Publication analysis
About the publication
Title: The Southeastern Librarian (SELn)
ISSN: 0038-3686
Purpose, objective, or mission: The Southeastern Librarian (SELn) “is the official publication of the Southeastern Library Association (SELA).” The journal publishes “articles, announcements, and news of professional interest to the library community in the southeast”1
Target audience: The library community of the southeastern United States as well as members of SELA.2
Publisher: Southeastern Library Association.3
Peer reviewed? Yes.4
Type: LIS scholarly journal.
Medium: Online.
Content: For each volume, SELn publishes four issues that report SELA business, juried articles, book reviews, and state library/personnel news. The journal “represents a significant means for addressing the Association’s research objective.”5 Regular sections include Articles, Book Reviews, and News Articles.
Frequency of publication: Quarterly.
About the publication’s submission guidelines
Location of submission guidelines: Policies.
Types of contributions accepted: Manuscripts submitted to SELn “need not be of a scholarly nature but should address professional concerns of the library community. SELn particularly seeks articles that have a broad southeastern scope and/or address topics identified as timely or important by SELA sections, round tables, or committees.” SELn also accepts articles with a broad range of information sources, not limited to the purely scholarly: “News releases, newsletters, clippings, and journals from libraries, state associations, and groups throughout the region.”6 SELn also accepts book reviews for consideration.7
Submission and review process:
For articles, the “manuscript will be acknowledged by the editor. Incoming manuscripts are added to a manuscript bank from which articles are selected for each issue.” The editor assigns manuscripts to at least two reviewers for blind review. Following the review, the author will be notified of the publication decision; articles are usually published within twelve months.8
For book reviews, “submissions will be judged on writing style, content and perceived interest to the readership of the journal.” Those reviews solicited by the editor receive preferential consideration.9
Editorial tone: SELn publishes both juried articles and news and association items. Scholarly articles have an academic tone but a readable style, whereas news articles are more informal. Articles that are not scholarly should “address professional concerns of the library community.”10 A review of the most recent articles reveals well-researched, referenced, and academic writing.11
Style guide used: Latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.12
Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors
This journal provides a good opportunity for LIS practitioners, educators, and students based in the southeastern United States to publish original research and scholarship. Potential authors should consider joining SELA in order to identify topics of interest to members through the association’s sections, roundtables, and committees.13 LIS authors can also submit book reviews. Further, SELn has issued a call for volunteer reviewers; a reviewer must be a member of SELA and have two years professional experience and two published peer-reviewed articles (or equivalent).14
Audience analysis
About the publication’s readers
Publication circulation: SELA members are able to access current issues online.15 Back issues one year past are available to all through DigitalCommons.16
Audience location and language or cultural considerations: Readers are based in the southeastern United States. “State library associations of the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia are eligible to be constituent members of the Association.”17 As this publication focuses on a particular group of states, there will generally be a shared cultural understanding of relevant topics. However, as the SELn covers a fair number of states, specific regional terms should be explained.
Reader characteristics: SELA membership “may include any person, library or other organization . . . interested in the promotion and fostering of library and information services in the southeastern United States.”18 The audience will share a concern for the betterment of libraries in this region.
Knowledge of LIS subject matter: As members of SELA, readers will have knowledge of LIS subject matter and jargon.
Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors
Readers of this journal will have a variety of interests in LIS issues, especially those whose relevance is demonstrated in the context of the southeastern United States. SELn readers are LIS professionals and students throughout the region, so there is an interest in a wide variety of research and scholarship that will benefit and advance practices in all LIS environments .
Last updated: March 14, 2018
- Homepage, The Southeastern Librarian, accessed March 14, 2018,
- Homepage.
- Homepage.
- “Guidelines for Submissions and Author Instructions,” The Southeastern Librarian, accessed March 14, 2018,
- “Guidelines for Submissions.”
- “Guidelines for Submissions.”
- “Guidelines for Book Reviewers,”The Southeastern Librarian, accessed March 14, 2018,
- “Guidelines for Submissions.”
- “Guidelines for Book Reviewers.”
- “Guidelines for Submissions.”
- SELn Archives,, accessed March 14, 2018,
- “Guidelines for Submissions.”
- “Guidelines for Submissions.”
- “Call for Reviewers,” The Southeastern Librarian, accessed March 14, 2018,
- “Homepage.”
- SELn Archives.
- “Southeastern Library Association Handbook,” 2014 edition, p. 9, accessed March 14, 2018,
- “Southeastern Library Association Handbook,” p. 7.