poland and abroad. […] The dictrionary consists of biographical entries, averaging 1-2 tpages, with a brief bibliography and a portrait photo. The biographies do not contain any qualitative statement or evaluation of contributions and encompass the entirety of lives of persons described, with a particular focus on their parliamentary activity. The criterium deciding on being included in the dictionary was whether a person took the oath of office. The exception is Sejm Ustawodawczy, since the stenograms of its meetings lack data regarding the oath – the lists of representatives was completed based on the available sources and parliamentary publications.” [Przedmowa, p. 5]
Volume 1 contains the following appendices:
- Terms of office of Sejm and Senat
- List of electoral districts of Sejm and Senat
- Electoral lists
- Sejm and Senat committees
- Parliamentary clubs and caucuses
- Sejm and Senat leadership
Posłowie Sejmu Ustawodawczego 1919-1922 : wystawa w gmachu Sejmu październik – listopad 1993
koncepcja, scenariusz i realizacja: Joachim Bieńkowski, Jarosław Kotowicz, Jolanta Walukiewicz-Wolfram. Warszawa: Wydaw. Sejmowe, 1993. – 32 p. ; 19 cm.
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1190 b
OCLC: 749351729
Catalog of the exhibition ” Posłowie Sejmu Ustawodawczego 1919-1922 ”, organized by Wydział Muzealiów Biblioteki Sejmowej in the fall of 1993. It lists 121 items: art objects, photographs, and documents. The items were related to the most prominent legislators and officers of the Sejm Ustawodawczy, illustrating the biographies and political activity of the of the leading Polish politicians of the time.
Posłowie na Sejm II Rzeczypospolitej – ofiary wojny i okupacji 1939-1945
[oprac. Jarosław Dudziński, Adam Rutkowski ; red. nauk. Grzegorz Mazur ; Kancelaria Sejmu, Biblioteka Sejmowa – Archiwum Sejmu]. – Wyd. 2 uzup. Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 2009. – 93, [3] p., insert,: ill. ; 24 cm.
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1190 d
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 940.5467438 p842
“Using its own archival materials [Archiwum Sejmu] with the cooperation of several institutions, both Polish and foreign […] managed to compile a list of 296 names of Polish legislators who perished in the period from September 1939 until May 1945, with some cases where the person died at a later date, but the death was clearly a result of the war, mainly internment in concentration camps. […] In 65 cases it was impossible to establish an exact date, and in 26 cases, the place of death. […] Besides the information on the place and date of death of the victims, the work provides brief biographical entries and, wherever possible, detailed information on the circumstances of death. The authors also attempted to locate as many photographs of the legislators (although not all of them are from the last period of life). (Editor’s note, p.7).
Senatorowie – zamordowani, zaginieni, zmarli w latach II wojny światowej
Dorota Mycielska; Jarosław Maciej Zawadzki ; [przedsł. Andrzej Krzysztof Kunert]. – Wyd. 4. – Warszawa : Kancelaria Senatu, 2009. – 266, [2] s. : ill. color. ; 31 cm. –Name index, geographical index.
Previous editions were titled: Senatorowie w latach II wojny światowej. Zamordowani, zaginieni, zmarli .
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1190 e
The book contains bios of 155 senators who fell as soldiers, who died or were murdered during WWII and post-war repressions. The work is opened by four introductory chapters – on the last session of the senate (Sept. 2nd 1939), on senators who served as soldiers, who were murdered by Nazis, by Soviets, those who were the victims of the Holocaust, and those who were persecuted by the post-war communist Polish regime. The main part of the book contains the names of senators whose death was directly connected with the war as well as those who died as a result of the conditions created by the war. Wherever possible, information on the immediate family of the senators is added, if those family members perished in the war or were members of the underground resistance. The bios are listed chronologically, by date of death or the time of the last information available.
The entries begin with the name of the senators, followed by profession and ranks held. That is followed by additional information on the activities in the independence struggle preceding 1918, important facts from professional life, social involvement, and political activity. The most detailed information is provided for the period from the beginning of WWII until death. Each entry is followed by a bibliographical listing of the sources used. The monograph is richly illustrated.
