Printed works in the Kazakh language began to appear around the turn of the nineteenth century, although Tatar remained the major literary language for speakers of Kazakh until 1917. Initially a modified Perso-Arabic script was used, followed by a Latin-based script in the late 1920s, followed about ten years later by the Cyrillic-based script that is still in use today. Early centers of Kazakh-language publishing included Qazan/Kazan’, Orynbor/Orenburg, and Oral/Ural’sk. The first bibliographies of works published in or relating to Kazakhstan were compiled by Russian scholars in the late 19th century, but a national bibliography as such was not initiated until the founding of the Qazaq SSR kītap palatasy/Knizhnaia palata Kazakhskoi SSR/Book Chamber of the Kazakh SSR in 1937. The early efforts of the Book Chamber were soon overwhelmed by the events of World War II. In subsequent years, however, many retrospective bibliographies covering both the war years and the period before 1937 were published by the Book Chamber (and what is now the Kazakh National Library), giving nearly unbroken coverage of Kazakh publishing output in many formats from its beginnings to the present. The economic difficulties of 1998 in Kazakhstan caused national bibliographic publications to slow down or cease entirely, and some do not appear to have recovered.
For more information on the history of bibliography in Kazakhstan, a good place to start is with the sources listed on page 68 of B.L. Kandel”s Otechestvennye ukazateli bibliograficheskikh posobii, 2nd ed. (Leningrad, 198 — U of I Library Call Number Slavic 016.01547 K131o 1989). For a portrait of the non-Russian libraries of the early 20th century in Vernyi (now Almaty) and the context in which they existed, see V. Z. Galiev’s Tiurkskaia biblioteka v Vernom (Almaty, 2001 — U of I Library call number Main Stacks 027.05845 G133t).
Kommunisticheskaia Partiia Kazazakhstana: Ortanizacionno-politicheskoe razvitiiie, Spravochnik
Alma-ata, “Kazakhstan”, 1990
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 324.24707509K836
This collection consists of the wide range of the factual and statistical material on the basic problems of the history of the political parties.
The source s consist of various books from the middle ages sources. Some of them are written monuments, manuscripts, rare eastern and western (published using lithography) books, Russian archived materials and other various sources. All of them are located and stored in scientific centers of many countries such as Russia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Great Britain, France, Italy, and others. These sources helped scientists to resolve the questions on government, nomads, the relationship between nomads and settled lives, as well as problems of the steppe cities. To compile this book authors did a systematic research of not only Kazakh archives and funds, but also of the foreign countries in order to obtain the copies of the originals of the old manuscripts and publications with further analysis of them. They were also able to expand the connections among the historians of other countries. There were 13 expeditions to many countries and collected some unique materials on the history of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.
The book contains the table of content in the back in Kazakh and Russian languages. In addition, there is a entry words about the book in the beginning that gives more information about the sources and the way they were collected. There is also a list of authors who took part in the translation of the sources to Russian and Kazakh languages. Each entry in the book is followed by the set of publications that were used in order to compile each entry so it can be a good source for the additional research.
All the entries are primarily in Russian, with some being in Kazakh.
The collection is a reliable basis for the study of a history and culture of Almaty and its region. The publication is made under the supervision of the city government of Almaty, the Institute of the Oriental Studies named after R. Suleimanov, and the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Pis`mennye Istochniki Po Istorii i Kul`ture Almaty (VIII – nachalo XX v.)
M. Abuseitova, Almaty, “Daik-Press”, 2008.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 958.45P675
The history of Almaty is a very important part of the history of Kazakhstan and the whole Eurasia. Materials that are selected in this book introduce readers to the wide range of written sources on geography, climate, flora and fauna, ethnography, demographics, and economy of Almaty and its regions. Additionally, it includes the extracts from the essays that were written in Chinese, Persian, and Turkic languages that were compiler in the ear of Middle Age and later times, as well as the notes of western-European and Russian travellers.
The source s consist of various books from the middle ages sources. Some of them are written monuments, manuscripts, rare eastern and western (published using lithography) books, Russian archived materials and other various sources. All of them are located and stored in scientific centers of many countries such as Russia, Uzbekistan, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Great Britain, France, Italy, and others. These sources helped scientists to resolve the questions on government, nomads, the relationship between nomads and settled lives, as well as problems of the steppe cities. To compile this book authors did a systematic research of not only Kazakh archives and funds, but also of the foreign countries in order to obtain the copies of the originals of the old manuscripts and publications with further analysis of them. They were also able to expand the connections among the historians of other countries. There were 13 expeditions to many countries and collected some unique materials on the history of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.
The book contains the table of content in the back in Kazakh and Russian languages. In addition, there is a entry words about the book in the beginning that gives more information about the sources and the way they were collected. There is also a list of authors who took part in the translation of the sources to Russian and Kazakh languages. Each entry in the book is followed by the set of publications that were used in order to compile each entry so it can be a good source for the additional research
The book is primarily in Russian, with some entries in Kazakh.
