Recipes from the Masters: Holidays Edition: Volume 2

Are you a fan of super chewy cookies? If, so you may be interested in these Christmas cane cookies! I can’t say that I quite understand the association between the Holidays and these orange-ish flavored cookies, beyond the shape you can give them. Regardless, let’s jump into the recipe:   Christmas Cane Cookies Source: December […]

Recipes from the Masters: Holidays Edition: Volume 1

In the most recent adventures in trying to become a 1950’s housewife, I decided to try out several holiday themed recipes from our archives. The first of which, and the subject of today’s blog post, is for pie crust and cranberry pie. Just last year I discovered a love for cranberries and this recipe may […]

Recipes from the Masters: Testing Out Vintage Recipes

The holiday rush is upon us and that means one thing, a huge uptake in baking and cooking for the ones we love. While I tend to spend a lot the year eyeing new recipes I tend to not actually test them out until the holidays. (Personally, I’m notorious for baking at two in the […]

Cora Harvey, the “Queen of Hoboes”

In the 1910’s one woman made it her personal mission to bring attention to the plight of homeless people, especially homeless women. Her life story is not immediately clear and she does not seem to have any biographies written on her. Instead, her memory lives in the pages of newspapers. This is what we currently […]

Periodic Dose of Cute – Rags the Dog

It is absolutely no secret that Americans love dogs, a 2006 Gallup poll estimated that 44% of Americans owned a dog.[1] According to an article in the Atlantic Americans spent a combined $63 billion on their pets in 2016 alone.[2] This love for animals is by no means a recent phenomenon, as a series of […]

A Brief History of Advice Columns

In March of 1912 a lovelorn young woman wrote into the Rock Island Argus with a problem. At 20 years old she found that her boyfriend of 2 years was starting to hint that he was interested in marriage. Overcome with doubt, she wrote a letter to Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, the Rock Island Argus’ resident advice columnist. […]

The West Frankfort Riot of 1920

One fateful day in 1920 a grisly discovery sparked a violent riot that would shake the small mining community of West Frankfort, Illinois. On August 5th several hunters were trapesing through the woods searching for squirrels. Instead, they of finding the charming rodents they had been hoping for, they stumbled across a crime scene. There, […]

Welcome To Our New Website!

Welcome to the new and improved Illinois Newspaper Project Website! Starting in 1987, this project is aimed at identifying, preserving, cataloging, and digitizing Illinois newspapers. All newspapers that are digitized are housed on our Illinois Digital Newspaper Collection which can be accessed here.  To see where specific newspapers are held you can search by city […]

Recipes from the Masters: Horrific Mishaps Edition

But First:  The Recipe Three Squares unsweetened chocolate cut in pieces Two and one-half cups milk One and one-third cups sugar One-half cup corn starch One-half teaspoon salt Two tablespoons butter or margarine Three eggs One teaspoon vanilla One baked pie shell Add chocolate to milk and heat in double boiler. When melted beat with […]

Our Current Banner Image: Newspaper Hawker Selling the Chicago Defender

Our current banner image comes from the Farm Security Administration Photograph Collection at the Library of Congress. This photograph of a young, Chicago newspaper hawker (a familiar sight in American cities from the 1830s) was taken by Jack Delano , an immigrant who achieved considerable renown as a documentary photographer. The original film negative of […]