Papers of Charles C. Stewart
The papers of Charles C. Stewart, professor of history (1974-) contain a photocopy of a text and commentary on the Koran by ‘Abd al- Jalil wuld Abd al-Rahman wuld Muhammadu wuld Muhammadu wuld al-Khattat wuld Sid A’mar (ca. 1900-65). They also contain a collection of Mauritanian Arabic manuscripts along with other Islamic and sub-Saharan African research material. These Arabic language manuscripts and printed documents, primarily from the 19th century, concern literature, law, Islamic religious texts and commentaries, Arabic language, and history.
Sultan Qaboos Collection
In October 2012, the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies received a grant from the Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center in Washington, D.C. that included acquisition funds for a collection on Oman and Ibadi Islam. The Sultan Qaboos collection now includes 100 volumes , giving the Library of the University of Illinois one of the most comprehensive collections of its type in the Western hemisphere.