Nasi w Sejmie i w Senacie : posłowie i senatorowie wybrani z listy Solidarności / [oprac. zespół red. Hanna Malarecka-Simbierowicz et al.] – Warszawa: Volumen, 1990. – 284, [4] s. : il. ; 24 cm.
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1191
OCLC: 23269183
The book contains biographical entries on 260 persons who were elected as members of Sejm (161) or Senat (99) during the elections of June 1989, from the list of Komitet Obywatelski of NSZZ “Solidarność”. The biographical entries contain: the name of the representative or senator, electoral district from which he was elected, the number of votes received, membership in committees. The biographical data include: date and place of birth, education, professional career highlights, social involvement, data on family members, address. Besides the biographical entries the work contains basic information on the constitutional laws governing the 1989 parliament and senate, the political affiliation of the members, the makeup of the committees.
Sejm i Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej 1989 – 1991 / [oprac. Krystyna Chrupek, et al] Kancelaria Sejmu.
Warszawa: Książka i Wiedza, 1991. – 343, [1] p. : ports. ; 21 cm. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1198
OCLC: 25460558
The work presents:
- Makeup of the 1989-1991 Sejm bodies (Prezydium, Konwent Seniorów, Komisje Sejmowe)
- List of the representatives by electoral district and political affiliation
- List of senators by voivodships they represent
- Membership of Kluby Parlamentarne
- Biographies of 460 representatives
- Biographies of 100 senators
Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : II kadencja / [oprac. Dorota Mycielska, Grażyna Skibińska, Grażyna Rafałowicz]. – Wyd. 2.
Warszawa: Kancelaria Senatu RP, 1992. – 173, [2] p. : ports. ; 21 cm.
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1209
OCLC: 28951150
The guide shows:
- The Senate bodies: Prezydium, Konwent Seniorów, committees (status for 11.15.1992) 15.11.1992)
- Makeup of the Kluby Parlamentarne (status for 11.15.1992)
- List of senators by voivodship
- Biographies of senators
- Addresses of senatorial offices
- Information on Kancelaria Senatu
Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : III kadencja / [oprac.: Dorota Mycielska, Grażyna Rafałowicz ; red. merytoryczna Urszula Siara].
Warszawa: Kancelaria Senatu RP. Biuro Informacyjne, 1993. – 190, [4] p. : ill. ; 24 cm. The biographical entries are given in Polish and in English translation.
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1215
OCLC: 32228267
The guide presents:
- The makeup of senate bodies: Prezydium, Konwent Seniorów, committees (for 12.06.1993)
- Makup of Kluby Parlamentarne (for 12.06.1993))
- List of senators by voivodship they represent
- Biographies of senators
- Biographies in English translation
- Addresses of senatorial offices
- Information on Kancelaria Senatu
Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej – III kadencja : uzupełnienia / [oprac. Dorota Mycielska, Grażyna Rafałowicz ; red. Urszula Siara]. – Stan na 8 sierpnia 1994.
Warszawa : Kancelaria Senatu RP [Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej]. Biuro Informacyjne, cop. 1994. – 30, [2] s. : portr. ; 24 cm.
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1220. Changes as of 08.08.1994
Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej – III kadencja : uzupełnienia / [oprac. Dorota Mycielska, Grażyna Rafałowicz ; red. Urszula Siara]. – Stan na 18 stycznia 1996.
Warszawa : Kancelaria Senatu RP [Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej]. Biuro Informacyjne, cop. 1996. – 34, [2] p. : ports. ; 24 cm.
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1225. Changes as of 01.18.1996
Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej – IV kadencja / [oprac. biogramów Dorota Mycielska].
Warszawa : Kancelaria Senatu RP. Biuro Informacjyjne, 1998. – 202 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Biographical entries of senators given in Polish and in English translation. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1226.
