Technology and Libraries | Web 2.0
Technology and Libraries
General resources and overviews of information technology in libraries.
- Current Cites “Annotated bibliography of selected articles, books, and digital documents on information technology” with a focus on libraries; last published in 2021.
- Library Technology Guides The latest news, a searchable bibliography, and other information about library automation and integrated library systems. Maintained by Marshall Breeding.
- LITA Blog Archived blog of the American Library Association’s Library and Information Technology Association.
- Tame The Web Libraries, Technology and People by Michael Stephens
- Top Technology Trends Once a year, ALA’s Library & Information Technology Association (LITA) asked experts to spotlight the latest technology trends that libraries should be heeding. The results appeared on the LITA blog from 2007-2019.
- Web4Lib A busy email discussion list for library-based web managers. Archives may be searched and browsed.
- How Does XML Help Libraries? A feature article on XML-based applications and uses of XML within libraries.
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 applications in libraries, archives, museums, etc.
- LibraryThing A popular online service for cataloging personal libraries. “Because everyone catalogs together, LibraryThing also connects people with the same books, comes up with suggestions for what to read next, and so forth.”
- Tame The Web Libraries, Technology and People by Michael Stephens
- Web 2.0 YouTube Video – An intro in 5 minutes
- Web4Lib A busy email discussion list for library-based web managers. Archives may be searched and browsed.
- Writing for the Web: A Primer for Librarians “A general introduction to the concepts involved with creating and providing access to web documents,” written by a librarian for librarians. Last updated in 2005.
- How Does XML Help Libraries? A feature article on XML-based applications and uses of XML within libraries.