General Information and Reviews
Japanese Film Database 日本映画データベース
The Japanese Film Database provides search for information on Japanese films according to title, film cast and staff, or film industry related companies. JFDB also offers information on Japanese films released in period from year 2002 to 2010 together with contact details on Japanese film industries, bilingually in Japanese and English. It is run cooperatively by the Japan Foundation and UNIJAPAN.Japanese Animated Film Classics 日本アニメーション映画クラシックス
This is a portal, archive, and platform for digitized collection of classic Japanese animated films. You can find the old animated films by categories or by authors, and watch all the films that are archived by this organization.Kinema Club
Kinema Club is a long-standing but informal group devoted to the study of Japanese moving image media. Kinema Club was started precisely to share knowledge about Japanese cinema, so this site serves both to introduce our activities, such as the KineJapan mailing list and our conferences and workshops, as well promote information and thinking about films, research, bibliography, and education.
Filmarks is one of the most popular film review providers in Japan. You can use this website to search and review films you watch as well as social communication tool to share what you have watched and see what your friends have watched.
List of Japanese submissions for the Academy Award for Best International Feature
This is a portal to the digitized collection of the National Diet Library which contains rare old books, Tohoku newspapers, dissertations the Occupation period materials, and constitutional materials.Motion Picture Producers Association of Japan, Inc.
The MPPAJ consists of four Japanese major motion picture companies, namely SHOCHIKU CO., LTD.,TOHO CO.,LTD.,TOEI COMPANY LTD. and KADOKAWA CORPORATION. It aims at the sound development of the movie production business, the prevention of unfairness among MPPAJ members, the promotion of film exports, the participation in international film festivals, and the issuance and collection of domestic and foreign materials, as well as negotiations with public organizations and related groups.Japan Academy Prize Association
This association awards Japanese film prize and this site includes winners from past years as well as an introduction to the history of the prize. It’s a great source to get to know what kind of films are highly regarded and its history.
Japan Association of Theatre Owners
Industry website for Japanese movie theaters.Film Industry Statistics in Japan
Film industry statistics from the Motion Picture Producers Association of Japan.
Historical Film and Moving Image in Japan
The Meiji Period Film 映像で見る明治の日本
Celebrating the 120 years anniversary of the birth of Japanese films, this website collaborating with Japanese national film archive and national information institution collects the films that depict Meiji period and make them available to publish. Each film or movie comes with a brief description as well as the specification of the artifacts. Only available in Japanese.