OCLC: 123275664
The guide presents:
- The membership of the senate bodies: Prezydium, Konwent Seniorów, committees (as of 01.23.1998)
- Membership of Kluby Parlamentarne (as of 01.23.1998)
- Listing of senators by voivodship and committee membership
- Addresses of senatorial offices
- Senators’ biographies
- Senators’ biographies in English
Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej – IV kadencja : uzupełnienia / [oprac. Dorota Mycielska ; red. Urszula Siara].
Warszawa : Kancelaria Senatu RP, 2000. – 48, [3] p. : ports. ; 24 cm. Text partially parallel in Polish and English. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1226 a. Changes as of 11.09.2000
Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej – V kadencja : organy Senatu RP, kluby parlamentarne, biogramy senatorów / [oprac. Anna Jaguścik, Dorota Mycielska, Jarosław Maciej Zawadzki]. – Stan na 14 lutego 2002 roku.
Warszawa : Kancelaria Senatu RP. Biuro Informacji i Dokumentacji Senackiej, 2002. – 219, [1] s. : ports., err. ; 24 cm. Text partly parallel in Polish and English. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1226 b
OCLC: 74572008
The guide presents:
- The makeup of the senate bodies: Prezydium, Konwent Seniorów, committees (as of 02.14.2002)
- Makeup of Kluby Parlamentarne (as of 02.14.2002)
- List of senators by electoral district
- Senators’ biographies (in Polish and English)
Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : V kadencja : uzupełnienia / [oprac. Julita Rudzka, Jarosław Maciej Zawadzki ; tł. Jan Weinsberg]. – Stan na 31 marca 2005 r.
Warszawa: Biuro Informacji i Dokumentacji Senackiej Kancelarii Senatu RP, cop. 2005. – 60, [2] p. : col. ports. ; 24 cm. Parallel text in Polish and English. Changes as of 03.31.2005.
Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej – VI kadencja : organy Senatu RP, kluby parlamentarne, biogramy senatorów / [oprac. zespół Działu Informacji Publicznej i Edukacji w składzie Joanna Baranowska et al.; tł. Jan Weinsberg]. – Stan prawny na dzień 14 kwietnia 2006 r.
Warszawa: Kancelaria Senatu. Biuro Informacji i Dokumentacji, 2006. – 240, [2] p., [1] k. złoż. : ill. ; 24 cm. Parallel text in English and Polish. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1226 c
OCLC: 315311229
“The information collected in this book presents the Sixth Term Senate of the Republic of Poland elected on 25th September 2005. […] The introductory part […] provides information on the governing bodies of the Polish Senate, composition of Senate committees, senators’ membership in upper-house clubs (as on 14th April 2006) and list of electoral districts with the names of senators elected in each one. The final section of the introductory part contains statistical information. The main portion of the book presents biographical sketches of all 100 senators [in Polish and in English]. […] The book ends with a schematic diagram of seats occupied by senators in the plenary hall and a list of main telephone numbers.” [From the editorial note, p. 4]
Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej – VII kadencja : organy Senatu RP, kluby parlamentarne, biogramy senatorów / [oprac. zespół Działu Informacji Publicznej i Edukacji w składzie Joanna Baranowska et al. ; tł. Jan Weinsberg].
Warszawa: Kancelaria Senatu. Biuro Informacji i Dokumentacji, 2008. – 247 p., [1] folded tables. : ill. ; 24 cm. Parallel text in Polish and English. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1226 d
OCLC: 233505350
“The information collected in this book presents the Seventh Term Senate of the Republic of Poland elected on 21st October 2007. […] The introductory part […] provides information on the governing bodies of the Polish Senate, composition of Senate committees, senators’ membership in upper-house political clubs (as on 7th February 2008) and a list of electoral districts with the names of senators elected in each one. The final section of the introductory part contains statistical information. The main portion of the book presents biographical sketches of all 100 senators [in Polish and in English]. […] The book ends with a diagram of seats occupied by senators in the plenary hall and a list of main telephone numbers.” [From the editorial note, p. 4]
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : I kadencja : informator : posłowie, biogramy, organy Sejmu, kluby parlamentarne, Kancelaria Sejmu / Kancelaria Sejmu.
