
GIS and Spatial Data

Geospatial Information Authority of Japan 国土交通省国土地理院
A variety of information and data, provided in Japanese.

A project at the National Institute of Informatics that provides several services for place names, including GIS/mapping and downloadable software as well as a web API.

Japan Geography Links (Harvard)
Links to a variety of GIS and other geographical resources from Japanese history at different institutions.

Japan Placename Database
A web-searchable database at Harvard for Japanese place names.

Historical Maps and Map Collections

Asian Maps Collection (USC)
This collection includes a variety of maps from around the world focusing on East Asia, Japan, Korea, China and other parts of Asia.

David Rumsey Map Collection
This is a map collection database that consists of over 95,000 maps and related images online. The collection includes a number of rare maps from 16th through 21st century Japan and Asia more broadly.

Thematic Maps

Japan Map
Statistics and data overlaid on a choice of several maps of Japan. Data can be chosen from a long list of filters, so it can be viewed alone or in combination for comparison purposes.

We Shall Never Forget – Last Movements of Tsunami Disaster Victims 忘れない
The Hidenori Watanabe Laboratory at Tokyo Metropolitan University and Iwate Nippo Newspaper worked together to create a digital archive of those who lost their lives in the disaster, mapping their evacuation efforts from when the earthquake struck until the tsunami arrived. This project is entitled: We Shall Never Forget – Last Movements of Tsunami Disaster Victims.