The collection is a reliable basis for the study of a history and culture of Almaty and its region. The publication is made under the supervision of the city government of Almaty, the Institute of the Oriental Studies named after R. Suleimanov, and the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Pis`mennye Istochniki Po Istorii i Kul`ture Kazakhstana u Tsentral`noǐ Azii v XIII-XVIII vv
M. Abuseintova, Almaty, “Daik-Press” 2001
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 958Ab97p
This collection is in the form of a bio-bibliographies with the translation of the works’ titles in native language they were written at, they are cited in terms of their source, author, time and social and political influence on their creation, table of content, originality of the information contained, the level of the knowledge about the source nowadays and historical evidences, and about the scientific importance of the work and its current location.
The book contains bio-bibliographical essays of 34 Persian and Turkic essays containing information on history and culture of Kazakhstan and other countries of Central Asian region (Eastern Turkestan) over the span of XIII-XVII centuries.
This collection is heavily based on the works of famous Kazakh researches such as S. Ibragimova, N. Mingulova, K. Pishulina, and V. Yudin, and the collection called “Materialy po istorii kazakhskih khanstv XV-XVII centuries” that was published in 1969. Because there is almost a 30-year gap between the two publications, authors did an extensive research on the history of Yudin’s findings and included them in the new collection. Each of the articles is revised multiple times to eliminate the typos and historical errors, and completed with more information that was collected over the span from 1969 to 2000.
The bio-bibliographies are located in a chronological order of their creation. There is also a table of content at the back of the book, name-index and an index of names of the historical and geographical locations, and terminology. The indexes are compiled by A. Nurmanova, Zh. Tulibayeva, B. Ayazbayev
The language of the book is Russian, (titles of the works are translated into original languages of their creation).
Nasil`stvennaia Kollektivizatsiia i Golod v Kazakhstane 1931-1933 gg. Sbornik Dokumentov i Materialov.
Balakayev T.B., Almaty, 1998
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 338.7609584N178
This collection was created by the Higher Comission of the Republic of Kazakhstan that was closely researching the questions of collectivization of the economy and mass deaths of the population in the end of 20s, beginning of 30s.
While compiling this publication, hundreds of documents were examined, including the ones from the “closed” funds and “secret” sources that are located in the archives of KGB of RK, and others. Selected documents were found in the archives of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. The volume of the book did not let the compilers to put all the found sources in it, but rather thoroughly select those works that were describing the situation of the forced collectivization in Kazakhstan at that time and its consequences.
The book has the documents located in it in chronological order starting 1927 and until 1934. Out of 92 documents that are present in this collection, 74 of them are published for the first time. The documents listed in the book are identical to the source where they were taken from.
The objectivity of the listed information in this collection is based on the fact that all the documents were found at different sources independent from each other.
The collection is supported with the list of the abbreviations that were used in the documents, as well as table of content at the back.
The entries are mostly in Russian language, with some of them being in Kazakh without the translation in order to save the originality of the sources.
The source is considered authoritative because it was published under the supervision of the Ministry of Science, Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Institute of history and ethnology named after Valikhanov, Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Central Governmental Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Statisticheskie Istochniki Po Demographii Kazakhstana
N. Alekseenko, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 1999
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 304.6095845Al25s
This books is created for the historians and researchers who work with the questions of demographics. This book is a collection of sources of statistical information on demographics of Kazakhstan that uses already collected statistical data. Historically it has been evidential that for the most part the statistical sources were falsified even the ones that were published. Hence, author does not claim that the information in the book possesses a true value, however, it is definitely a big help when someone needs to find out some sources of demographics. This book was not published under the supervision of any authoritative institution in Kazakhstan, therefore we can not guarantee its value.
The collection is split into several sections: Statistical sources of pre-revolutionary Kazakhstan, Statistical data on the demographic of Soviet Kazakhstan, Statistic on demographic in Independent Kazakhstan , the list of Sources and literature, dictionary of the main topics, and the index table of the statistical sources.
Voprosy Istorii i Istoriografii Druzhby Narodov SSSR (na materialah Kazakhskoi SSR)
Alma-Ata, 1989
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 305.80095845V899
This collection includes documents about the establishment of the friendship among Russian and Kazakh nations. Prime attention is dedicated towards conceptualization of russian-kazakh union and historical-geographical analysis of the social, economical and demographical aspects of it . Articles that are included in this collection contain the newest at that time material that was never published before in any scientific collections.
The source has a large authoritative value because it was published under the supervision of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai.
The book is written in Russian and has a table of content in the back.
Politicheskie Repressii v Kazakhstane v 1937-1938 gg. Sbornik Documentov
I. Bukhonova, Izdatel`stvo “Kazakhstan,” Almaty, 1998
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 323.0440958P759
This collection contains the documents about political repressions in Kazakhstan from 1937-1938 years that show the mechanism of the relationship between totalitarian government and society. These documents show the ways of the administrative institutions of mass destruction of the citizens and the reaction of the society to these processes. Documents also show how people were repressed, scared and politically misinformed. Those who were opposing the regime were arrested or executed without the court or investigation.
This collection is a very authoritative source because it was published under the supervision of the Ministry of Information and National Agreement of the Republic of Kazakhstan. All the materials were verified with the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The book is organized in the following manner: Documents about the repressions, Notes, the list of the used sources and archive funds, the list of the abbreviated words, Name index, geographical index, and the list of documents. It has entries mainly in Russian, but some Kazakh documents are also listed.