Warszawa: Wydaw. Sejmowe, 1993. – 79 p. ; 21 cm.
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : I kadencja : informator (2). – Wyd. 2.
Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 1992. – 200 p., folded insert. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1230
OCLC: 28634441
The guide contains:
- Biographies of representatives – compiled based on the data collected by Biuro Obsługi Posłów (as of 01.17.1992)
- Makeup of the Sejm bodies – Prezydium Sejmu, Konwent Seniorów, committees (as of 05.19.1992),
- Make up of the kluby parlamentarne (as of 05.19.1992)
- Information on Kancelaria Sejmu (as of 06.01.1992)
- Some statistical data
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : I kadencja : informator : suplement (2) do wydania z lutego 1992 : posłowie, biogramy, organy Sejmu, kluby parlamentarne, Kancelaria Sejmu.
Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 1993. – 79 ; 21 cm. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1230. Changes for 02.15.1993.
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : II kadencja : przewodnik.
Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 1994. – 247, [1] p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1235
OCLC: 34824065
The guide to the Sejm elected on September 19th,1993, first session, October 14th, 1994. It contains :
- Biographies of the representatives collected by Biuro Obsługi Posłów and on information provided by the representatives (as of 03.23.1994)
- Makeup of the Sejm bodies: Prezydium Sejmu, Konwent Seniorów, committees (as of 05.09.1994)
- Makeup of the kluby parlamentarne and kola poselskie (as of 03.10.1994)
- Some statistical data
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej – II kadencja : przewodnik : suplement (1) / [Kancelaria Sejmu]
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 1995. – 39, [1] p. : photos., err. ; 24 cm. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1235
Additional information to the biographical entries (as of 01.20.1995), makeup of Sejm committees (as of 01.09.1995), makeup of kluby and kola poselskie (as of 01.15.1995), and also information on the Kancelaria Sejmu (as of (01.15.1995)
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : III kadencja : informator / [Kancelaria Sejmu]. – Stan z dn. 16 października 1997 r.
Warszawa: Wydaw. Sejmowe, 1997. – 142, [2] p. ; 21 cm. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1238
OCLC: 40416547
The guide refers to the Sejm elected on September 21st, 1997, first session, October 20, 1997. It contains:
- Alphabetical list of representatives and information on them (name, political affiliation, electoral district, date and place of birth, education, profession
- List of representatives by political affiliation
- List of representatives by electoral district
- List of members of Prezydium Sejmu
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : III kadencja : przewodnik. [1] / Kancelaria Sejmu.
Warszawa: Wydaw. Sejmowe, 1998. – 278, [1] p., [1] p. tables. : ill. ; 24 cm. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1239
OCLC: 41035145
The guide contains:
- Biographies of representatives based on the data collected by Kancelaria Sejmu and provided by the representatives
- Makeup of the Sejm bodies: Prezydium Sejmu, Konwent Seniorów, Sejm committees (as of 03.03.1994)
- Makeup of the kluby parlamentarne and kola poselskie (as of 03.03.1998)
- Some statistical data
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : III kadencja : przewodnik. 2 / Kancelaria Sejmu
Warszawa : Wydaw. Sejmowe, 1999. – 304, [2] p., [1] p. tabl. : ill. ; 24 cm. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1239
OCLC: 42793737
The guide contains:
- Biographies of representatives collected by Kancelaria Sejmu and verified by the representatives
- Makeup of the Sejm bodies: Prezydium Sejmu, Konwent Seniorów (a of 04.12.1999)
- Makeup of kluby parlamentarne and kola poselskie (as of 04.29.199)
- List of representatives by electoral district
- List of representatives by political affiliation
- Statistical data
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : IV kadencja : przewodnik.
