When you search the Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections (IDNC), you are searching a small number of historical newspapers which have been digitized and ingested into the IDNC by the Illinois Newspaper Project.
Searches are made possible by Optimal Character Recognition (OCR), which creates text during the digitization process. OCR accuracy varies and is getting better as technologies advance.
We recommend a mix of searching and browsing in your newspaper research. For more information on how to search in the IDNC, see our help page.
Illinois Newspaper Directory
When you search the Illinois Newspaper Directory, you are searching bibliographic records that describe extant Illinois newspapers and holdings records with information on where researchers can find copies of those newspapers, including physical locations and online resources. Each holding record includes a list of which issues are held by each institution and a link to contact information for the holding institution.
Although we do our best to maintain holding records, please note that the Directory may not be up-to-date. For more information on how to search the Illinois Newspaper Directory, see our page linked below.