Publication analysis
About the publication
Title: Italian Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science (
ISSN: 2038-1026
Purpose, objective, or mission: The Italian Journal of Library, Archives and Information ( is an international academic journal that publishes research and theory in library, archives, and information science.1
Target audience: Library and information science (LIS) professionals, academics, and students from around the world who are interested in research and theory in both LIS and archival science.
Publisher: is published by the Università di Firenze Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo and is hosted by the University of Macerata, CSIA.2
Peer reviewed? Yes, double-blind peer review.3
Type: LIS scholarly journal.
Medium: Online.
Content: publishes research articles, contributions, and reports on various topics of interest to the library, archives, and information science international communities. Regular sections are Essays, Contributions, and Reports & Reviews.4 The journal also publishes conference proceedings, such as EURIG2017,5 and special issues, such as a 2017 issue on classification.6
Frequency of publication: publishes three issues a year.7
About the publication’s submission guidelines
Location of submission guidelines: Submissions.
Types of contributions accepted: publishes innovative research relevant to the library, archives, and information science fields; brief contributions on a variety of related topics; and conference reports and reviews. The 2015 Manifesto states that the journal aims to “emphasize the integration between LIS and Archival science on the level of projects and profession” nationally and internationally and to consider the theoretical and methodological traditions of each discipline.8 The 2010 Manifesto indicates that the journal encourages stepping away from the strictly academic and “mixing knowledge, methods, and different scientific and technical languages.” The journal also encourages writing that theorizes beyond the institutional and traditional.9
Submission and review process: uses OJS, an automated web-based system, for manuscript submission, tracking, and review.10 Authors should check that their manuscripts comply with the Submission Preparation Checklist11 and follow the Section Policies.12 Each manuscript is reviewed by an editor and if appropriate is sent to two reviewers for double-blind peer review; authors are usually contacted within nine weeks of submission.13
Editorial tone: The tone is academic, and articles are in Italian or English.
Style guide used: Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition) citations and references.14
Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors is a highly regarded international journal that publishes articles in LIS and archival science and in the intersection of the two disciplines; the journal pushes for new and nontraditional approaches to these disciplines in theory, research, and practice. LIS authors that study the international stage of LIS or archives, or who perform research that resonates internationally and pushes traditional boundaries, may find a good fit here. Further, the 2010 Manifesto indicates that the journal is an “ideal place” for contributions from those new to the profession, so student writers may have a chance at publishing in a prestigious journal. The journal is “a sort of lab for studying and researching what is new in LIS; a place for militant librarianship, with strong observations on the changes that the digital culture is bringing to cognitive processes and to professional practices.”15
Audience analysis
About the publication’s readers
Publication circulation: Data not available, but each article displays metrics.
Audience location and language or cultural considerations: publishes articles in Italian and English. It is written for an international audience, so regional terms or practices should be explained. The editors and editorial board members are mostly from Italian universities and institutions, but the Scientific Committee members are from all over the world.16
Reader characteristics: Readers are professionals, scholars, and students in the fields of LIS and archival science.
Reader knowledge of LIS subject matter: Readers most likely have a solid knowledge of LIS and archival science; however, readers are from all over the world and from many different types of institutions in LIS and archival science.
Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors
Authors should consider that readers are LIS and archival science professionals and scholars from all over the world who are interested in the latest developments in both fields as well as how the disciplines relate to each other and how they are shaping and responding to profound changes brought on by the new digital culture. The audience probably expects high-level research and interesting, novel approaches to theory and practice.
Last updated: April 7, 2017
- “Editorial Policies,”, accessed April 6, 2018,
- “Journal Sponsorship,”, accessed April 6, 2018,
- “Editorial Policies.”
- “Editorial Policies.”
- Italian Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science 9, no. 1 (2018),
- Italian Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science 8, no. 2 (2017),
- “Editorial Policies.”
- “Manifesto” (2015), Italian Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science no. 1 (2015),
- “Manifesto” (2010),, accessed April 6, 2018,
- “Submissions,”, accessed April 6, 2018
- “Submissions.”
- “Editorial Policies.”
- “Editorial Policies.”
- “Submissions.”
- “Manifesto,” 2010.
- “Editorial Team,”, accessed April 6, 2018,