Warszawa : Wydaw. Sejmowe, 2002. – 303 p. : ports., graphs. ; 24 cm. – Contains indexes. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1240
OCLC: 50855327
The guide refers to the Sejm elected on September 23, 2001, whose first session took place on October 19, 2001. It contains :
- Biographies of representatives collected by Kancelaria Sejmu and verified by the representatives
- Makeup of the Sejm bodies: Prezydium Sejmu, Konwent Seniorów (a of 04.12.1999)
- Makeup of kluby parlamentarne and kola poselskie (as of 04.29.199)
- List of representatives by electoral district
- List of representatives by political affiliation
- Statistical data
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : V kadencja : informator. – Stan z dnia 14 października 2005 r.
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 2005. – 143, [1] p. : col. ports., col.graphs. ; 21 cm. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1241 a
OCLC: 69657700
- The guide presents the Sejm elected September 25, 2005, first session, October 19th, 2005. It contains:
- Alphabetical list of representatives and basic information on them (name, political affiliation, electoral district, date and place of birth)
- List of representatives by political affiliation
- List of representatives by electoral district
- Selected statistical data
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : V kadencja : przewodnik. – Stan z dnia 15 lutego 2006 r.
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 2006. – 347, [1] p. col. ill. ; 23 cm. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1241
OCLC: 71017946
The guide contains:
- Biographies of representatives based ond the data collected by Kancelaria Sejmu and authorized by the representatives
- Makeup of the Sejm bodies: Prezydium Sejmu, Konwent Seniorów, Sejm committees (as of 02.15.2006)
- Makeup of kluby parlamentarne (as of 02.15.2006)
- List of representatives by political affiliation
- List of representatives by electoral district
- Selected statistical data
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : V kadencja : przewodnik : suplement. – Stan z dnia 15 czerwca 2007 r.
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 2007. – 124 s. : il. ; 24 cm. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1241 b. Changes as of 15th June 2007 r.
OCLC: 749361186
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : VI kadencja : informator. – Stan z dnia 14 listopada 2007 r.
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 2007. – 143, [1] p. ; 21 cm. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1241 c.
OCLC: 749558664
The guide refers to the Sejm elected (21st November, 2007, first session November 5th, 2005). The guide contains:
- Alphabetical list of reprezentatives and basic information on them (name, political affiliation, electoral district, date and place of birth)
- List of representatives by political affiliation
- List of representatives by electoral district
- Selected statistical data
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : VI kadencja : przewodnik. – Stan z dnia 21 marca 2008 r.
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 2008. – 333, [2] p. : col.ill. ; 24 cm. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1241 d
The guide contains:
- Bios of representatives – compiled on the basis of data contained in questionnaires collected by Kancelaria Sejmu and verified by the representatives
- Biographies of representatives based on data collected by Kancelaria Sejmu and authorized by the representatives
- Makeup of the Sejm bodies: Prezydium Sejmu, Konwent Seniorów, committees (as of 03.21.2008)
- Makeup of the kluby parlamentarne (as of 03.21.2008)
- List of members by political affiliation
- List of members by electoral district
- Selected statistical data
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : VI kadencja : przewodnik. Suplement. – Stan z dnia 22 października 2009 r.
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 2009. – 74, [1] p. : col.ill. ; 24 cm. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1241 d. Changes as of October 22 2009 .
OCLC: 824171820
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : VI kadencja : przewodnik : suplement. – Stan z dnia 3 lutego 2011 r.
Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 2011. – 90, [2] p. : col.ill. ; 24 cm. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1241 e. Changes as of 02.03.2011 .
OCLC: 802119793
Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej : VII kadencja : przewodnik. – Stan z dnia 21 lutego 2012 r.
Warszawa : Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, 2012. – 511 s., col.ill., tables. ; 24 cm. Shelfmark in the Jagiellonian Library, Krakow: Oddz. Inform. A 1241 f
OCLC: 805235060
The guide presents the Sejm elected on October 9, 2011; firs session November 8, 2011. It contains:
- Makeup of the Sejm bodies –Prezydium Sejmu, Konwent Seniorów, kluby parlamentarne
- Makeup of the Sejm bodies – Prezydium Sejmu, Konwent Seniorów, leaders of kluby parlamentarne
- Biographies of representatives
- Selected statistical data