Cataloging and Classification | Indexing
Cataloging and Classification
Information about cataloging and classification, and tools for catalogers. Visitors wanting assistance with classification of their books should see our guide, “Cataloging Your Books.”
- Bibliographic Formats and Standards [OCLC] “Provides tagging conventions, input standards and guidelines for entering information into WorldCat.”
- Cataloging and Acquisitions (Library of Congress) Home page of LC’s Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate.
- Cataloging and Classification In ALA’s “Professional Tips” wiki, recommended print and internet resources on cataloging and classification.
- Hebraica Cataloging: a Guide to ALA/LC Romanization and Descriptive Cataloging Contains tables to aid in conversion of Hebrew and Yiddish to romanization for cataloging purposes.
- MARC 21 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media Developed by Library of Congress to describe the structure of MARC 21 records.
- OCLC Cataloging and Metadata Subscription OCLC’s paid subscription for cataloging and metadata tools streamlines the process through automation and cross-library sharing.
- Understanding MARC Authority Records: Machine-Readable Explains what a MARC record is and helps catalogers read, understand and use authority (author-based) records.
- Understanding MARC Bibliographic: Machine-Readable Cataloging
Information and tools for indexers.
- American Society For Indexing Professional organization for indexers.
- Basel Register of Thesauri, Ontologies & Classifications (BARTOC) A searchable collection of descriptive metadata about approximately 600 thesauri, ontologies, classifications, controlled vocabularies, and taxonomies in over 65 languages.
- Controlled Vocabularies (Resources for Librarians and Archivists, Library of Congress) Links to the controlled vocabularies used by the Library of Congress, including updates to the LC Subject Headings and specialized terms for legal topics, legislation, moving images, rare books, and graphic materials.