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Bibliographic Information

TitleFreeport bulletin (Freeport, Ill. : 1868 : Weekly)
Alt. TitleWeekly bulletin
OCLC Number28920074
Published InFreeport, IL, (Stephenson County)
Years Published1868 - 19uu
Record Set NameFreeport bulletin
NotesBegan June 25, 1868? Latest issue consulted: Dec. 27, 1906.

Where we found this title:

Location Name Access Note Format Complete? Holdings Additional Notes
ReadexPaid Online Resource. Consult UIUC Staff.Digital facsimilesPossibly incomplete.1872:10:3, 1873:2:27.Holding Notes: Holdings not verified. Collation based on the issues held by American Antiquarian Society, probably source of the Readex copy.
Abraham Lincoln Presidential LibraryContact institution for more information.Microfilm service copy<1868:6:25-1876:4:27> <1877:2:15-1879:12:25> <1882:1:5-12:28> <1887:4:14> <1888:4:19> <1889:5:2> <1890:4:10> <1892:1:7-12:29> <1897:1:7-12:30> <1898:12:29> <1899:7:20> <1900:1:4-1902:12:25> <1904:1:7-12:29> <1906:1:4-12:27>Note: Some issues filmed on reel: M-15B. Issues for Dec. 29, 1898 and July 20, 1899 filmed with title: Orangeville Courier.
Freeport Public LibraryContact institution for more information.Microfilm service copy<1868:8:6-1906:12:27>
Abraham Lincoln Presidential LibraryContact institution for more information.Microfilm master copy<1868:6:25-1869:12:2> <1874:4:23> <1875:4:15> <1876:4:13> <1877:4:19> <1878:4:25> <1887:4:14> <1888:4:19> <1889:5:2> <1890:4:10> <1892:1:7-12:29> <1897:1:7-12:30> <1898:12:29> <1899:7:20> <1900:1:4-1902:12:25> <1904:1:7-12:29> <1906:1:4-12:27>
Chicago History Museum (onsite storage)Original print<1876:6:15>