Publication analysis
About the publication
Title: LIBRI: International Journal of Libraries and Information Studies
ISSN: 0024-2667 (print), 1865-8423 (online)
Purpose, objective, or mission: LIBRI is a long-standing, leading international scholarly journal that “investigates the functions of libraries and information services from both a historical and present-day perspective and analyses the role of information in cultural, organizational, national and international developments.” LIBRI “reports on current trends in librarianship worldwide and describes their resulting transformation from the introduction of new information technologies, multidisciplinary approaches, changing practices, and evolving methods.”1
Target audience: Library and information science (LIS) academics, practitioners, students, and the broader public.2
Publisher: De Gruyter Saur3
Peer reviewed? Yes.4
Type: LIS scholarly journal.5
Medium: Print and online.6
Content: LIBRI publishes full-length, original scholarly articles. LIBRI is international in scope, and has a particular, but not exclusive, focus on LIS in the developing world; another area of interest is digital libraries and digital library technology. Its objectives are to examine the functions of information services past and present, evaluate the role of information in various contexts, analyze trends in the LIS profession, review the impact of new technologies on information services, and share original research.7
Frequency of publication: Quarterly.8
About the publication’s submission guidelines
Location of submission guidelines: Instructions for Authors
Types of contributions accepted: LIBRI accepts scholarly papers (generally 5,000 to 7,000 words, with exceptions) that critically analyze current topics in LIS and that present original research. Submissions should include a literature review, critical analysis, appropriate research methods, balanced discussion of the evidence, a clear argument and structure, and contextual information.9
Submission and review process: Papers are submitted through ScholarOne Manuscripts, an electronic editorial management system where authors are able to monitor the editorial and publication process. Authors should make sure their papers adhere to the journal’s guidelines before submitting.10
Editorial tone: LIBRI has a scholarly and academic tone; if necessary, papers will be edited to meet the journal’s “traditional high standards of academic writing.”11
Style guide used: Chicago Manual of Style.12
Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors
LIBRI publishes on a broad range of topics in LIS, including original research and critical analyses of current trends and technology. It has an international scope and a particular interest in studies conducted in the developing world. Authors submitting manuscripts should be aware that this is a well-established scholarly journal that maintains high academic standards.
Audience analysis
About the publication’s readers
Publication circulation: Information not provided.
Audience location and language or cultural considerations: LIBRI is published in English for an international audience of LIS academics and professionals.13 The advisory board is made up of scholars from all over the world.14 The editors advise that, because of the international scope of the journal and its readership, authors “should provide sufficient background information about the activity or country to enable to context to be easily understood by readers not familiar with it.”15
Reader characteristics: Readers are LIS professionals, scholars, and students with an interest in international LIS scholarship.
Knowledge of LIS subject matter: It is likely the audience has a high level of understanding of LIS subject matter.
Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors
Readers are well educated and interested in strengthening their understanding of issues facing information professionals from all over the world. They expect to find high-level LIS research and scholarship, as well as historical analyses, from professionals in both developing and developed regions. Writers are best served by reading issues of the journal to determine if their work fits audience expectations.
Last updated: February 3, 2018
- “Overview,” LIBRI, accessed February 3, 2018,
- “Overview.”
- “Details,” LIBRI, accessed February 3, 2018,
- “Instructions for Authors,” LIBRI, accessed February 3, 2018,
- “Overview.”
- “LIBRI,” accessed February 3, 2018,
- “Instructions for Authors.”
- “LIBRI.”
- “Instructions for Authors.”
- “Instructions for Authors.”
- “Instructions for Authors.”
- “Instructions for Authors.”
- “Overview.”
- “Editorial Information,” LIBRI, accessed February 3, 2018,
- “Instructions for Authors.”