Korean Studies Databases

Korean E-resources

E-Korean Studies is a cross-database search interface of the following 9 major Korean electronic databases covering various disciplines including arts and humanities, social sciences, medical sciences. The content materials cover various sources from monographs, periodicals, newspapers, dissertations and research reports, law, classical literature, to dictionaries and video lectures. Each of the databases can also be accessed and searched separately.

  • KISS (Korean Studies Information Service System) Full text database of Korean scholarly journal articles, university publications and research papers published by over 1,200 research institutions in Korea. The DB includes 800,000 full-text articles and it covers most of subject areas published since 1945. Requirement of the system: Acrobat Reader(more than 4.0)
  • KoreaA2Z (Korean Studies DB Contents) KoreaA2Z is a database of 110 academic contents in general reference, journalism, history, geography, law, religion, philosophy, traditional culture, natural science, and oriental medicine.
  • Digital Culture Art Course As a subset of KoreaA2Z, it provides VOD lectures presented by scholars and specialists in the subject areas containing 70 titles for 923 courses.
  • LawnB (Legal Information Service) LawnB is a legal information service that provides a collection of South Korean legal materials on-line including law information, judicial precedent, administration data, laywer and law firm information, etc.

Free Online Databases

  • Naver News Library Naver News Library is a full-text Korean newspaper article database containing the following four major newspapers:
    • Tonga ilbo東亞日報 = Dong-A ilbo : 1920-1999
    • Kyŏnghyang sinmun 京鄕新聞 = Kyunghyang Shinmun : 1946-1999
    • Maeil kyŏngje sinmun每日經濟新聞 = Maeil Business Newspaper : 1966-1999
    • Han’gyŏre 한겨레 = The Hankyoreh : 1988-1999
  • Academy of Korean Studies 한국학중앙연구원 The Academy of Korean Studies was established in 1978 to revitalize the field of Korean Studies by conducting in-depth research and offering education on related subjects. Activities by AKS range from conducting research on Korean culture from both humanities and social science perspectives to educating and training researchers and higher education professionals, collecting, researching, translating and publishing Korean classics, and publishing and disseminating research results in the Korean Studies field.
  • Knowledgebase of Korean Studies (디지털 한국학) This encyclopedic online database was originally developed by the Academy of Korean Studies and holds much information about Korean art, culture, folklore, history, literature, philosophy, and religion. Search by keyword and browse by subject.
  • Korean History Online (한국역사정보통합시스템) This resource is an integrated search service for history databases from 19 Korean institutions:National Institute of Korean History(국사편찬위원회),Kyujanggak (규장각),Jongyŏnggak (존경각),Munchŏn’gak (문천각),the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs of the Republic of Korea(국가보훈처),Independence Hall of Korea(독립기념관),Academia Coreana(명지대학교 국제한국학 연구소),Korean Classics Research Institute (민족문화추진회),the Korea Democracy Foundation(민주화운동 기념사업회),the War Memorial of Korea(전쟁기념사업회),the Korean Studies Advancement Center(한국국학진흥원),Korean Women’s Development Institute(한국여성개발원),the Academy of Korean Studies(한국학중앙연구원).
  • DB of Korean historical figures (한국역대인물종합정보시스템) A comprehensive database of more than 16,000 historic Korean figures from ancient to modern developed by the Academy of Korean Studies (한국학중앙연구원) and the Korea Agency for Digital Opportunity and Promotion (한국정보문화진흥원). It provides information the origins and history of Korean family names and the detailed lists of those who passed the official exams of the Chosŏn dynasty (국조문과방목. 무과방목, 사마방목, 잡과방목). This database is searchable by keyword, name, and family origin.