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oclc no. 08792732
Alternative title:
Published in: Quincy, IL (Adams  County)
Language: English
Years Published: 1836 - 1841
Record Set Name: Quincy weekly herald (Quincy, Ill. : 1892)
Notes: Began in 1836; ceased in 1841. Latest issue consulted: Vol. 6, no. 44 (July 24, 1841).
Where we found this title:

bulletPontiac Public Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm service copy
Holdings: <1838:11:24-12:1, 22-29> <1840:2:15-29> <1841:2:13, 27, 7:24>

bulletQuincy Public Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm service copy
Holdings: <1838:11:24-12:1, 22-29> <1840:2:15-29> <1841:2:13-27, 7:24>

bulletAbraham Lincoln Presidential Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Note: Issues filmed on reel: M-26B.
Format: Microfilm service copy
Holdings: <1838:11:24-12:1, 22-29> <1840:2:15-29> <1841:2:13-27, 7:24>

bulletUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm service copy
Holdings: <1838:1:6-2:3, 24, 3:10-24, 4:7-14, 28, 5:12-19, 6:2-8:4, 18, 9:1-29, 10:13-12:29> <1839:1:5-5:11, 25-6:29, 7:13-8:24, 9:21, 10:5-26, 11:9-23>

bulletHistorical Society of Quincy and Adams County
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm service copy
Holdings: <1838:1:6-2:3, 24, 3:10-24, 4:7-14, 28, 5:12-19, 6:2-8:4, 18, 9:1-29, 10:13-12:29> <1839:1:5-5:11, 25-6:29, 7:13-8:24, 9:21, 10:5-26, 11:9-23>

bulletAbraham Lincoln Presidential Library
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm master copy
Holdings: <1838:11:24-12:1, 22-29> <1840:2:15-29> <1841:2:13-27, 7:24>

bulletUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Microfilm master copy
Holdings: <1838:1:6-2:3, 24, 3:10-24, 4:7-14, 28, 5:12-19, 6:2-8:4, 18, 9:1-29, 10:13-12:29> <1839:1:5-5:11, 25-6:29, 7:13-8:24, 9:21, 10:5-26, 11:9-23>

bulletHistorical Society of Quincy and Adams County
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Format: Original print
Holdings: <1837:10:7, 21, 12:2, 30> <1838:1:6-2:3, 24, 3:10-24, 4:7-14, 28, 5:12-19, 6:2-8:4, 18, 9:1-29, 10:13-12:29> <1839:1:5-5:11, 25-6:29, 7:13-8:24, 9:21, 10:5-26, 11:9-23, 12:6>

bulletUniversity of Chicago
Access Note:  Contact institution for more information.
Note: AN14.A2 e-folio. Regenstein Library, Special Collections.
Format: Original print
Holdings: <1838:12:1, 29> <1841:2:13, 27>