Bioinformatics | Community Informatics | Digital Humanities | Knowledge Management
Explore resources for the emerging field of bioinformatics.
- Bioinformatics MS Program Coordinated by the Illinois Informatics Institute at the University of Illinois.
- Bioinformatics: A brief review of resources on the Web An article by Tina O’Grady published in College & Research Libraries News with explanations and useful resources.
- BioMed Central An open access publisher of online scientific journals, including BMC Bioinformatics, with a good search interface.
Community Informatics
Explore the connections between information, technologies, and communities.
- CIRN – Community Informatics Research Network Community Informatics Research Network is an annual conference dedicated to “improving the well-being of people and their communities through more effective use of information and communications technologies (ICTs).”
- Journal of Community Informatics An open access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to fostering awareness and responsiveness to Community Informatics and Information & Communications Technology (ICT).
- Make: Magazine Blog Stories on makerspace projects, maker faires and more.
- Makerspace Urbana An example of a makerspace community in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois.
Digital Humanities
Sources for learning about digital humanities from an IS perspective. For further resources that also serve as an example of DH guides prepared by a digital humanities librarian for library users, see the Introduction to Digital Humanities guide from Scholarly Communications and Publishing and the Digital Humanities in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia guide from the International and Area Studies Library.
- dh + lib A community to explore the intersections of digital humanities and librarianship, with volunteers curating a feed of key digital humanities tools, news items, job announcements, and other resources that members will find interesting. [For a parallel community that curates different digital humanities content, with a focus on applied digital humanities analysis by scholars, see Digital Humanites Now below.]
- Digital Humanities Data Curation (DHDC) An NEH-funded program to provide training for humanists and librarians involved in curating humanities data. DHDC has a workshop schedule and also an openly available DH Curation Guide.
- Digital Humanities Now A DH community blog that curates the best digital humanities related content from across the web. Different from dh + lib above because not focused on a library audience and more focused on blog posts/online articles that apply digital humanities methods to address humanities questions or theorize about digital humanities. Some authors of the selected content are asked to then go through a peer review and revision process that feeds a more traditional web-based scholarly journal, The Journal of Digital Humanities (currently on hiatus), which makes it a good example of new experimental models of peer review.
- HathiTrust Research Center The HTRC serves scholars who want to perform computational analysis of the texts held by the HathiTrust research center. Novices can experiment with their user interface, the HTRC Portal and Workset Builder, which allows you to run some standard text mining algorithms against a sample set of texts.
- The International Directory of Digital Humanities Centers This directory of digital humanities centers is searchable by keyword or by region of the world.
- NINES (Nineteenth-Century Scholarship Online) NINES is a research community focused on 19th-century literature and history. It provides a directory of relevant digital humanities projects that have been peer reviewed by the community, as well as discussion boards and a classroom space for instructors.
- TEI: Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines for representing text in digital form, particularly relevant to digital humanities projects, where TEI has become the standard underlying technology of text-based digital publishing projects.
Knowledge Management
Information and tools for managing knowledge in organizations.
- Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management by David G. Schwartz
- KMNetwork From the Brint Institute, an overwhelming amount of information on KM concepts and products.
- Knowledge Management A sub-set of the Free Management Library. Links to full-text content on various aspects of KM.