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ALSC Matters!

Publication analysis

About the publication

TitleALSC Matters! (formerly ALSConnect)



Purpose, objective, or mission: Formerly ALSConnect, ALSC Matters is a newsletter for ALSC members highlighting activities and information of interest for librarians working with children.1

Target audience: LIS professionals who work with children.

Publisher: American Library Association for Library Service to Children

Peer reviewed? No.

Type: LIS professional newsletter.

Medium: Online.

Content: Apart from general ALSC news, ALSC Matters! also features:

  • Bright Ideas: highlights ideas in planning services and programming in libraries around the country.
  • Hear Ye! Hear Ye!: discusses resources, events, and honors of interest to ALSC members
  • ALSC Voices: highlights members, showcases ALSC profiles, and includes interviews with ALSC members2

Frequency of publication: Published quarterly.3

About the publication’s submission guidelines

Location of submission guidelines: Submissions should be sent to Laura Schulte-Cooper: lschulte@ala.org.4

Types of contributions accepted: ALSC Matters! is a vehicle for brief, current information, contains program news, committee news, relevant news and items of interest to our members and other librarians serving youth, ALSC Office notes, member news and profiles, conference announcements, and an idea exchange section.5

Submission and review process: Review the policies and submit a proposal to Laura Schulte-Cooper6

Editorial tone: Professional7

Style guide used: Unknown.

Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors

A great resource for librarians working with youth so if this is an area of interest or expertise, submit.

Audience analysis

About the publication’s readers

Publication circulation: Members of ALSC receive issues of ALSC Matters!, though non-members can also subscribe using an online form.8

Audience location and language or cultural considerations: Readers of ALSC Matters! are likely ALA members, therefore they will be North American librarians.

Reader characteristics: Readers are LIS professionals and those interested in children’s librarianship

Knowledge of LIS subject matter: Considering that ALSC is for professionals, LIS knowledge will be strong.

Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors

Readers of ALSC Matters! are professionals and students already involved in the field of children’s librarianship. ALSC Matters! may be a good venue for you to showcase projects that could be a source of inspiration, as well as relevant events and LIS happenings.



  1. “About ALSC Matters!,” ALA.org, accessed April 30, 2020, http://www.ala.org/alsc/alscconnectonline/alsconnectonline/aboutalsconnect/aboutalsconnect
  2. “About ALSC Matters!,” ALA.org, accessed April 30, 2020, http://www.ala.org/alsc/alscconnectonline/alsconnectonline/aboutalsconnect/aboutalsconnect
  3. “About ALSC Matters!,” ALA.org, accessed April 30, 2020, http://www.ala.org/alsc/alscconnectonline/alsconnectonline/aboutalsconnect/aboutalsconnect
  4. “About ALSC Matters!,” ALA.org, accessed April 30, 2020, http://www.ala.org/alsc/alscconnectonline/alsconnectonline/aboutalsconnect/aboutalsconnect
  5. “ALSC Matters!,” ALA.org, accessed April 30, 2020, http://www.ala.org/alsc/alsc-matters
  6. “ALSC Matters!,” ALA.org, accessed April 30, 2020, http://www.ala.org/alsc/alsc-matters
  7. “ALSC Matters!,” ALA.org, accessed April 30, 2020, http://www.ala.org/alsc/alsc-matters
  8. “About ALSC Matters!,” ALA.org, accessed April 30, 2020, http://www.ala.org/alsc/alscconnectonline/alsconnectonline/aboutalsconnect/aboutalsconnect