Publication analysis
About the publication
Title: Endnotes: The Journal of the New Members Round Table
Purpose, objective, or mission: The Endnotes Committee is part of the ALA’s New Members Round Table (NMRT), a which consists of ALA members with fewer than ten years’ membership. The committee’s mission is to provide support for librarians who want or need to publish scholarly articles, and to publish peer-reviewed research by NMRT members and directed at new librarians.1
The committee oversees publication of Endnotes: The Journal of the New Members Round Table.2
Target audience: American Library Association new members, specifically those who are part of the New Members Round Table (ALA NMRT)3
Publisher: American Library Association4
Peer reviewed? Yes5
Type: LIS scholarly6
Medium: Online7
Content: According to the Endnotes Committee Charge, “Each edition of the journal will contain 2-4 scholarly articles written by members of NMRT, as well as web site reviews and scholarly book reviews of titles relevant to new librarians.”8
Frequency of publication: One issue per year, with the possibility of more issues if there is interest. The editor welcomes suggestions for special themed issues from NMRT members.9
About the publication’s submission guidelines
Location of submission guidelines:
Types of contributions accepted: Original research, practitioner-based research, case studies, book and media reviews. Articles range between 2000-4000 words; book and media reviews 300-500.10
Submission and review process: Endnotes accepts article submissions on a rolling basis, but NMRT members are encouraged to contact the editor about proposals to determine if it fits the journal’s scope.11
Send typed, double-spaced MS word docs to
The committee reviews manuscripts via an double-blind peer-review process. Accepted manuscripts will be returned with committee suggestions for edits, and authors will have about a month to revise the manuscript for publication.13
Editorial tone: Scholarly, but not too formal. The articles and reviews are almost conversational.14
Style guide used: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition15
Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors
To submit a manuscript for publication, register with the ALA and then join the NMRT, whose mission is to provide support for librarians with that specific goal. The publication is for NMRT members and directed at new librarians. Endnotes is the perfect place for LIS students and new authors to submit a query to supportive editorial staff and among a group of peers.
Audience analysis
About the publication’s readers
Publication circulation: Endnotes is an open-access journal available online for anyone to read, but is primarily for members of the ALA’s NMRT.16
Audience location and language or cultural considerations: ALA is based in Chicago, IL, but the website and newsletter are online open access, available to anyone with internet access, or through a library. A network of affiliates, chapters, and other organizations enables the ALA to reach a broad audience. Although it is written in American English and published by the American Library Association, the ALA does not limit itself to U.S. library concerns.17
Reader characteristics: Most readers of Endnotes, and all authors, are members of the ALA’s NMRT.18 ALA members include “librarians, library trustees, and other interested people from every state and many nations. The association serves public, state, school, and academic libraries, as well as special libraries for people working in government, commerce and industry, the arts, and the armed services or in hospitals, prisons, and other institutions.”19 The ALA’s mission is “to provide leadership for the development, promotion, and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.”20
Knowledge of LIS subject matter: Readers of this scholarly journal are part of the ALA’s New Members Roundtable, so they may be expected to be aware of current LIS trends and terminology.21
Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors
Readers are primarily new members to the ALA, and are interested in reading the most recent LIS scholarly research, news, reviews and updates in order to further their education or careers, and to inspire their own research and writing. This is an ideal publication for new authors to consider, and as it’s part of the ALA, has built-in credibility and respect, as well as readership.
Last updated: April 22. 2017
- “About NMRT,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Endnotes Committee,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Endnotes Committee,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Endnotes Committee,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Endnotes Committee,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Endnotes Committee,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- American Library Association. (2014). Endnotes Committee. Retrieved from
- “Endnotes Committee,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Endnotes Committee,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Endnotes Committee,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Endnotes Committee,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Endnotes Committee,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Endnotes Committee,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Endnotes Committee,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Endnotes Committee,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Endnotes Committee,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Endnotes Committee,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Endnotes Committee,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Membership,” American Library Association Annual Report, 2015, American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Mission,” American Library Association Annual Report, 2015, American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Endnotes Committee,” American Library Association, accessed April 22, 2017,