Illinois Sanborns at UIUC
Sanborns published prior to 1925 are in process for scanning. This collection is not yet complete. Available to users regardless of location or affiliation. Free download and use.
Digital Sanborn Maps of Illinois (Proquest)
Scanned Sanborn maps for Illinois cities from ProQuest Information and Learning. Black and white. Zoomable, panable, printable, and downloadable. Only accessible from UIUC campus computers or with a valid NetID and password. Please note that UIUC subscribes to the Illinois maps only. Click on link in “View Online” section of catalog record to access.
Other States
Sanborn maps from the Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division (downloadable)
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Checklist
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Digital Collection
Sanborn Maps
Wikipedia article that includes links to collections of scanned Sanborns.