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Journal of Library Metadata

Publication analysis

About the publication

Title: Journal of Library Metadata

ISSN: 1938-6389 (Print) and 1937-5034 (Online)1

Website: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/WJLM

Purpose, objective, or mission: Per their site, “The journal is a forum for the latest research, innovations, news, and expert views about all aspects of metadata applications and about the role of metadata in information retrieval. The focus is on practical, applicable information that libraries and other institutions can effectively use in their own information discovery environments.”2

Target audience: “The Journal of Library Metadata is essential reading for information professionals dealing with metadata, cataloging, institutional repositories and/or digital repositories and libraries, information retrieval system design as well as for researchers in library and information science and related fields.”3

Publisher: Routledge.4

Peer reviewed? Yes.5

Type: LIS scholarly.6

Medium: Print or online.7

Content: Per their site, “The journal features original scholarly research, new developments in the field, and reviews of relevant material. Subjects covered include, but are not limited, to application profiles; best practices; controlled vocabularies; cross walking of metadata and interoperability; digital libraries and metadata; federated repositories and searching; folksonomies, individual metadata schemes; institutional repository metadata; metadata content standards; resource description framework; SKOS; topic maps; and more.”8

Frequency of publication: Quarterly.9

About the publication’s submission guidelines

Location of submission guidelines: https://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?show=instructions&journalCode=wjlm20

Types of contributions accepted: Articles on the “latest research, innovations, news, and expert views about all aspects of metadata applications in libraries and about the role of metadata in information retrieval.”10

Submission and review process: Work is submitted electronically via the Taylor & Francis Research Portal, which requires authors to create an account with ORCiD. Previously published and simultaneous publications are not accepted.11

Editorial tone: Scholarly.12

Style guide used: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA)13

Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors

Writers with expertise in specialized subjects related to metadata, including MARC, XML, controlled vocabularies, Dublin Core, tagging, etc. will be right at home with this publication. Additionally, authors interested in the specialized field of music metadata should consider publishing with this journal, as this topic is a reoccurring thread throughout the journal.14


Audience analysis

About the publication’s readers

Publication circulation: Circulation numbers not available.

Audience location and language or cultural considerations: This publication is not limited to any geographic location and is relevant to readers worldwide. Although this journal is international in scope, its articles are only offered in the English language.15 Additionally, the articles present diverse perspectives, including those of Farsi speakers and Filipino librarians.16

Reader characteristics: Specific data is not available; however, it seems plausible to assume that the readers of this publication include university library staff, library and information science educators, deans, program chairs, and directors. Regardless of their occupation, readers almost certainly have a strong technical background in metadata and are interested in technological solutions to issues in the LIS field.17

Knowledge of LIS subject matter: Readers of Journal of Library Metadata have strong knowledge in the technical aspects of librarianship. Because this publication is academic, readers will be knowledgeable on topics such as indexing, cataloging, and hypertext.18

Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors

Writers need a high level of expertise in the field of metadata to write for this publication. Additionally, due to the cutting-edge nature of this field, it is especially important for authors to be up-to-date on the latest advancements and technologies pertaining to metadata.

Last updated: February 1, 2018


  1.  “Journal Information,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed January 29, 2018, http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=wjlm20
  2. “Aims and Scope,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed January 29, 2018, http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=wjlm20#.U73dhbGdROg
  3. “Aims and Scope,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed February 1, 2018, http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=wjlm20#.U73dhbGdROg
  4.  Journal of Library Metadata, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed February 1, 2018, accessed http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/title/1404951347089/249185
  5. Journal of Library Metadata, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed February 1, 2018, accessed http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/title/1404951347089/249185
  6. Journal of Library Metadata, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed February 1, 2018, accessed http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/title/1404951347089/249185
  7. Journal of Library Metadata, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed February 1, 2018, accessed http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/title/1404951347089/249185
  8. “Aims and Scope,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed February 1, 2018, http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=wjlm20#.U73dhbGdROg
  9. Journal of Library Metadata, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed February 1, 2018, accessed http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/title/1404951347089/249185
  10. “Instructions for Authors,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed February 1, 2018, http://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?journalCode=wjlm20&page=instructions#.U73ddbGdROg
  11. “Instructions for Authors,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed February 1, 2018, http://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?journalCode=wjlm20&page=instructions#.U73ddbGdROg
  12. Journal of Library Metadata, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed February 1, 2018, accessed http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/title/1404951347089/249185
  13.  “Instructions for Authors,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed February 1, 2018, http://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?journalCode=wjlm20&page=instructions#.U73ddbGdROg
  14. “Publication History,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed February 1, 2018, http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/wjlm20
  15. Journal of Library Metadata, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed February 1, 2018, accessed http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/title/1404951347089/249185
  16. “Aims and Scope,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed February 1, 2018, http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=wjlm20#.U73dhbGdROg
  17. “Aims and Scope,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed February 1, 2018, http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=wjlm20#.U73dhbGdROg
  18. “Aims and Scope,” Taylor and Francis Group, accessed February 1, 2018, http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=wjlm20#.U73dhbGdROg