Map Library Hours

Map Library is currently Closed.
Map Library hours for this week are:
Today 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
Tuesday 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
Wednesday 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM
Thursday 08:30 AM - 05:00 PM



Getting to the Map Library

University Library, Main Library Building Location
The Map Library is located on the fourth floor of the University Library’s Main Library Building, marked with a red oval on the map. Use the University Library’s interactive Google map for driving directions. Please call the Map Library at 217-333-0827 if you need navigation assistance.

Parking on Campus

Parking Near the Main Library
The E-3 parking lot to the west of the Main Library Building, on 6th Street between Armory and Gregory, is a metered parking lot that does not require a parking permit. Payment will require access the MobileMeter parking app or by calling (217) 207-3033 to pay over the phone. Generally, this lot is enforced 6am-1am, Monday-Saturday. Please read the parking meter for enforcement policies. This parking lot also has designated handicap accessible, metered parking spaces.

Please note: Daytime parking on the University of Illinois campus can be difficult, and it may be more convenient to walk to some destinations. Between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. visitors may park in metered spaces along streets and in metered spaces in parking lots and facilities indicated in yellow on the campus parking map. All other campus lots are reserved for permit holders only, and your car may be towed if you park in prohibited spaces. University lots are open to visitors after 6 p.m. and on weekends and holidays, subject to posted restrictions.

Taking the Bus

Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit on UIUC Campus
Many city buses make stops at the Main Library. To plan your route, visit the Champaign-Urbana’ Mass Transit District.

Finding Us Inside the Main Library

Floor Plan -- Fourth Floor of Main Library
The Map Library is on the fourth floor of the Main Library Building. The fourth floor is accessible by both stairs and elevators.