Publication analysis
About the publication
Title: Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association (JALIA)
ISSN: 2475-0158 (Print) 2475-0166 (Online)1
Website: and
Purpose, objective, or mission: “The Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association is the flagship journal of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA).”2. “The Journal aims to stimulate discussion and inform practice by showcasing original peer reviewed research articles and other scholarly papers about, or relevant to, the Australian and Southern Asia Pacific regions.”3
Target audience: “It is a quarterly publication for information science researchers, information professionals, related disciplines and industries.”4
Publisher: Routledge/Taylor and Francis5
Peer reviewed? Yes. “All Research and Research-in-Practice articles in JALIA have undergone double-blind peer review. Information-in-practice papers will undergo editorial screening.”6
Type: LIS scholarly journal
Medium: Print and Online7
Content: According to their website, this journal publishes, research papers; research-in-practice papers; information-in-practice papers; and book reviews.8 Research papers and book reviews make up the majority of the publication. Book reviews are accepted for any library related topic or resource and can range from personal digital archiving, marketing, genealogy, youth resources, and much more. If it is a topic a librarian might find useful, it has a chance of being published here. Research-in-practice and information-in-practice papers appear to be research papers that focus on practical applications. Examples can be seen by viewing the journal’s table of contents.
Frequency of publication: Quarterly9
About the publication’s submission guidelines
Location of submission guidelines:
Types of contributions accepted: “This journal accepts the following article types: Research papers; Research-in-practice papers; Information-in-practice papers; Book reviews.”10
Submission and review process: “Please ensure your manuscript is anonymised for peer review. A minimum of two files should be prepared for submission: 1) Title page (including title, author names and details, acknowledgements as well as funding and grant-awarding bodies) 2) Manuscript – anonymised (including title, abstract and keywords on first page; main text; references; appendices (as appropriate); table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages); figure caption(s) (as a list). If you are including tables and/or figures in your manuscript, please submit these as additional files headed ‘Tables’ or ‘Figures’. Please include a word count for your paper. A typical peer reviewed research paper for this journal should be more than 5000 and no more than 8000 words; this limit does not include tables, references, figure captions, footnotes, endnotes. A typical peer reviewed research-in-practice paper for this journal should be more than 2500 and no more than 5000 words; this limit does not include tables, references, figure captions, footnotes, endnotes. A typical information-in-practice paper for this journal should be more than 2000 and no more than 2500 words; this limit does not include tables, references, footnotes, figure captions, endnotes. For other types of submissions, please contact the editors.”11
Editorial tone: Scholarly
Style guide used: “Please refer to these quick style guidelines when preparing your paper, rather than any published articles or a sample copy. Please use British (-ise) spelling style consistently throughout your manuscript. Please use single quotation marks, except where ‘a quotation is “within” a quotation’. Please note that long quotations should be indented without quotation marks.”12
Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors
The Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association offers a variety of publishing opportunities for LIS authors. Whether it’s original research, advancements in professional practice, or book reviews, there are many different writing avenues to explore. As this journal focuses on Australian library and information research, potential authors should tailor their writing to this geographical area and take care to submit works that will be relevant to Australia and Southern Asia Pacific regions. That said, this journal also invites contributions from around the world. For the North American LIS researcher and author, this journal provides an opportunity to showcase original research to a global community. Additionally, this publication also publishes a wealth of book reviews.
Audience analysis
About the publication’s readers
Publication circulation: Circulation statistics are not readily available for this journal. However, as the flagship publication for the ALIA, the journal is available to 5000 institutional members of the professional organization and therefore should be assumed has a wide audience.13
Audience location and language or cultural considerations: A majority of readership will be information professionals from Australia, however, “ALIA welcomes anyone with an interest in libraries and information management,”14 so readership is likely diverse both in profession and location. This publication prints in English and requests British English style spellings be used.15
Reader characteristics: Readers of this publication will have a strong interests in library and information science research and many will be ALIA members. They are an educated and diverse group interested in staying on top of the latest research and resources for LIS fields.
Knowledge of LIS subject matter: Although some readers may not be information science professionals, the majority work in LIS fields and would therefore be very knowledgeable about LIS subjects.
Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors
Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association is an internationally recognized publication that holds high standards for its published works. This journal reaches a wide audience of library and information professionals who are interested in current research in the field as well as relevant issues in their workplaces. Focus on LIS topics relevant to Australian and Southern Asia Pacific regions will be prevalent but there is also opportunity for broader library science articles as well as reviews of a variety of LIS related books/resources.
Last updated: October 4, 2018
- “Journals,” Australian Library and Information Association, accessed October 3, 2018,
- “Journals,” Australian Library and Information Association, accessed October 3, 2018,
- “Journals”
- “Journals”
- “Journals”
- “Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association,” Taylor and Francis Online, accessed October 3, 2018
- “Journals”
- “Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association,” Taylor and Francis Online, accessed October 3, 2018
- “Journals”
- “Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association,” Taylor and Francis Online, accessed October 3, 2018
- “Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association,” Taylor and Francis Online, accessed October 3, 2018
- “Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association,” Taylor and Francis Online, accessed October 3, 2018
- “About ALIA,” Australian Library and Information Association, accessed October 4, 2018
- “Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association,” Taylor and Francis Online, accessed October 3, 2018
- “Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association,” Taylor and Francis Online, accessed October 3, 2018