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The Crab

Publication analysis

About the publication

TitleThe Crab


Website: https://www.mdlib.org/content.asp?contentid=159

Purpose, objective, or mission: This is the official publication of the Maryland Library Association (MLA). 1

Target audience: The primary target audience is the association’s membership, which includes “library staff and trustees, library school students, libraries, and friends of libraries representing the full spectrum of librarianship in Maryland.”2

Publisher: Maryland Library Association.

Peer reviewed? No.

Type: LIS professional news.

Medium: Online digital publication.

Content: Coverage of the MLA annual conference; program and workshop reports; news about Maryland libraries and library people; articles on issues concerning libraries and librarianship in Maryland; reviews of books and other materials with local or state interest; letters to the editor.3

Frequency of publication: Four times per year.

About the publication’s submission guidelines

Location of submission guidelineshttps://www.mdlib.org/content.asp?contentid=157

Types of contributions accepted: From the submission guidelines, The Crab seeks coverage of the following topics: MLA conference; MLA division, committee or interest group news; reports on programs and workshops of interest to librarians in Maryland; news about Maryland libraries and people; articles on issues concerning libraries and librarianship in Maryland; reviews of books and other materials, based on their local and state interest will be considered for publication; letters to the editor – these must be signed, although names may be withheld from publications upon request.4

Submission and review process: Submissions should be via e-mail to editor Annette Haldeman, Legislative Librarian, Maryland General Assembly Department of Legislative Services, Office of Policy Analysis: Annette.Haldeman@mlis.state.md.us.5

Editorial tone: Informal, friendly.

Style guide used: APA.

Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors

This publication, as indicated by their mission, focuses on local Maryland library organizations, people, and events. An author with local knowledge or connections will find it easier to place a variety of material than an out of the area author. On the other hand, there are examples of articles that address larger LIS sector trends and activities. There are publishing opportunities for an author who can write in an accessible manner with a local connection to the Maryland audience. As with any publication, reviewing the past issues will provide a solid sense of what type of article the editor and readers would find interesting.

Audience analysis

About the publication’s readers

Publication circulation: The print publication is available for a subscription fee from the MLA (membership numbers not available) and is also available online for any visitor to read as well as back issues.6

Audience location and language or cultural considerations: Primarily people the State of Maryland, with additional reach to members in the vendor community that is not located in Maryland.

Reader characteristics: Association members include professionals, LIS students, and a large number of non-librarian staff members. Members/readers come from the full variety of library types and the full variety of jobs in those institutions. Some LIS vendors are included. It may be assumed that most readers will be sympathetic to libraries, understand their various missions, and will view themselves as important to their organizations and the achievement of their organizations’ goals.7

Knowledge of LIS subject matter: MLA members are mostly professionals in the LIS field.8

Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors

Considering the diversity of background, skills, professional duties, missions, and interests of the readers, authors should consider presenting material that is practical, general in scope, accessible in tone and language, and appealing to the interests of readers in the Maryland area.


  1. Maryland Library Association. (2020). About MLA. Maryland Library Association. Retrieved from https://www.mdlib.org/content.asp?contentid=151
  2. Maryland Library Association. (2020). About MLA. Maryland Library Association. Retrieved from https://www.mdlib.org/content.asp?contentid=151 
  3. Maryland Library Association. (2020). Submit MLA. Maryland Library Association. Retrieved from https://www.mdlib.org/content.asp?contentid=157
  4. Maryland Library Association. (2020). Submit MLA. Maryland Library Association. Retrieved from https://www.mdlib.org/content.asp?contentid=157
  5. Maryland Library Association. (2020). Submit MLA. Maryland Library Association. Retrieved from https://www.mdlib.org/content.asp?contentid=157
  6. Maryland Library Association. (2020). Join MLA. Maryland Library Association. Retrieved from http://www.mdlib.org/about/join.asp
  7. Maryland Library Association. (2020). About MLA. Maryland Library Association. Retrieved from https://www.mdlib.org/content.asp?contentid=137 
  8. Maryland Library Association. (2020). About MLA. Maryland Library Association. Retrieved from https://www.mdlib.org/content.asp?contentid=137