The Mathemathics Library has created a hands-on book exhibit to celebrate the Department of Mathematics’ Math Carnival – Gathering for Gardner happening on Saturday, January 28, 2017 from 2-5 p.m. in Altgeld Hall.
Former graduate assistant Julia Cater created a Martin Gardner Library Guide so you can learn more about Martin Gardner online.
Poster by Jorge Nuno Silva
Poster by Jorge Nuno Silva
Poster by Jorge Nuno Silva
Poster by Jorge Nuno Silva
Poster by Jorge Nuno Silva
Books on Display
- 2nd Scientific American book of mathematical puzzles & diversions, a new selection. (Math 793.74 G18se)
- 536 puzzles & curious problems. Edited by Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 D86F)
- Aha! / Matʻin Gadŭnŏ chiŭm ; Yi Chʻung-ho omgim. (Oak Street Facility [request only] QA95 .G2316 1990)
- Aha! Aha! insight / Martin Gardner ; [framed drawings by Jim Glen, diagrs. by Felix Cooper]. (Math 793.74 G175a)
- Aha! Gotcha : Paradoxes to puzzle and delight / Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 G175ah)
- Annotated Alice: Alice’s adventures in Wonderland & Through the looking glass, by Lewis Carroll; Illustrated by John Tenniel. With an introd. and notes by Martin Gardner. (Undergrad PR4611 .A7 1960)
- Annotated ancient mariner : The rime of the ancient mariner / by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. With an introd. and notes by Martin Gardner. Illustrated by Gustave Doré. (Literatures & Languages PR4479 .A1 1974b)
- Annotated Casey at the bat : a collection of ballads about the mighty Casey / with an introduction and notes by Martin Gardner. (Oak Street Facility [request only] 811.08 G17A1984)
- Annotated Hunting of the snark : the full text of Lewis Carroll’s great nonsense epic The hunting of the snark / original illustrations by Henry Holiday ; edited with a preface and notes by Martin Gardner ; introduction by Adam Gopnik. (Oak Street Facility [request only] 821 D664h2006)
- Archimedes, mathematician and inventor. (SSHEL Oak Street [Choose pick-up: SSHEL] SB.A673G)
- Are universes thicker than blackberries? : discourses on Gödel, magic hexagrams, Little Red Riding Hood, and other mathematical and pseudoscientific topics / by Martin Gardner. (History, Philosophy & Newspaper 510 G175a)
- Calculus made easy : being a very-simplest introduction to those beautiful methods of reckoning which are generally called by the terrifying names of the differential calculus and the integral calculus / Silvanus P. Thompson and Martin Gardner. (Math 515 T37c1998)
- Codes, ciphers, and secret writing. (SSHEL S Collection S.652.8 G175C)
- Colossal book of mathematics : classic puzzles, paradoxes, and problems : number theory, algebra, geometry, probability, topology, game theory, infinity, and other topics of recreational mathematics / Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 G175c)
- Did Adam & Eve have navels? : discourses on reflexology, numerology, urine therapy & other dubious subjects / Martin Gardner. (Oak Street Facility [request only] 500 G175d)
- Flight of Peter Fromm. (Main Stacks 813 G1753F)
- Fractal music, hypercards and more– : mathematical recreations from Scientific American magazine / Martin Gardner. (Oak Street Facility [request only] 793.8 G175F)
- From the Wandering Jew to William F. Buckley Jr. : on science, literature, and religion / Martin Gardner. (Oak Street Facility [request only] 081 G175f)
- Gardner’s workout : training the mind and entertaining the spirit / Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 G175g)
- Hexaflexagons, probability paradoxes, and the Tower of Hanoi : Martin Gardner’s first book of mathematical puzzles and games / Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 G18s 2008)
- How not to test a psychic : ten years of remarkable experiments with Pavel Stepanek / Martin Gardner. (Main Stacks 133.84 G175H)
- In the name of science. (Main Stacks 508 G18I)
