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oclc no. 09108877
Alternative title:
Published in: Oak Park, IL (Cook  County)
Language: English
Years Published: 1982 - 2006
Record Set Name: Proviso herald (Oak Park, Ill. : 2006)
Notes: Former frequency: Weekly (except semiweekly in Mar., June, and Sept.), May 10, 1989-June 7, 1995.
Where we found this title:

bulletPioneer Press- Vernon Hills office.
Access Note: 
Format: Original print
Holdings: <1995:1:4-12:27> <1996:7:3-12:25>

bulletPioneer Press- Oak Park office.
Access Note: 
Note: First issue bound with Herald.
Format: Original print
Holdings: <1982:12:29-1994:12:28> <1996:1:3-6:26> <1997:1:1-1998:6:24> <1999:1:6-2006:11:8>
Complete? Some issues are missing.
Issues Held:  Some issues are missing.