Publication analysis
About the publication
Title: The Oral History Review
ISSN: 0094-0798 (print), 1533-8592 (online)
Website: and
Purpose, objective, or mission: The mission of The Oral History Review “is to explore the nature and significance of oral history and advance understanding of the field among scholars, educators, practitioners, and the general public.” The journal reflects the multidisciplinary nature of the field of oral history. It is considered “the U.S. journal of record for the theory and practice of oral history and related fields.”1
Target audience: The Oral History Review is a publication of the Oral History Association, which has an international membership and “serves a broad and diverse audience including teachers, students, community historians, archivists, librarians, and filmmakers.” The journal is international and cross-disciplinary, reaching “people committed to the value of oral history.”2
Publisher: Oxford University Press.3
Peer reviewed? Yes.4
Type: LIS scholarly journal.
Medium: Available in print and online.5
Content: The Oral History Review “publishes narrative and analytical articles and reviews…that present and use oral history in unique and significant ways and that contribute to the understanding of the nature of oral history and memory.”6 A typical issue includes an editor’s introduction; original articles on research, method, practice, and theory; articles on pedagogy; and media and book reviews. Occasionally, the journal will publish a guest-edited special section, such as Looking Back, Looking Forward: Fifty Years of Oral History.7
Frequency of publication: Twice a year.
About the publication’s submission guidelines
Location of submission guidelines: Guidelines appear on the Oral History Association website ( and on the Taylor & Francis website (
Types of contributions accepted: The Oral History Review “publishes narrative and analytical articles and reviews, in print and multimedia formats, that present and use oral history in unique and significant ways and that contribute to the understanding of the nature of oral history and memory. It seeks previously unpublished works that demonstrate high-quality research and that offer new insight into oral history practice, methodology, theory, and pedagogy.”8
Submission and review process: Manuscripts for articles are submitted through ScholarOne Manuscripts for blinded peer review. Review manuscripts are submitted via email attachment to the appropriate editor.9
Editorial tone: Scholarly.
Style guide used: The Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition).10
Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors
There are many opportunities for LIS professionals to contribute to this publication. Guidance can be provided about cataloging and preservation methodologies for oral history collections. LIS professionals can also weigh in on the ethics of information, including collection, copyright, distribution, and access. LIS professionals should also be aware that the Oral History Association has published goals, guidelines, and standards for oral history interviews.11 Prospective authors should also explore the journal’s blog.12
Audience analysis
About the publication’s readers
Publication circulation: Oral History Association members receive a free subscription and online access to current and back issues. Other circulation data are not available.13
Audience location and language or cultural considerations: The Oral History Association is located in the United States but has an international membership. The Oral History Review is published in English but “reflects the international scope of the field and encourages work from international authors and about international topics.”14
Reader characteristics: Readers have a high knowledge of and interest in oral history, from both a local and an international perspective. Readers will expect articles that are well-written and original and that exemplify the best practices and principals in oral history research and practice, as established by the Oral History Association.
Knowledge of LIS subject matter: This is not strictly an LIS publication, although librarians do read it and contribute to its content. Articles should avoid LIS jargon and be directed toward a broad, international readership.
Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors
The Oral History Review is written for an academic and international audience, so writers who contribute should be sure that their articles exhibit the knowledge and novelty that the experienced readership has come to expect. This could make it a difficult journal for oral history novices to write for. LIS professionals and students who have expert knowledge of the field of oral history and its preservation and archival techniques would find a good outlet in this journal.
Last updated: February 16, 2018
- The Oral History Review, Oral History Association, accessed February 16, 2018,
- “About OHA,” Oral History Association, accessed February 16, 2018,
- The Oral History Review, Oxford Academic, accessed February 16, 2018,
- “Information for Authors,” The Oral History Review, Oxford Academic, accessed February 16, 2018,
- The Oral History Review, Oral History Association.
- “About the Journal,” The Oral History Review, Oxford Academic, accessed February 16, 2018,
- Teresa Barnett, “Guest Editor’s Introduction,” The Oral History Review 43, no. 2 (Summer/Fall 2016): 315-317,
- “Information for Authors.”
- “Information for Authors.”
- “Information for Authors.”
- “Principles for Oral History and Best Practices for Oral History,” Oral History Association, accessed February 16, 2018,
- “About the Blog,”, accessed February 16, 2018,
- The Oral History Review, Oral History Association.
- “Information for Authors.”