Publication analysis
About the publication
Title: Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS)
ISSN: 2159-96101
Purpose, objective, or mission: LRTS “is the official journal of the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services. Its purpose is to communicate thoughtful reflection on practice as well as research.”2 Also, LRTS‘s website states it is a “peer-reviewed journal that takes a critical approach to the questions and challenges facing librarians and libraries.”3
Target audience: All LIS professionals and those involved with cataloging, continuing resources, collection management, and preservation in particular.4
Publisher: American Library Association.5
Peer reviewed? Yes.6
Type: LIS scholarly journal.7
Medium: LRTS was available in print until 2014. As of 2012, it became available online.8
Content: LRTS offers scholarly articles on “collections, scholarly communication, preservation (including digitization), acquisitions (including licensing and economic aspects of acquisitions), continuing resources, cataloging (including descriptive metadata, authority control, subject analysis, and classification).”9
Frequency of publication: Quarterly.10
About the publication’s submission guidelines
Location of submission guidelines:
Types of contributions accepted: “Editorials, book reviews, letters to the editor, and the annual report of the president of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services” are regularly published.11
Submission and review process: Authors are asked to submit original, unpublished manuscripts (between 5,000 and 10,000 words) which aren’t currently under consideration elsewhere.12 LRTS asks authors to submit their manuscripts through the site’s Editorial Manager.13 All manuscripts are subject to a double-blind peer review. “The editor and members of the editorial board will work with authors whose work is promising in order to improve methodology, analysis, or presentation.”14
Editorial tone: Per the journal guidelines, “Write the paper in a grammatically correct, simple, readable style. Use active voice to the extent possible. Avoid jargon, anthropomorphism, and informal vocabulary. The first use of acronyms must be accompanied by their full spelled-out form.”15 Additional manuscript requirements can be found on the For LRTS Authors page.
Style guide used: The Chicago Manual of Style.16
Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors
Library Resources & Technical Services is an excellent publication for LIS authors interested in analyzing how behind-the-scenes library work (e.g., collection management, acquisitions, etc.) impacts the profession as a whole. Of particular note, LRTS welcomes contributions from new and seasoned authors alike, noting that “For the profession to thrive, beginning professionals, as well as experienced librarians, should address the most pressing issues we face.”17 Additionally, as mentioned above, LRTS is published by the prestigious American Library Association, “the oldest and largest library association in the world.”18
Audience analysis
About the publication’s readers
Publication circulation: 5,800. This number includes 4,600 ALA members, 860 other paying subscribers, and 340 complimentary subscriptions.19
Audience location and language or cultural considerations: Most subscribers and ALA members live in the United States, though approximately 150 live outside the U.S.20 The journal is published in English (with technical services jargon added where necessary).21
Reader characteristics: Sixty percent of LRTS readers work in academic libraries; the other 40% work in public, school, and special libraries. In addition, approximately 75% of LRTS readers are also members of ALCTS. ALA members who subscribe to LRTS share similar interests in cataloging information, collection development, archival materials, etc. They read LRTS for information on their area of expertise, as well as strategies for managing their respective libraries. (Each journal includes a section entitled “notes on operations” that serves the latter purpose.)22
Knowledge of LIS subject matter: Because most subscribers are members of ALCTS, they will have general knowledge of LIS topics and understand technical terms and practices related to cataloging and classification (FRBR, RDA), archival studies (digitization, OCR), etc. It is vital that prospective authors be familiar with specialized practices and responsibilities relevant to this publication.23
Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors
Readers of this publication are familiar with technical terms used in behind-the-scenes LIS operations. Additionally, studies indicate that LRTS is ranked twelfth among the seventy LIS “refereed journals in supporting promotion and tenure decisions.”24 To effectively reach this audience, articles must be well-written and thoroughly researched. The editor of LRTS suggests browsing through recent issues “to get a sense of style, length, and tone.”25
Last updated: March 8, 2018
- Library Resources & Technical Services, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed March 7, 2018,
- “What Is the Focus of LRTS?” American Library Association, accessed March 7, 2018,
- Library Resources & Technical Services, American Library Association, accessed March 7, 2018,
- “What Is the Focus of LRTS?” American Library Association, accessed March 7, 2018,
- Library Resources & Technical Services, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed March 7, 2018,
- Library Resources & Technical Services, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed March 7, 2018,
- Library Resources & Technical Services, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed March 7, 2018,
- Library Resources & Technical Services, American Library Association, accessed March 7, 2018,
- Library Resources & Technical Services, American Library Association, accessed March 7, 2018,
- Library Resources & Technical Services, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed March 7, 2018,
- Library Resources & Technical Services, American Library Association, accessed March 7, 2018,
- “For LRTS Authors,” American Library Association, accessed March 7, 2018,
- “How Do I Submit a Paper?” American Library Association, accessed March 7, 2018,
- “What Is the Focus of LRTS?” American Library Association, accessed March 7, 2018,
- “For LRTS Authors,” American Library Association, accessed March 7, 2018,
- “For LRTS Authors,” American Library Association, accessed March 7, 2018,
- “For LRTS Authors,” American Library Association, accessed March 7, 2018,
- “About ALA,” American Library Association, accessed March 8, 2018,
- Mary Beth Weber, email message to author, September 15, 2008.
- Mary Beth Weber, email message to author, September 15, 2008.
- Library Resources & Technical Services, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed March 7, 2018,
- Mary Beth Weber, email message to author, September 15, 2008.
- Mary Beth Weber, email message to author, September 15, 2008.
- Mary Beth Weber, email message to author, September 15, 2008.
- Mary Beth Weber, email message to author, September 15, 2008.