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Bulgarian Bibliographies

Bibliography of Bibliographies

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Bibliografiia na bulgarskata bibliografiia, 1852-1944.

Trenkov, Khristo. Sofiia: Nar. biblioteka Kiril i Metodii, 1981. 311 p.
U of I does not own this item. OCLC accession number: 10272626

This volume covers the early years of Bulgarian bibliography. It includes bibliographies in Bulgarian that appeared as either monographs or parts of larger works from 1852-1944. The entries in this catalog give complete publication information with detailed series entries. There are some brief annotations and some entries include references to reviews. Entries are arranged by subject and author, title, geographic and subject indexes are available to further aid access to the material. The University of Illinois does not hold this volume, but it is available in the United States via InterLibrary Loan.


Bibliografiia na bulgarskata bibliografiia 1944-1969.

Petkova, Zornitsa Malcheva. Sofiia: Nar. bibl. Kiril i Metodii, 1971. 603 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Ref Slavic– Bulgarian 015.4977 P44b

This volume covers bibliographies of bibliographies in Bulgarian published from 1944-1969 that appeared as either monographs or parts of larger works. The entries in this catalog give complete publication information with detailed series entries. There are some brief annotations and some entries include references to reviews. Entries are arranged by subject and author, title, geographic and subject indexes are available to further aid access to the material. The introduction provides an overview of the topic of Bulgarian bibliography of bibliography as well as some statistics.See the image below for catalogs of a military publisher.

Catalogs of a military publisher

Bibliografiia na bulgarskata bibliografiia. Godishnik.

Sofiia: Narodna biblioteka Kiril i Metodii, 1963-1997?. (Natsionalna bibliografiia na NR Bulgariia; Seriia 8, 1973-1991?).
U of I Library Call Number: Oak Street Facility 016.01 B471 1963-1967, 1970-1982, 1984-1991

Bibliografiia na bulgarskata bibliografiia is an annual publication, part of the Bulgarian national bibliography, that lists all bibliographic publications issued in Bulgaria regardless of whether they are monographs or parts of larger works. Each volume is organized into subject sections and has author title and geographic indexes. The bibliographic entries are brief, largely without annotations. The final section of the volume contains references to reviews of bibliographies. No new issues of this title have been printed since the 1991 issue that was published in 1997. See the entries below which appeared in the 1991 issue under the heading of Czech literature.

Entries whic happeared in the 1991 issue under the heading of Czech literature.

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