The INP is an initiative of the History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library and the Preservation Services Unit at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The Illinois Newspaper Project (INP) identifies, preserves, and digitizes Illinois newspapers. We also help researchers locate the Illinois newspapers they need through maintaining the Illinois Newspaper Directory. We lead and assist with newspaper digitization projects, and provide freely available access to digitized newspapers in the Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections (IDNC).

Have a question about reformatting or digitizing newspapers in your collection? The INP might be able to help! We can provide information on best practices, connect institutions with digitization vendors, and potentially add your digitized content to the Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections (IDNC). Fill out our general information form here.





The Illinois Newspaper Project (INP) is thrilled to announce that new content has been added to the Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections (IDNC). These titles mark the first batches of our statewide nomination opportunity hosted by the INP as part of our 2022 National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) grant. All titles digitized as part of the 2022 NDNP grant are also accessible through the national digitize newspaper database, Chronicling America, administered by the Library of Congress. Additional titles, digitized as part of a deal with, are also recently added to the IDNC. [read more]

Newest feature: Topical Research Guides

The Illinois Newspaper Project’s topical research guides compile newspaper articles that surround a theme, person, or historical event and freely available through the Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections. IDNC researchers can use these guides to explore new topics or as launching pads for your own research.

First topical research guide: The Illinois Central Railroad [read more]

New issues and titles in the IDNC: June 2024

Our team has just added three new titles, as well as additional issues to an existing title, to the IDNC. With this latest batch, we’ve added one new county (Morgan County) to our coverage map. [read more]

New issues and titles added to the IDNC

This newest batch pushed our collections over 250,037 digitized issues! All freely available for anyone, anywhere to use. [read more]

Advisory Board selects titles for digitization

The Illinois Newspaper Project is thrilled to announce that the advisory board has selected the following newspapers for the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) digitization grant: [read more]

Updates and new titles in the IDNC

Updates were recently made to the Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections. Users of the IDNC will notice an improved image view, pagination under each image, permanent links for issues, and updates to text correcting. [read more]

IDNC adds previously undigitized Daily Illini issues

Users of the Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections (IDNC), particularly locals or those with ties to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, may be acutely aware of the infamous gap in availability of Daily Illini issues from 1976 to 1992. The Illinois Newspaper Project is thrilled to announce that, as of this week, previously undigitized issues of UIUC’s student newspaper are now available in the IDNC for research. [read more]

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