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Map Cataloging and Metadata

Cataloging Cartographic Resources

Map Cataloging Manual (LC G&M)
Sponsored online by The Library Corporation as part of the “Cataloger’s Reference Shelf.”

Map Cataloging
A set of cataloging tools created or linked to by Terry Reese, formerly at Oregon State University.

Western Association of Map Libraries Map Librarian’s Toolbox
Many links to sites with basic information on maps and map publishers.


Metadata Primer for Map Librarians
Article by David Y. Allen, published by ALA Map & Geospatial Information Round Table

Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) – What are Metadata? |
Definitions of metadata and geospacial metadata.

FGDC Don’t Duck Metadata
“A short reference guide for writing quality metadata.” (Opens as a PDF.)

Ten Most Common Metadata Errors
A helpful document produced by the FGDC and the National Metadata Cadre. (Opens as PDF.)

Essential Metadata Elements
A set of recommended metadata elements that can be used for the development of organizational metadata and templates. (Opens as a PDF.)

Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
FGDC from 1998.

Bibliographic Freedom and the Future Direction of Map Cataloging
Article by Terry Reese, Oregon State University, on using metadata crosswalks.

FAQs on FGDC metadata
The USGS answers questions about FGDC metadata. (Care to buy a vowel?)

Formal metadata: information and software
The USGS provides information on FGDC metadata standards and related software.