Publication analysis
About the publication
Title: School Libraries Worldwide
ISSN: 1023-9391
Purpose, objective, or mission: The official research journal of the International Association of School Librarianship, School Libraries Worldwide publishes professional, current research and scholarship on all aspects of school librarianship.1
Target audience: Academic researchers and public school librarians worldwide.2
Publisher: International Association of School Librarianship (IASL).3
Peer reviewed? Yes.
Type: LIS scholarly journal.
Medium: Online with an IASL subscription; some articles have public access.4
Content: School Libraries Worldwide publishes new scholarly works and current research on all aspects of school librarianship from around the world. Most issues include a theme section with an editorial and several articles.5
Frequency of publication: Two times per year, January and July.6
About the publication’s submission guidelines
Location of submission guidelines:
Types of contributions accepted: School Libraries Worldwide invites new scholarly works, including research reports and reviews of research, on any aspect of school librarianship. Issues usually include a theme section; theme editors will occasionally call for submissions of personal narrative, commentary, and opinion papers.7
Submission and review process: Manuscript are submitted to the online journal system, where authors can track their papers through the review process. “The average turnaround time to first decision is about 60 days, with an approximate acceptance rate of 50%.” Submissions that are considered appropriate for the journal are blind reviewed by at least two members of the Editorial Board.8
The current Call for Papers should be consulted to note the theme and content of the upcoming issues, but content on school librarianship in general is always accepted.9
Editorial tone: Professional and accessible, with an understanding of the worldwide audience.10
Style guide used: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition.11
Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors
This is an ideal journal to submit different types of scholarship on school librarianship: practice, research study findings, reviews of studies, and personal experience (of the author or of students), in general or as the current theme allows. It is particularly fascinating to read accounts of triumphs and difficulties faced by those in school library positions in other countries and current information on programs, technologies, and practices that will be helpful in a variety of settings (rural, urban, university, grade school, etc.). Students are encouraged to submit work, and the open-access article per issue, one that covers a popular, engaging topic, is an exciting goal to reach for.
Audience analysis
About the publication’s readers
Publication circulation: Data not available.
Audience location and language or cultural considerations: As the official journal of IASL, School Libraries Worldwide is an English-language publication for an international audience. The submission guidelines firmly note that “authors need to be mindful of the international audience of the journal. In most cases, authors can use the library terminology that is used in their locale. However, when writing about schools and students, it is important to state the age of the students being educated in those schools.” The guidelines indicate that authors should explain terminology used to identify schools: lycee, high school, compulsory school, etc.12
Reader characteristics: Readers of the journal are interested in school librarianship and emerging thoughts and trends in the field. This is a positive journal exploring best practices and techniques that can benefit anyone working or studying school librarianship. Members of IASL include people who are concerned about school library media programs and services — librarians, school library media specialists, educators, publishers, and lay people. IASL is a worldwide organization that, in addition to providing an international forum for discussing school librarianship issues, works with other professional associations to provide guidance and development for school library programs. The overall goal is creating effective programs: this is a very professional, respected, positive publication that strongly believes in its mission and uses the journal to spread the education.13
Knowledge of LIS subject matter: Strong, but as with the caution on explaining the age of students in the articles, authors should consider explaining any technical LIS jargon or regional terms.14
Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors
Readers of this journal are interested in what you have to share concerning school librarianship. Articles range from international standards for school librarianship, to profiles of teacher librarians, to connecting teacher librarians and classrooms around the world. There is certain to be a topic that LIS students who are studying school librarianship will be able to research or write about for this publication of open, interested peers.
Last updated: March 7, 2018
- “Guidelines for Contributors,” School Libraries Worldwide, accessed March 7, 2018,
- “Guidelines for Contributors.”
- Homepage, School Libraries Worldwide, accessed March 7, 2018,
- Homepage.
- “Guidelines for Contributors.”
- “Guidelines for Contributors.”
- “Guidelines for Contributors.”
- “Guidelines for Contributors.”
- Homepage.
- “Guidelines for Contributors.”
- “Guidelines for Contributors.”
- “Guidelines for Contributors.”
- “Handbook of Organization,”, accessed March 7, 2018,
- “Guidelines for Contributors.”