Pro Gear Rental Hours
Weekdays from 10:30am-4:30pm
Item Costs and Fees
For a full list of Item Costs and Fees Click Here
Checkout Procedure
Patrons must book Pro-Gear items via the Scholarly Commons website checkout system (LibCal). Through LibCal, patrons will select how many days they plan to rent intended items
- For assistance in checking out Pro-Gear Rental, please view our video: click here
- In order to check out Pro-Gear items, patrons may arrange and attend a brief consultation at the Scholarly Commons Office (Main Library 306) with a Scholarly Commons staff member
- Upon arrival to check out a Pro-Gear item, please speak to one of the staff at the Scholarly Commons Loanable Tech desk; they will alert the appropriate person of the patron’s arrival
- All consultations must be arranged during scheduled Pro-Gear Rental Hours, (see above for hours)
- The consultation and subsequent checkout between patron and Scholarly Commons staff member is considered to be the first day the patron has checked out their Pro-Gear item(s), lasting until the close of Loanable Tech the next day
- This consultation will include a brief overview of what is included in the selected item, the functionality of the item, an opportunity for the patron to ask the staff member any questions about the item or Pro-Gear rental process, a confirmation that the listed number of days the patron will rent out the item is correct
- Once the final cost has been established, the patron will pay the total cost of the rental prior to checkout of item
Pro-Gear Rental fees can be paid via IlliniCash: Check/add funds here or by departmental CFOP transfer.
Checkout Refusal
Pro-Gear rentals may be refused to patrons in circumstances in which:
- The patron owes unpaid fees to Scholarly Commons for previous Pro-Gear item rentals.
- The patron does not have enough money on their IlliniCash account and is unable to add more
- The patron does not have a valid i-Card, the i-Card presented does not match the patron present for the consultation, or the i-Card presented does not match the LibCal booking made for the intended Pro-Gear Rental item
- The item is not available. This may occur for a number of reasons: previous patron has not returned the item, the item is considered Lost, the item is severely damaged or is missing valuable pieces
The Scholarly Commons Pro Gear Rental does not currently allow extensions to previous or current rental periods
Return Procedure
Items must be returned to the Loanable Tech Desk during it’s open hours. Note: Items do not have to be returned during Pro Gear Rental Hours.
In order for the item to be considered properly returned, Scholarly Commons staff members must confirm all pieces have been returned and no damage has been done to any of the item’s pieces.
Missing or damaged pieces can result in a number of different fees charged to the patron (see below). Unpaid fees can restrict patrons from future Pro-Gear Rentals as well as ability to enroll in University courses
Missing Parts
An item is not considered returned until all pieces have been returned. The patron will accrue fees at the same rate as if none of the item’s pieces have been returned.
Late/Lost Items
An item is considered late if it has not been returned by the start of the first Pro Gear Rental shift after the day the item is due
Late items will accumulate a daily fee as outlined below
The patron will receive emails on the day the item is due as well as every day that the item is late (however, the lack of an email reminder does not change a patron’s responsibility to return the item in a timely manner, nor does it affect the fees assessed to the patron)
An item is lost EITHER 7 days after the due date OR when it has been declared lost by the patron
Late items will accumulate a daily fee as outlined below
When an item is late, the patron will be assessed the lost fee (in addition to any late fees already accumulated)
The patron will receive an email when an item has been declared lost (however, the lack of an email declaring an item lost does not change the patron’s responsibility to return the item in a timely manner, nor does it affect the fees assessed to the patron)
In Both Cases:
Patrons may not check out new items until their fees have been paid in full
If a patron declares an item lost, further accumulation of late fees will stop. If this declaration is on or before the due date, the patron will have accumulated no late fees and will only be responsible for the lost fee