Nancy D. Anderson Mathematics Research Awards

Nancy Anderson

The Nancy D. Anderson Research Award program was established in 2024 to encourage and recognize excellence in research and writing of undergraduate students in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The awards are funded by the Nancy D. Anderson Mathematics Library Endowment Fund, which was established to honor Professor Nancy D. Anderson, the Head of the Mathematics Library at UIUC from 1972 to 2000.

  • Two prizes will be awarded annually, with the exception of the first year when only one prize will be given.
  • The Award is to be paid in the form of a check or direct deposit to the student’s account and must be in addition to and NOT replace or offset existing financial aid or university scholarship support from the institution. For group papers or projects, the award can be distributed among the group members.

Application eligibility:

The submitted paper or project must have been written or developed during the Fall 2024 semester for a course within the Department of Mathematics, or as an independent study project for credit, which must be supervised by a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics. In addition:

  • The paper or project must utilize the library collections or services at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
  • All applicants must be enrolled undergraduate students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign during the current academic year: Fall 2024 – Spring 2025.
  • Submissions may include analytical essays, creative essays, research papers, visualizations, and digital projects.
  • Submissions from individuals or groups will be accepted.

Application Procedure:

  • Your submission must be sponsored by a faculty member, instructor, or the program director of the course or program for which the paper or project was submitted. [Please use the faculty sponsorship form which is included in the application]
  • For group submissions, all members must be listed on the application and sign the application form.
  • Email a copy of your paper as a PDF or Word Document along with the completed faculty sponsor form to Sarah G. Park, Head of the Mathematics Library, at For online digital projects, please include a link to your project in your email.
  • The deadline for submissions is December 20, 2024.

Selection Criteria:

The selection committee will consist of two faculty members from the Department of Mathematics and two faculty members from the University Library and may include emeritus faculty. The committee members will evaluate the submitted papers or projects based on the author’s effective use of library resources, the quality of the research, as well as the following criteria:

  • Innovation and originality of the research.
  • Quality of analysis and interpretation.
  • Potential contribution to scholarship in Mathematics.
  • Excellence and clarity in writing and thoroughness of documentation.
  • Depth and breadth in the use of library resources, including library materials and databases.


Nancy D. Anderson Mathematics Research Awards – Application Form

This application form can be emailed along with the paper or project that is being submitted by the student or the faculty member, instructor, or program director.

Your submission is not finalized until we have received a completed copy of this form.
