Surveys and Japanese Public Opinion
Survey Online 世論調査 (内閣府)
This website provides the results of various surveys taken by the government, available in PDF form and in CSV.世論 What Japan Thinks
世論(yoron) means public opinions or consensus. This webpage provides an analysis and translations of surveys conducted by Hatena and other organizations on various topics.National Diet Library’s Survey Data 調査資料
This page provides publications from 2003 to present on survey data from the National Diet Library, in Japanese.
National Institute of Informatics Data Sets
The NII links to and offers a number of text-based data sets from this page, including from NIJL, Yahoo!, Rakuten, Niconico, and others. Site and corpora in Japanese only.JSTプロジェクトデータベース
This database provides information on science and technology grant projects awarded funds by JST. It allows for searching by topic or researcher/institution and includes grant project summaries and the number of funds awarded.Re3data: is a free, searchable registry of research data repository websites. This link filters by “japan” to show data repository websites realting to Japan.
Digital Humanities
Kokushitei bunkazai tō database 国指定文化財等データベース
A database with metadata and small images of all cultural properties in Japan, including national treasures. Searchable and browsable by type, period, and location.JAPANESE.GR.JP (JGJ)
This is the website of a major text analysis project for Japanese classics, including software, results, and data sets. There is a special focus on waka poetry.Agency for Cultural Affairs Statistics & Surveys (文化庁)
This site lists publications as well as articles specializing on topics such as cultural issues, arts, copyright, religion, and Japanese language education.Center for Open Data in the Humanities 人文学オープンデータ共同利用センター
Center for Open Data in the Humanities (CODH) is working on research and development for enhancing access to humanities data using the state-of-the-art technology in informatics and statistics, and at the same time constructing data platforms based on the idea of open science to promote trans-disciplinary participation of people with diverse backgrounds, thereby opening up new possibilities of research framework in digital humanities from data-driven perspectives.The Digital Orientalist
This guide is helpful resource/tool for non-Japanese-speaking students, faculties in the field of Geography, Visual Studies, Urban Studies, or Digital Humanities.