What Is Love Data Week?
Love Data Week is an annual event set around Valentine’s Day (February 13-17th) when Universities, nonprofit organizations, libraries, and other communities across the globe get together to share their appreciation for data. This February, the Scholarly Commons will be collaborating with Research Data Services to celebrate Love Data Week by hosting data-related workshops and other events.
The theme for 2023 is Data: Agent of Change. Use the right data to affect change for the issues you care about, whether they be social, environmental, or political. This year’s theme emphasizes the power of data as a tool for communication and inspiration.
For more information about the international event, visit the ICPSR’s official Love Data Week page.
Data Storytelling: Telling a Compelling and Ethical Narrative about Your Data
Monday, February 13
Main Library, Room 220 and Zoom, 2:00 – 3:00 pm
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This lesson is designed to be a one-hour hybrid workshop taught by two Scholarly Commons graduate assistants to members of the University of Illinois Community concerning the importance and ethics of data storytelling. While this workshop is open for everyone, it will cater most toward graduate students and advanced undergraduate students.
Data Management: Declutter Your Directories
Wednesday, February 15
Main Library, Room 220 and Zoom, 2:00 – 3:00 pm
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This one-hour hybrid workshop taught by the Research Data Service will cover best practices for data management, focusing especially on organization. Learn practical tips for cleaning up your file directories and spreadsheet data. While this workshop is open for everyone, it will cater mostly to graduate students.
Data Visualization: Best Practices
Friday, February 17
Main Library, Room 220 and Zoom, 2:30 – 3:30 pm
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This lesson is designed to be a one-hour hybrid workshop taught by two Scholarly Commons graduate assistants to members of the University of Illinois Community concerning best practices for data visualization. While this workshop is open for everyone, it will cater most toward graduate students and advanced undergraduate students.
Poetry Contest 
Calling all lovers of data and poetry! With Valentine’s day around the corner, show us what you love about data.
Craft a poem inspired by this year’s theme, Data: Agent of Change. Three winners will be selected based on the connection between data, love, and using data as an agent of change. Winners will receive a $20 Café Kopi gift card and will be featured on our blog page and social media. This contest is open to all valid iCard holding students of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Submissions are due by February 17, 2023.
Please email your submission to sc@illinois.library.edu. Include a pdf file with your full name, program and the year you are in.
Note: The title of your email should be Data Agent of Change to receive full consideration.
Other Resources 
LibGuides: Basic Data Analysis in Python: An Introduction
In celebration of the Love Data week, one of our graduate assistants, Jason created a LibGuide on Basic Data Analysis in Python. This LibGuide is meant to serve as an introduction to basic forms of data analysis using the Python programming language.