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Bibliographic Information

TitleOkawville times
Alt. Title
OCLC Number13344011
Published InOkawville, IL, (Washington County)
Years Published1uuu - 9999

Where we found this title:

Location Name Access Note Format Complete? Holdings Additional Notes
Abraham Lincoln Presidential LibraryContact institution for more information.Microfilm service copy<1914:10:16, 30> <1915:4:30-5:14> <1933:12:1> <1934:12:13> <1936:6:11> <1947:4:3> <1955:12:7-1988:12:29>Note: Issues for years 1914-1915 filmed on reel: M-132; issues for years 1933-1934 and 1936 on reel: M-48B; issue for Apr. 3, 1947 on reel: M-107.
University of ChicagoContact institution for more information.Microfilm service copy<1947:4:3>Note: AN14.I5M5. Regenstein Library, Microfilm Area. Misc. Ill. Newspapers (1846-1968).
Lincoln LibraryContact institution for more information.Microfilm service copy<1947:4:3>
Abraham Lincoln Presidential LibraryContact institution for more information.Microfilm master copy<1914:10:16, 30> <1915:4:30-5:14> <1933:12:1> <1934:12:13> <1936:6:11> <1947:4:3> <1955:12:7-1988:12:29>