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Bibliographic Information

TitleProgressive miner (Gillespie, Ill.)
Alt. Title
OCLC Number10677762
Published InGillespie, IL, (Macoupin County)
Years Published1932 - 19uu
Record Set NameProgressive miner (Gillespie, Ill.)
NotesPublished in Marissa, Ill., Nov. 25, 1932-[Aug. 24, 1957]. Former frequency: Weekly, Sept. 16, 1932-Mar. 4, 1938; Semimonthly, Mar. 15, 1938-Aug. 30, 1954. Latest issue consulted: Aug. 24, 1957.

Where we found this title:

Location Name Access Note Format Complete? Holdings Additional Notes
Abraham Lincoln Presidential LibraryContact institution for more information.Microfilm service copy<1932:9:16-1950:5:1, 6:1-8:15, 9:15-12:15> <1951:1:2-1952:3:1, 4:1-12:15> <1953:1:2-1954:12:15> <1955:1:27, 3:31, 4:30, 5:31, 8:31, 10:20, 12:27> <1956:3:30, 5:25, 8:24, 10:22, 12:15> <1957:2:15, 4:15, 6:10, 8:24>Note: Shelved with Marissa titles.
Abraham Lincoln Presidential LibraryContact institution for more information.Microfilm master copy<1932:9:16-1950:5:1, 6:1-8:15, 9:15-12:15> <1951:1:2-1952:3:1, 4:1-12:15> <1953:1:2-1954:12:15> <1955:1:27, 3:31, 4:30, 5:31, 8:31, 10:20, 12:27> <1956:3:30, 5:25, 8:24, 10:22, 12:15> <1957:2:15, 4:15, 6:10, 8:24>
Southern Illinois University-CarbondaleContact institution for more information.(No entry)<1932:9:16-1950:5:1, 6:1-8:15, 9:15-12:15> <1951:1:2-1952:3:1, 4:1-12:15> <1953:1:2-1954:12:15> <1955:1:27, 3:31, 4:30, 5:31, 8:31, 10:20, 12:27> <1956:3:30, 5:25, 8:24, 10:22, 12:15> <1957:2:15, 4:15, 6:10, 8:24>
Chicago History Museum (onsite storage)Original print<1945:10:1, 12:1> <1946:1:15-2:1, 6:15, 7:15>Note: qHD8039.M615P8
University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignContact institution for more information.Microfilm<1932:9:16-1938:12:15> <1939:7:15-1945:12:15> <1946:1:2-1953:12:15> <1954:1:2-1956:12:15> <1957:2:15-8:24>