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Scholarly Communications

Author’s Rights | Data Curation | Metrics and Researcher Profiles | Open Access | Peer Review and Annotation | Publishing | Repositories

Authors’ Rights

Explore resources related to author’s rights issues in scholarly publishing. For other copyright issues such as fair use and length of copyright, see the Copyright section under Issues in Librarianship.

  • ARL Spec Kit 310: Author Addenda [licensed for UofI use only] A survey, by the Association of Research Libraries, of the various options for author’s to attach ‘addenda’ to their publications agreements that allow them to retain more rights than the default agreement. Examples of author’s addenda that you may want to consider if preparing to publish include:
  • Scholarly Communications @ Duke A blog about copyright and scholarship from Duke’s Scholarly Communications Officer, Kevin Smith. Covers a variety of copyright-in-academia topics, but especially issues related to author’s rights other copyright conflicts in scholarly publishing.
  • SHERPA/RoMEO A freely available tool to discover the default author copyright policies of publishers or individual journals. You can use this to find out what rights you have to put preprints, postprints, or other copies of your articles online in repositories or elsewhere according to your publication agreement–assuming you did not modify that agreement with an author’s addendum to allow yourself more rights. It also includes other general conditions of the publishing agreement.
  • Author’s Rights and Copyright A guide from the University of Illinois Library’s Scholarly Commons reviewing the key issues related to author’s rights a researcher needs to be aware of when signing a publication contract. This site is just one example of the ways that libraries are communicating to faculty about author’s rights issues, and variations can be found on many universities’ library websites.

Data Curation

The active management of data throughout its lifecycle, including issues of collection, access, preservation, organization, and education for re-use.

  • Data Curation Profiles Toolkit A web support community and set of profiling resources for academic librarians working with scholars to manage their data.
  • DataCite An international organization focusing on making research data easy to access. Provides support for linking to research data, including assignment of DOIs.
  • DH Curation Guide Collects articles addressing digital humanities data curation topics.
  • Digital Curation Centre An organization based in the UK designed to support best practices in data curation and digital preservation.
    • Glossary | Digital Curation Centre Compiled by the Digital Curation Centre, UK. Defines common terms used in discussions of digital curation and data preservation.
    • DMPonline A UK-based resource for researchers to create data management plans, similar to the DMP Tool for US-based researchers.
  • DMP Tool A tool for researchers and librarians to produce data management plans for grant applications, with tailored paths for individual granting agencies and suggested language for specific requirements.
  • Research Data Alliance An organization that seeks to foster sharing of open data across disciplinary boundaries.
  • Research Data Service A program from the University of Illinois Library for researchers needing assistance with data management issues.

Metrics and Researcher Profiles

Resources on traditional and innovative metrics for assessing impact of researchers, and tools for researchers to control their professional identity by tying their publications and presentations to identifiers and profiles.

Open Access

Sources related to open access, including open educational resources.

Peer Review and Annotation

Sources related to peer review processes, especially evolving approaches, and related developments regarding scholarly online annotation which may facilitate new peer review processes or other evolving modes of engaging published scholarship.

  • hypothes.is An open platform for annotation and open peer review of scholarship using the annotation standards produced by the Open Annotation Collaboration. For an example of a journal that has begun using hypothes.is for post-publication peer annotation and review, see the Journal of Electronic Publishing, which began using the tool for volume/issue 17.2.
  • MediaCommons Press An online publishing platform developed to facilitate open, crowd-sourced peer review of scholarship. The site allows paragraph-by-paragraph commenting on pre-publication drafts, which the author can then use to revise the essay. Last updated in 2014.
  • Open Annotation Collaboration A Mellon-funded initiative to create a data model for open annotation that will enable the creation of new, interoperable data annotation services.


Sources for learning about publishing as an information profession and the involvement of academic libraries in scholarly publishing.

  • Library Press Collaboration Survey Report A study of extent of and opportunities for collaboration between university presses and libraries.
  • Campus-based Publishing Resources (SPARC) “This comprehensive guide helps libraries, presses, and academic units to define effective partnerships capable of supporting innovative approaches to campus-based publishing.”
  • Extensible Markup Language (XML) For electronically encoding documents and metadata, including in much electronic publishing.
  • Knowledge Unlatched A program to fund sustainable open access publishing of scholarly monographs through the cooperation of libraries.
  • Library Publishing Coalition A group of libraries working to “foster collaboration, share knowledge and develop common practices, all in service of publishing and distributing academic and scholarly works.” The organization provides a free directory of publishing services at libraries and a system of shared documentation for participants.
  • Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography Compiled by Charles W. Bailey, Jr., this bibliography presents selected English-language articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources concerned with scholarly electronic publishing on the Internet. Sources were published between 1990 and 2011.


Resources on institutional, disciplinary, and other scholarly repositories in the digital world. However, for data repositories see the heading for Data Curation.

  • CIC Open Access Repositories A list of open access repositories at CIC universities (includes the Big 10 and the University of Chicago). The list includes institutional repositories as well as other digital content repositories.
  • Open Repositories A yearly conference for a conference for repository developers and managers and others interested in this space. This page includes links to past conference and information on future conferences.
  • OpenDOAR The Directory of Open Access Repositories. Includes a searchable list of institutional, disciplinary, and other digital repositories. Also allows you to search an index of contents of all repository contents.
  • SPEC Kit 338: Library Management of Disciplinary Repositories [Licensed for UofI use only] A series of case studies of how research libraries have been involved in the development of disciplinary repositories.