Access to Japanese Libraries and Research Institutions
Before heading to Japan for research, make an appointment with the Japanese studies librarian for advice on access to research institutions and the most-up-to-date information about inter-University agreements that will help you gain access to resources in Japan.
Waseda University Collaboration
The University of Illinois and Waseda University have an institutional agreement that allows Illinois faculty to register to use the Waseda University Library and check-out materials for research. When you arrive in Tokyo, you can register as a visiting scholar at the International Scholar Services Office. Once you register at this office, you can then go to the Waseda University Library to register for library access. Before heading to Waseda, it is also a good idea to pre-search the library catalogs (WINE) so that you know what items are available and where you’ll find them in this large research library system.
The North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources (北米日本研究資料調整協議会)
The most up to date resource to help you plan research in Japan is the NCC’s Guide to Research Access for Japanese Museums, Libraries, and Archives.
Global and Area Studies Research Centers in Japan
Below are the lists of the libraries and research centers within Japan to get assistance with area studies.
Asian Studies – Libraries
- Center Library, Interchange Association, Japan (日台交流センター図書室)
- Institute of Chinese Affairs Library (中国研究所図書館)
- Library, the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo(東京大学東洋文化研究所図書室)
- Library, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Kyoto (京都大学東南アジア研究所図書室)
- 青丘文庫 (Korean History, Korean-Japanese Studies)
Asia – Research Centers
- ACCU Asia Pacific Cultural Center for UNESCO (ユネスコ・アジア文化センター)
- CARI Central Asia and Caucasus Research Institute (中央アジア・コーカサス研究所)
- CSAS Center for South Asian Studies (岐阜女子大学南アジア研究センター)
- Interchange Association, Japan (日台交流センター)
- Institute of Asian Cultural Studies, International Christian University (国際基督教大学アジア文化研究所)
- Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo (東京大学東洋文化研究所)
- Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University (Formerly JCAS) (京都大学地域研究統合情報センター/旧・国立民族学博物館地域研究企画交流センター)
- Seikei University Center for Asian and Pacific Studies (成蹊大学アジア太平洋研究センター)
- Waseda University Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (早稲田大学大学院アジア太平洋研究科・アジア太平洋研究センター)
Global Studies
- Hitotsubashi University, Institute for the Study of Global Issues (地球社会研究専攻)
- Sophia University, Graduate Program in Global Studies
Russia, East Europe – Libraries
- The Slavic Research Center Library (北海道大学スラブ研究センター図書室)
- Russia, East Europe — Research Centers
- Institute of Eurasian Studies (ユーラシア研究所)
- Slavic Research Center (北海道大学スラブ研究センター)
- Japanese Society for the Study of Russian History (ロシア史研究会)
- The Japan Council of Russian and East European Studies (日本ロシア・東欧研究連絡協議会)