Showcase and Graduation

You are invited to the 2024 Mortenson Center Associates Showcase and Graduation. This year the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs welcomed 12 librarians from 11 countries in its Associates Program (June 3-26, 2024), who will be presenting on the theme

“New Roles and Impact in Libraries Around the Globe”

The showcase will be followed by the graduation ceremony and reception.

WHEN and WHAT: Wednesday, June 26, 2024; 11am-noon. Showcase
WHEN and WHAT: Wednesday, June 26, 2024; Noon-1:15pm. Graduation Ceremony and Reception
WHERE: Main Library, Room 106 (1408 W. Gregory Dr.; Urbana, IL 61801)

The Showcase is co-sponsored with the International and Area Studies Library, and the UNESCO Center for Global Citizenship.
Please join us for the presentations by librarians from Azerbaijan, Ghana, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Republic of South Korea (2), Serbia, and the United Arab Emirates, and celebrate their completion of a A Professional Development and Leadership Program for Library and Information Science (LIS) Professionals, on the theme: “Transforming Libraries: New Roles and Impact”.

2024 SCECSAL Conference, Mombasa, Kenya


Our director Prof. Clara Chu gave the Keynote address at the SCECSAL ( Standing Conference of Eastern, Central & Southern African Library & Information Associations) conference on April 22, 2024. Her keynote was titled: “Our Libraries and Our Communities in the Digital Era: Re-imagining Services with Intention.” The conference was hosted by the Kenya Library Association whose chair person is an alumnus of the Mortenson Center, Prof. Peter Gatiti. He is the Associate vice-provost and University Librarian at  the Aga Khan University (AKU).


SILL Training with Bibliotheca Alexandrina

The Mortenson Center partnered with Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt, in providing the first in-person SILL (Strengthening Innovative Library Leaders) training since the pandemic.
  • When: February 13 – 14, 2024
  • Time: 10:30AM- 4:00PM each day
  • Where: Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt
  • Format: In-person
  • Cost: Free for all invited/ registered participants
  • Language of Instruction: Arabic/ English

Congratulations to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Professional Development Division for hosting and presenting the workshop, by the local team of organizers and facilitators: Joseph Makkar (lead facilitator), Samia Abouhany, Sara Elgabalawy and Neveen Nagy (co-facilitator).

To learn more about SILL Training and find more resources visit our website at:

Mid Term Post Program Review – December 13, 2023

The 2023 Mortenson Center Associates had a mid-term post program review meeting on Zoom with the Mortenson Center Team. The associates each had a chance to share the PDP (Professional Development Plans) from the program and provided an update on their implementation, including challenges and opportunities they had encountered in implementing the projects. Some of the challenges included a lack of funding and issues related to time management while some of the opportunities mentioned included buy-in from administration and thus securing funding for the projects, and opportunities for networking and more travel outside of their countries. The associates expressed a desire to stay connected with zoom meetings at least quarterly. Vuyo Jamieson, the center’s Research Assistant and PhD student at the iSchool is working on some Alumni Engagement initiatives that will ensure former associates stay engaged and connected beyond their time at the center. The projects the associates are working on are varied and are listed below:

  • Neveen Nagy Eid (Egypt)Establishing a “Book a Librarian” program at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina
  • Ola El Zein (Lebanon)Creating a Virtual Exhibition of Historical Medical Artifacts at the American University of Beirut (AUB) and AUB Medical Center (AUBMC)
  • Ulrike Junger (Germany)Automating Cataloging Tasks at the German National Library
  • Tebogo Khama (Botswana)Establishing a Research Data Management (RDM) and curation Service at the University of Botswana
  • Jinsook Lee (S. Korea)Renovation of the “Study Garden” (open study space) at the Seoul National University Library
  • Florence Plockey (Ghana)Advocating and Marketing Library Resources & Services thru social media at the Accra Technical University
  • Minsang Song (S. Korea)Using whiteboards for team meetings at the National Library of Korea
  • Tereza Richards (Jamaica)Improving Research Data Management services at the University of West Indies- Mona Campus

Congratulations to the 2023 Associates

Congratulations to our 2023 Associates! Thank you all for participating and supporting the program as we learn to collaborate, develop meaningful connections and services, and employ new technologies in library spaces. We are hopeful that our Associates as leaders in libraries will pave ways for innovation and advancement. They all have demonstrated the foundational professional values of librarianship, connecting and empowering others through information.

  • Thikra Alharbi (Saudi Arabia)
  • Neveen Nagy Eid (Egypt)
  • Ola El Zein (Lebanon)
  • Ulrike Junger (Germany)
  • Tebogo Khama (Botswana)
  • Jinsook Lee (S. Korea)
  • Florence Plockey (Ghana)
  • Minsang Song (S. Korea)
  • Tereza Richards (Jamaica)

Workshop on Libraries and Advancing the UNSDGs- April1, 2023

The Mortenson Center for International Library Programs and the ALA Student Chapter, Illinois iSchool hosted a hybrid workshop on libraries and advancing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. 

Clara M Chu, Ph.D., Director and Mortenson Distinguished Professor
Mortenson Center for International Library Programs, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Kendra S. Albright, Ph.D., Goodyear Endowed Professor in Knowledge Management
School of Information, Kent State University.

Congratulations to the 2022 Associates!

It is a pleasure to welcome and introduce the 2022 Mortenson Associates from 8 countries:
Ghana, Japan, Kuwait, Malawi, Oman, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, and South Africa.

The theme of the 2022 Associates Program, A Professional Development Program for Library Leaders and Innovators, is “Smart and Smarter: Leadership and Innovation in Libraries.”
We appreciated the contributions of this year’s librarians, information specialists, and faculty, who presented their knowledge, expertise, and libraries, engaging this year’s theme. To help track their progress and experiences, the 2022 Associates have been updating their reflections of the program on the Mortenson Center Associates Program Blog Page:…/202…/
These last four weeks have truly been so enriching and engaging for all of our participants, and as the Associates depart campus today, their contributions and experiences will remain in our thoughts as we start preparing for the 2023 Associates Program shortly!
Congratulations to all of our Associates – we cannot wait to see what you accomplish as you return to your home institutions!
Class of 2022 Mortenson Center Associates Program:
• Muneer AlBattashi (Oman)
• Fatima Alqouod (Kuwait)
• Hirotaka Arikawa (Japan)
• Deborah Bumbie-Chi (Ghana)
• Vuyokazi Jamieson (South Africa)
• Eunbyeol Jo (Republic of Korea)
• Isao Nagasaka (Japan)
• Farrukh Shahzad (Pakistan)
• Samuel Simango (Malawi/South Africa)
• Yeongjo Yun (Republic of Korea)