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Bibliographic Information

TitleDaily inter ocean (Chicago, Ill. : 1879)
Alt. TitleSunday inter ocean
OCLC Number12305135
Published InChicago, IL, (Cook County)
Years Published1879 - 1902
Record Set NameChicago today (Chicago, Ill. : 1970)
NotesAlso called: Inter ocean.

Where we found this title:

Location Name Access Note Format Complete? Holdings Additional Notes
Gale News VaultPaid Online Resource. Consult UIUC Staff.Digital facsimilesSome issues are missing, damaged, or incomplete.1879:11:12-12:4, 6-31, 1880:1:2-14, 16-2:4, 6-11, 13-25, 27-28, 4:8-21, 23-27, 5:1-26, 28-31, 8:6-1881:3:24, 26, 30-9:21, 23-1882:5:20, 22-6:17, 19-7:31, 1886:1:1-31, 2:20, 6:1-7:31, 10:1-3, 5-1887:1:16, 18-2:8, 10-4:5, 7-9:24, 26-30, 10:2-11:14, 16-12:29, 31-1888:5:4, 7-31, 6:14-28, 30-10:28, 30-11:10, 12-22, 24-12:19, 22-28, 30-1889:1:14, 16-19, 25-27, 29-2:5, 8-5:7, 9-6:25, 28-11:20, 22-12:30, 1890:1:1-2, 4-6, 8-14, 3:9-30, 4:2-1891:3:31, 7:1-31, 8:24-10:17, 19-12:26, 28-1894:2:28, 12:10-1895:1:9, 11-17, 19-28, 30-9:30, 10:3-6, 8-13, 15-12:11, 13-21, 23-1896:2:22, 24-6:30, 7:2-11, 13-19, 21-10:23, 25-11:9, 11-26, 28-29, 12:1-16, 18, 21, 23, 27-29, 31.
Newspapers.comPaid Online Resource. Consult UIUC Staff.Digital facsimilesPossibly incomplete.1892:1:1-1902:1:19.Holding Notes: Holdings not verified. Collation based on vendor supplied data.
ReadexPaid Online Resource. Consult UIUC Staff.Digital facsimilesPossibly incomplete.1879:11:12-1896:12:31Holding Notes: Holdings not verified. Collation based on vendor supplied data.
Chicago History Museum (onsite storage)Microfilm service copySome issues are incomplete.<1879:11:12-1902:1:19>
Chicago Public LibraryContact institution for more information.Microfilm service copySome issues are missing and/or incomplete.<1879:11:12-1902:1:19>Note: In Newspapers and General Periodicals.
Holding Notes: Sunday issues are filmed beginning Apr. 22, 1883.
Newberry LibraryContact institution for more information.Microfilm service copySome issues are missing.<1880:1:1-1898:12:5>Note: Film A6.161. General stacks.
Chicago History Museum (onsite storage)Microfilm service copy<1893:1:1-29, 3:12-8:13, 27-12:17>Note: qF38MZ 1893 C1C41 (Illustrated supplement only)
University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignContact institution for more information.Microfilm service copy<1882:11:27-1883:2:16>Note: Please consult staff in the History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library to request material.
Abraham Lincoln Presidential LibraryContact institution for more information.Microfilm service copy<1879:11:12-1893:4:22, 24-12:31> <1902:1:1-19>Note: Some issues filmed on reel: M-138; issue for Nov. 1, 1893 filmed on reel: M-32A; issue for Apr. 2, 1895 filmed on reel: M-141.
Danville Public LibraryContact institution for more information.Microfilm service copy<1893:1:28, 9:20, 10:31-11:1>
Chicago History Museum (onsite storage)Microfilm master copy<1893:1:1-29, 3:12-8:13, 27-12:17>Note: qF38MZ 1893 C1C41 (Illustrated supplement only)
Abraham Lincoln Presidential LibraryContact institution for more information.Microfilm master copy<1893:1:28, 9:20, 10:31-11:1>
Chicago Public LibraryContact institution for more information.Original print<1888:3:15>Note: In Special Collections.
Chicago History Museum (onsite storage)Original printSome issues are incomplete.<1889:3:4, 4:30-5:2>Note: Washington Newspapers.
University of ChicagoContact institution for more information.Original print<1880:6:1-5>Note: AN14.A2 folio. Regenstein Library, Special Collections.
Chicago History Museum (onsite storage)Original print<1893:1:1-29, 3:12-8:13, 27-12:17>Note: qF38MZ 1893 C1C41 folio (Illustrated supplement only)
Chicago History Museum (offsite storage)Original printSome issues are damaged.<1879:11:13, 25-1894:11:30> <1902:1:1-19>Note: Please consult with Research Center Staff before requesting.
Newberry LibraryContact institution for more information.Original print<1879:11:12-12:31>Note: A6.161. General stacks.
Chicago History Museum (onsite storage)Original print<1892:8:21, 10:20, 22> <1893:5:17, 8:9, 30, 9:6, 10, 20, 27, 10:4, 9, 11>
Chicago History Museum (onsite storage)Original print<1893:3:25>
Chicago History Museum (onsite storage)Original print<1901:9:9, 14-15, 19, 10:28>Note: McKinley, William Newspapers.
University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignContact institution for more information.Original print<1880:6:2-3, 6, 10, 12, 16, 21, 23, 7:3, 8:17-18, 9:25> <1881:3:5, 5:17-18, 9:20-21, 24, 27-28> <1882:7:1> <1884:6:5-6, 7:9-12, 8:27> <1888:8:6> <1889:3:5> <1892:10:20-22> <1893:7:5> <1897:10:2>Note: Please consult staff in the History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library to request material.
Illinois State UniversityContact institution for more information.Original print<1897:3:5>
McLean County Historical Society (McLean County Museum of History)Contact institution for more information.Original print<1879:11:13-14> <1887:10:29>