- Incredibile Dottor Matrix : predizioni, magie, coincidenze nel mondo della numerologia / Martin Gardner ; [traduzione di [Simona Panattoni ; revisione di Giulio Cesare Barozzi]. (Oak Street Facility [request only] 133.335 G17I:I)
- Knotted doughnuts and other mathematical entertainments / Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 G175k)
- Lifetime of puzzles : a collection of puzzles in honor of Martin Gardner’s 90th birthday / edited by Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Tom Rodgers. (Math 793.74 G175l)
- Logic machines and diagrams. (Oak Street Facility [request only] 160 G17L)
- Magic numbers of Dr. Matrix / Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 G175M)
- Martin Gardner’s new mathematical diversions from Scientific American. (Math 793.74 G18se 1983)
- Mathematical carnival : from penny puzzles, card shuffles and tricks of lightning calculators to roller coaster rides into the fourth dimension / Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 G18ma)
- Mathematical circus / Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 G18mc1992)
- Mathematical magic show : more puzzles, games, diversions, illusions & other mathematical sleight-of-mind from Scientific American / Martin Gardner ; with repartee from readers ; afterthoughts from the author. (Math 793.74 G18mat 1978)
- Mathematical puzzle tales / Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 G171m)
- Mathematical puzzling / A. Gardiner. (Math 793.74 G168M)
- Mathematics, magic and mystery / Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 G18m)
- New age : notes of a fringe watcher / Martin Gardner. (Main Stacks 133 G175N)
- New mathematical diversions / Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 G185se 1995)
- Night is large : collected essays, 1938-1995 / Martin Gardner. (Main Stacks 814 G175N)
- Numerology of Dr. Matrix; the fabulous feats and adventures in number theory, sleight of word, and numerological analysis (literary, biblical, political, philosophical, and psychonumeranalytical) of that incredible master mind, first introduced in the pag (Main Stacks 133.335 G17N)
- On the wild side / Martin Gardner. (Oak Street Facility [request only] 500 G175O)
- Order and surprise / Martin Gardner. (Main Stacks 081 G175O)
- Origami, Eleusis, and the Soma cube : Martin Gardner’s mathematical diversions / Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 G18se 2008)
- Penrose tiles to trapdoor ciphers / Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 G175p)
- Riddles of the sphinx : and other mathematical puzzle tales / by Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 G175R)
- Show di magia matematica : ancora da “Scientific American” rompicapi, giochi, passatempi, trucchi e altre arguzie / Martin Gardner ; [traduzione di Simona Panattoni ; revisione di Giulio Cesare Barozzi]. (Main Stacks 793.74 G18mat:I)
- Sixth book of mathematical games from Scientific American. (Math 793.74 G18si)
- Sphere packing, Lewis Carroll, and reversi : Martin Gardner’s new mathematical diversions / Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 G18n 2009)
- Time travel and other mathematical bewilderments / Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 G175T)
- Tokyo puzzles / Kobon Fujimura ; edited and with an introd. by Martin Gardner ; translated by Fumie Adachi. (Math 793.74 F954PEA)
- Undiluted hocus-pocus : the autobiography of Martin Gardner / with a foreword by Persi Diaconis and an afterword by James Randi. (Math 793.74092 G175g)
- Unexpected hanging, and other mathematical diversions. (SSHEL Oak Street [Choose pick-up: SSHEL] S.793.7 G17U)
- Universe in a handkerchief : Lewis Carroll’s mathematical recreations, games, puzzles, and word plays / Martin Gardner. (Math 793.73 G175U)
- Weird water & fuzzy logic : more notes of a fringe watcher / Martin Gardner. (Oak Street Facility [request only] 081 G175W)
- Wheels, life, and other mathematical amusements / Martin Gardner. (Math 793.74 G175W)
- Whys of a philosophical scrivener / Martin Gardner. (Oak Street Facility [request only] 191 G175W)