Updates were recently made to the Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections. Users of the IDNC will notice:
An improved image viewer
The Open Sea Dragon viewer is faster and more responsive. Try for yourself!
Pagination now exhibited underneath each image
Helpful when viewing larger newspapers with several pages.
Permanent links for each issue is now available on the left-side menu of each issue
Copy the persistent link to save issues for future research or share issues with others.
Updates to text correcting
Additionally, user text correction has a new feature that allows users to iterate through blocks in an article across multiple pages. This will allow users to correct an entire article easily, even if the article is on multiple pages.
New issues added
Several newspapers now have newly-added issues, including:
- Sycamore True Republican (Sycamore, Ill.)
Note: these issues are under the title True Republican (Sycamore, Ill.) due to the name of the run frequently changing
February 1, 1865 – February 6, 1875 - The Daily Illini (Urbana, Ill.)
- Western Citizen (Chicago, Ill.)
September 11, 1849 – November 23, 1852
Newly-added titles:
In addition to software updates, new titles were recently added to the IDNC. They are:
- Daily National Live Stock Reporter (East St. Louis, Ill.), 1 December 1916 – 28 February 1918 (380 issues). A trade newspaper devoted to the meat industry. **NEW COUNTY REPRESENTED**
- DeKalb County News (DeKalb, Ill.), 6 March 1867 – 26 February 1868 (49 issues)
- The Gargoyle (Urbana, Ill.), 1 November 1921 – 22 September 2006 (1066 issues). Student newspaper of University High School in Urbana, Illinois.
- The Perry County Monitor and Sun (Pinckneyville, Ill.), 21 August 1885 – 31 December 1886 (72 issues) **NEW COUNTY REPRESENTED**
- Strike Bulletin (Clinton, Ill.), 9 April 1913 – 12 May 1915 (106 issues). Labor union paper for the railroad industry. **NEW COUNTY REPRESENTED**
- Varpas (Chicago, Ill.), 3 October 1925 (1 issue). Lithuanian weekly.
- Vilnis (Chicago, Ill.), 22 January 1924 – 31 July 1951 (53 issues). Lithuanian newspaper.
- Weekly North-Western Gazette (Galena, Ill.), 4 April 1845 – 24 June 1851 (298 issues)
Of these new titles, three are from counties that did not previously have newspapers included in the IDNC. That puts Perry, St. Clair, and DeWitt counties up on the IDNC map!
And four newspapers from Sycamore (DeKalb County), Illinois:
- The Republican and Sentinel, 31 May 1854 – 20 December 1858 (219 issues)
- The True Republican (1873-1970), 5 January 1943 – 31 December 1954 (205 issues)
- The True Republican (1857-1861), 15 September 1857 – 12 January 1858 (13 issues)
- The True Republican and Sentinel, 9 October 1861 – 18 January 1865 (152 issues)