Publication analysis
About the publication
Title: Writer’s Digest
ISSN: 0043-9525 (Print)1
Purpose, objective, or mission: “Founded in 1920, Writer’s Digest is the comprehensive, multi-platform resource for professional and aspiring writers of all media, genres and skill levels. Our mission is to help ignite writers’ creative vision and connect them with the inspiration, resources and community they need to bring it to life.
- Fiction
- Nonfiction
- Poetry
- Screenwriting
From inspiring prompts, practical techniques and insightful interviews, to lucrative markets, publishing secrets, instructional workshops and professional services—plus a robust online forum for networking with fellow writers—we help writers develop their craft and hone their business skills at every stage of their career.”2
Target audience: Writers interested in developing their craft or learning more about the business side of publishing.
Publisher: Active Interest Media.3
Peer reviewed? No.
Type: Civilian magazine for writers.
Medium: Print and online.
Content: First-person essays, interviews with bestselling authors, profiles with emerging talent, practical technique articles, and tips and exercises on fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and the business-side of writing and publishing.4
Frequency of publication: 8 times a year.5
About the publication’s submission guidelines
Location of submission guidelines:
Types of contributions accepted: Opinion pieces, technique articles, market reports, author profiles, and more. Read the guidelines for more information.
Submission and review process: “We consider completed manuscripts on spec as well as original pitches. A query should include a thorough outline that introduces your article proposal and highlights each of the points you intend to make. Your query should discuss how the article will benefit our readers, why the topic is timely and why you’re the appropriate writer to discuss the topic. Although we welcome the work of new writers, we believe the established writer can better instruct our reader. Please include your publishing credentials related to your topic with your submission, along with a brief bio.” 6
Send email queries to the acquisitions editor at wdsubmissions [at] Include your name, address, daytime telephone number, and email address. Do not send attachments. Allow two to four months for a response.7
Editorial tone: “Our style is confident, authoritative yet conversational. Our voice is that of one publishing industry insider speaking to another—your trusted friend in the business.”8
Style guide used: None specified.
Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors
For those who want to write better, get published, and participate in the vibrant culture of writers, this publication intends to inform, instruct, and inspire readers. Readers look to Writer’s Digest for specific ideas and tips that will help them succeed, whether success means getting into print, finding personal fulfillment through writing, or building and maintaining a thriving writing career and network.
Audience analysis
About the publication’s readers
Publication circulation: 56,000 paid magazine circulation and 1.56 million page views monthly. 9
Audience location and language or cultural considerations: “We have a worldwide readership, but the majority of our readers live in the U.S. and Canada.”10 Writer’s Digest is published in English and would appeal to those who want to be better writers, and develop their skills and learn about publishing.
Reader characteristics: “The Writer’s Digest . . . community is highly educated and affluent, ranging from aspiring beginners to full-time professionals earning a living from their writing.”11 Readers are 69% female, college-educated, and 31% have been writing for more than 20 years.12 Writer’s Digest appeals to writers or those who wish to be writers. A reader would have to be interested in either becoming a writer or those working in the publishing industry.
Knowledge of LIS subject matter: While writers, in general, are fans of libraries, an in-depth knowledge of LIS subject matter should not be assumed.
Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors
Many of the readers will have the need for research services and library materials, indicating a familiarity if not a love of libraries. This suggests articles by LIS writers would be well received and presents an opportunity to promote all things library or discuss writing and publishing from a librarian’s perspective.
Last updated: September 24, 2020
- Writer’s Digest, Urlichsweb Global Series Directory, accessed September 24, 2020,
- “About Us,”, accessed September 24, 2020,
- “Writer’s Digest.”
- “About Us.”
- “Writer’s Digest.”
- “Submission Guidelines,”, accessed September 24, 2020,
- “Submission Guidelines.”
- “Submission Guidelines.”
- “2020 Media Kit,”, accessed September 24, 2020,
- “Submission Guidelines.”
- “2020 Media Kit.”
- “2020 Media Kit.”