| Rock Island Argus (Moline, Ill.) | oclc no. 26847268 | |
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| Alternative title: Dispatch and the Rock Island Argus | |
| Published in: Moline, IL (Rock Island County) | |
| Language: English | |
| Years Published: 1986 - 9999 | |
| Record Set Name: Rock Island Argus (Moline, Ill.) | |
| Notes: Former frequency: Daily (except federal holidays), June 14, 1986-Sept. 3, 1995. | |
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Where we found this title:
| | Rock Island Public Library | | | | | Access Note: Contact institution for more information. | | | | Format: Microfilm service copy | | | | Holdings: <1986:6:14-1989:4:30, 6:1-12:31> <1990:1:2-1998:8:30, 9:1-12:31> <1999:1:1-6:30, 8:1-12:31> <2000:1:1- | |
| | Augustana College | | | | | Access Note: Contact institution for more information. | | | | Format: Microfilm service copy | | | | Holdings: <1986:6:14- | |
| | Lincoln Library | | | | | Access Note: Contact institution for more information. | | | | Format: Original print | | | | Holdings: Retains current 2 months of Sundays only. | |
| | Moline Public Library | | | | | Access Note: Contact institution for more information. | | | | Format: Original print | | | | Holdings: Retains current 3 months only. | |
| | Cordova District Library | | | | | Access Note: Contact institution for more information. | | | | Format: Original print | | | | Holdings: <2001:9:10> | |
| | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | | | | | Access Note: Contact institution for more information. | | | | Format: Original print | | | | Holdings: Retains current year only. | |
| | Rock Island Public Library | | | | | Access Note: Contact institution for more information. | | | | Format: Original print | | | | Holdings: Retains current issues until microfilm arrives. | |
| | Augustana College | | | | | Access Note: Contact institution for more information. | | | | Format: Original print | | | | Holdings: Retains current issues until microfilm arrives. | |