Juan Rada
The Metamorphosis of the Word: Libraries with a Future
October 11, 1994
Read Lecture Program (PDF file)
Juan Rada studied economics and sociology at the Universidad Católica de Chile,followed by postgraduate studies at the University of London, where he obtained his PhD. His areas of specialization are technology management and the impact of technology on management and companies.
From 1979 to 1989 he was a member of the faculty of the International Management Institute in Geneva, where he was also director general from 1986 to 1989. From 1989 to 1992 he was the founding director general of IMD (one of Europe’s leading management schools) in Lausanne, Switzerland, and professor of technology management. From 1992 to 1993, Dr. Rada was vice president of Digital Equipment Corporation International (Europe), responsible for strategic alliances and new initiatives. Since January 1994 he has been managing director of the Environmental Partnership, an organization devoted to the implementation and promotion of environmental initiatives.
In the 1994 Mortenson Distinguished Lecture, “The Metamorphosis of the Word: Libraries with a Future,” Dr. Rada presented a richly textured, thoughtful, and provocative perspective on libraries and information.