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Publication analysis

About the publication

Title: GOOD

ISSN: Print: 1935-1488 (Ceased), Online: N/A 1

Website: http://www.good.is

Purpose, objective, or mission: “We are GOOD & Upworthy—a social impact company with a mass audience. We believe your purpose should be contagious. We work with brands and communities to create participatory campaigns and shareable stories that drive powerful results across business and society. Since 2006, we’ve been on a mission to help people and organizations be a force for good, together. ” 2

Target audience: People who want to make a difference in the world.

Publisher: GOOD Worldwide, LLC. 3

Peer reviewed? No.4

Type: Civilian publication.

Medium: Website and e-Newsletter. GOOD used to print a quarterly magazine but that has ceased, no information on the print publication could be found as of November 27, 2020.

Content: Current events; national and international news; political pieces; profiles of activists, community projects and organizations; fundraising campaigns; initiatives for change; social justice; and technology updates and uses. GOOD runs many articles about libraries in various sections of the publication. Potential authors can search the site for “libraries” and find hundreds of examples.

Frequency of publication: Website updated frequently, the e-newsletter, The Daily Good, is emailed daily. 5

About the publication’s submission guidelines

Location of submission guidelines: As of November 27, 2020, the links to the submission guidelines are no longer active.  Within the website, clicking the “FAQ” and “Newsletter” links sometimes found at the bottom yielded error messages. Performing a website and Google search yielded no results.

Types of contributions accepted:“We are not hiring. But we are always on the lookout for new talent, email your resume to jobs@goodinc.com.” and “Say hello. Email us at howdy@goodinc.com” 6

Submission and review process: None could be located. From the main menu clicking “Submit a Tip” and “Contact Us” take the user to the contact page as described above.

Editorial tone: Smart, hip, media/tech-savvy, polished writing.

Style guide used: None referenced.

Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors

GOOD‘s audience is one that would appreciate writing about LIS activities, projects, initiatives, technologies, etc. Examples include an article regarding crowd-sourced design initiatives in the Los Angeles Library system, and  the future of public libraries.


Audience analysis

About the publication’s readers

Publication circulation: 100 Million Monthly Audience. [ 7. “About.”]

Audience location and language or cultural considerations: GOOD has a global audience, though seventy percent of readers are based in the United States. Content is written in English. 7

Reader characteristics: According to the 2016 media kit, GOOD‘s audience is sixty-three percent female and thirty-seven percent male. Most readers have a four-year college degree and are under the age of thirty-five. Readers are cultured, well read, technologically savvy, and care about social and environmental issues.8 (*Note: As of December 5, 2020, the link to the 2016 Media Kit is no longer active)

Knowledge of LIS subject matter: The group is not made of LIS professionals, but as they are social activists, community organizers, and tech savvy, they will most likely respond favorably to LIS-related articles, particularly concerning support for libraries, LIS initiatives, and technology. As is generally best with civilian publications, keep the jargon to a minimum.

Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors

GOOD has a built-in, excellent audience for LIS articles, opinion pieces, and profiles. Readers are people shaping the communities we live in, who would want to know how they can help or better understand what’s going on in the LIS community, and how they can be a part of the bigger picture.

Last updated: December 5, 2020


  1. Good, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed December 5, 2020, http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/title/1607192246377/626469
  2. “About.”, GoodInc.com, accessed November 27, 2020, https://goodinc.com/
  3. “About.”
  4. “About.”
  5. “About.”
  6. “Contact.”, GoodInc.com, accessed December 5, 2020, https://goodinc.com/contact
  7. “About.”
  8. “GOOD Media Kit 2016.” GoodInc.com, accessed October 17, 2018, https://assets.goodstatic.com/s3/magazine/updatable/about/GOOD-Media-Kit-2016.pdf