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Library 2.0

Publication analysis

About the publication

 Title: Library 2.0


Website: https://www.library20.com/

Purpose, objective, or mission: This network is for librarians and others interested in web 2.0 as it applies to libraries.1

Target audience: Librarians and others interested in web 2.0.2

Publisher: Steve Hargadon.3

Peer reviewed? No.4

Type: LIS Professional and Trade Publication.5

Medium: Online.6

Content: Articles, announcements and forums, all things web 2.0.7

Frequency of publication: Irregular, determined by contributors.8

About the publication’s submission guidelines

Location of submission guidelines: None.

Types of contributions accepted: Comments and links provided by members.9

Submission and review process: Users join, are approved and then are able to join forums and contribute to discussions.10

Editorial tone: Informative.11

Style guide used: Informative.12

Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors

Authors interested in Web 2.0 technology will be able to find a lot of information in this forum and possibly establish beneficial contacts for collaboration. The discussion boards feature many testimonials from library professionals discussing their successes and obstacles with Web 2.0 matters.13


Audience analysis

About the publication’s readers

Publication circulation: Readership 60,000 people from 175 countries.(2020).14

Audience location and language or cultural considerations: Not specified, but this is an international community as members are from 175 countries. Predominately written in the English language; however, this is an international community and events from around the world are discussed.15

Reader characteristics: Librarian staff and LIS students interested in Web 2.0. The discussions involve all types of libraries, with an emphasis on how libraries are using Web 2.0 technologies. The community seems to be very pro-Web 2.0, with very little criticism represented.16

Knowledge of LIS subject matter: Readers likely have a better than average understanding of LIS issues.17

Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors

Writers well versed in web 2.0 and technology in general will be comfortable posting at this forum.

Last updated: April 10, 2020


  1. Hargadon, S. (2020). Library 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.library20.com/
  2. Hargadon, S. (2020). Library 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.library20.com/
  3. Hargadon, S. (2020). Library 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.library20.com/
  4. Hargadon, S. (2020). Library 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.library20.com/
  5. Hargadon, S. (2020). Library 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.library20.com/
  6. Hargadon, S. (2020). Library 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.library20.com/
  7. Hargadon, S. (2020). Library 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.library20.com/
  8. Hargadon, S. (2020). Library 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.library20.com/
  9. Hargadon, S. (2020). Library 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.library20.com/
  10. Hargadon, S. (2020). Library 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.library20.com/
  11. Hargadon, S. (2020). Library 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.library20.com/
  12. Hargadon, S. (2020). Library 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.library20.com/
  13. Hargadon, S. (2020). Library 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.library20.com/
  14. Hargadon, S. (2020). Library 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.library20.com/page/about
  15. Hargadon, S. (2020). Library 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.library20.com/page/about
  16. Hargadon, S. (2020). Library 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.library20.com/
  17. Hargadon, S. (2016). Library 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.library20.com/